Yanqui tradutor Espanhol
964 parallel translation
A Yankee's Curiosity Punished and Rewarded
La curiosidad de un yanqui, castigada y recompensada
You know, Major Ranny was the fire-eatin'est soldier... that ever chased a Yank up a tree!
¡ El mayor Ranny fue el soldado más valiente... en hacer subir un yanqui a un árbol!
I took it off a rich Yank.
Se lo quité a un yanqui rico.
We came astern with a Yankee.
Topamos a popa con un yanqui.
"Louder, you Yankee pip-squeak," our captain yells.
"Más fuerte, yanqui chillón", gritó nuestro capitán.
If you order that animal to keep his nose out of my affairs, I may answer you.
Si ordena a ese animal que no meta su sucia nariz yanqui en mis asuntos, quizá le conteste.
Don't speak to the filthy Yankee hounds.
No hables con el sucio yanqui.
The judge is a Yankee, but he's honourable.
El juez es yanqui pero es honrado. - Gracias, coronel.
I won't be the only Yankee who'll be praying with you.
Recuerde que no seré el único yanqui, que rezará por Vd.
That ain't no Yankee talking just to hear himself talk, that's a Southern man and he mean it.
- No. No es un yanqui que habla solo para oírse, es un sureño, y habla en serio.
Then what are you bothering me for, Yankee?
¿ Y por qué me molesta, yanqui?
Couldn't you do something about that right now... as one Yankee to another?
Ahora, podría ayudarme a solucionar este problema... de yanqui a yanqui.
Do you know, in the States nearly everybody takes me for a Yankee.
¿ De veras? Resulta que en Estados Unidos todos me toman por yanqui.
Have the little Yankee join in.
Haz que la yanqui se nos una
The Yankee Wilkerson and the white trash Slattery girl?
¿ El yanqui Wilkerson y la chica Slattery?
Oh, my poor Ashley in a Yankee prison!
Mi pobre Ashley, en una prisión yanqui.
He's a regular Yankee now, and he was making a brag... that his carpetbagger friends done run the taxes way up sky-high on Tara.
Ahora es un yanqui, y decía que sus amigos oportunistas van a aumentar los impuestos de Tara.
Get off this place, you dirty Yankee.
¡ Lárgate, sucio yanqui!
Yankee coward!
¡ Yanqui cobarde!
Who that? A Yankee?
¿ Un yanqui?
He's a Yankee spy.
Es un espía yanqui.
That sensational mongrel with his pushy Yankee ride?
¿ Ese traficante de escándalos con sus prácticas de yanqui?
Another of his cheap Yankee tricks.
Otro de sus trucos baratos de yanqui.
- There's a US officer here. - For what?
hay un policía yanqui ahí.
Why, for two cents I'd take you out and shoot you down like a dog... you dad-blasted Yankee scum!
¡ Le sacaría afuera y le dispararía como a un perro sarnoso... miserable escoria yanqui!
McCoy and that gosh-dinged Yankee prosecutor of his... will be breathin'mighty heavy before I'm through with them.
McCoy y ese maldito fiscal yanqui... estarán jadeando antes de que acabe con ellos.
What do you want to know, Yankee?
¿ Qué quiere saber, yanqui?
That's a Yank stronghold and...
Eso es un bastión yanqui y...
It might give some bright Yank an idea.
Podríais dar ideas a un yanqui listo.
I'll have no yellow-livered Yankee in my house unless it's a dead one.
No tendría un cobarde yanqui en mi casa a menos que estuviera muerto.
It's the Yank, Bradford.
Es el yanqui, Bradford.
I got him for you, Yank.
Eso por ti, yanqui.
Yankee-Bravo-Delta 4792, calling the San Pedro marine operator.
Yanqui-Bravo-Delta 4792, llamando al operador de San Pedro. Operador de San Pedro, adelante.
Yankee-Bravo-Delta 4792.
Yanqui-Bravo-Delta 4792.
Yankee-Bravo-Delta 4792, calling any Coast Guard unit between San Pedro and Bristol Harbour.
Yanqui-Bravo-Delta 4792 llamando a la Guardia Costera entre San Pedro y el Puerto de Bristol.
I'll take my oath on a stack of bibles this high...
No voy a entregarle al sheriff esta vez. Porque de todos modos, Miller no es más que un yanqui.
Well, don't you shake hands with a Johnny reb?
Si no le molesta una mano yanqui.
They got that Yankee major as sure as you're shooting. Son, you stay here.
Han cogido a ese mayor yanqui como rehén.
We could run every Yankee clear out of the state, drive out every...
Podríamos echar del estado hasta el último yanqui. Y expulsar...
Hello, there!
- Es un yanqui.
You dirty Yankee!
¡ Maldito yanqui!
- Become quite a bally Yankee.
- Me he convertido en un yanqui.
Yes, I do. I heard every word he said, the dirty, no-good Yankee!
He oído todo lo que decía este yanqui mal nacido.
No. I'm saying he's a bad Yankee.
No, estoy diciendo que es un mal yanqui.
- I told you he was a bad Yankee.
Le dije que era un mal yanqui.
He was a slave owner himself but... he listened to a crazy yankee farmer and... caught fire from his words.
Él mismo tuvo esclavos, pero escuchó a un loco granjero yanqui y se entusiasmó con sus palabras.
- Good luck to you, Yank.
- Buena suerte, yanqui.
- Talks like a Yank, don't he?
- Habla como un yanqui, ¿ verdad?
It's bigger than that.
No mientras quede un solo yanqui en este estado.
♪ look away, look away
Pero el caso es que estamos aquí. Y me alegro de no ser yanqui.