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Yardley tradutor Espanhol

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I can remember not so long ago a penthouse on Park Avenue. With a real tree, and flowers, and a fountain, and a French maid. And a warm bath with salt from Yardley's.
No hace mucho estaba en un ático en Park Avenue con un árbol de verdad, flores, una fuente, una sirvienta francesa tomando baños calientes con sales de Yardley vistiendo con un vestidito de Schiaparelli paseando por el parque en un coche de caballos.
"Alexander Yardley."
"Alexander Yardley".
My dear Mr. Yardley I hope you will remember little me.
Querido señor Yardley espero que recuerde a su segura servidora.
Alexander Yardley?
¿ Alexander Yardley?
- Yes, this is Mr. Yardley's residence.
- Sí, es su residencia.
Good morning, Mr. Yardley.
¡ Buenos días, señor Yardley!
Yes, Mr. Yardley.
Sí, señor Yardley.
This is Alexander Yardley.
Habla Alexander Yardley.
How are you, sir?
¿ Cómo está, señor Yardley?
But I'm not sure I could do that, Mr. Yardley.
Pero no estoy seguro de poder hacer eso.
- Yardley wants to see you right away at his home on Long Island.
- ¿ Qué pasa? - Yardley quiere verte en su casa, ahora.
Now get this. Some fool nurse at a Naval hospital wrote to Yardley asking him to invite a wounded sailor to your farm for Christmas.
Una enfermera le escribió a Yardley pidiéndole que invitara a un marino a tu cabaña.
And when Yardley wants something, he gets it or else.
Y cuando Yardley quiere algo, lo consigue.
- It's Yardley.
- Yardley.
It's just a little trouble we're in.
Yardley cree que tengo una cabaña...
Well, I'll simply say, "Of course, Mr. Yardley there's nothing I'd rather do than invite this man..."
Bueno, simplemente le diré : "Señor Yardley, por supuesto que me gustaría invitar al joven..."
- It's out of... - Don't worry.
- Señor Yardley...
Mr. Yardley, there's something you should know.
¡ Hay algo que debe saber!
- Mr. Yardley... - This will be a great story for our next issue, Mrs. Lane. "American Hero Spends Christmas on Perfect Farm."
Ésa es una gran historia para nuestra siguiente revista.
Thank you very much, but I really couldn't...
Sí, muchas gracias, señor Yardley, pero...
I don't know how to tell you this, but...
Señor Yardley no sé cómo decirle...
I sent her to Yardley to talk him out of it.
Fue para hacerlo cambiar de idea.
What's the harm of having Yardley and a sailor at your farm for Christmas?
Invita a Yardley y al marino para Navidad.
Yardley and a sailor on my honeymoon?
¡ Ambos en mi luna de miel!
- What'll I say to Yardley and the sailor?
- ¡ Yardley y el marino!
Yardley will be here at any moment.
Yardley llegará luego.
I'm Alexander Yardley. - Yes, yes.
Soy Alexander Yardley.
- I'm delighted to see you, Mr. Yardley.
- Estoy encantado.
Oh, merry Christmas, Mr. Yardley.
Feliz Navidad, señor Yardley.
Yes, I specialize in fireplaces, Mr. Yardley.
Soy especialista en chimeneas, señor Yardley.
Mr. Yardley, this is Mr. Jones.
Señor Yardley, el señor Jones.
Oh, Mr. Yardley, this is my uncle Felix.
Señor Yardley, él es mi tío Félix.
Speaking of fireplaces, Mr. Yardley I'd like to show you a little ingenious thing I've invented.
Hablando de chimeneas... Me gustaría mostrarle un pequeño invento que le gustará.
Mr. Yardley, Elizabeth's a very busy woman.
Señor Yardley, Elizabeth es una mujer muy ocupada.
Oh, excuse me, Mr. Yardley.
Con permiso, señor Yardley.
Good night, Mr. Yardley. I hope you sleep well.
Buenas noches, espero que duerma bien.
Good night, Mr. Yardley.
Buenas noches, señor.
Mr. Yardley do you think Mrs. Sloan is happy with her husband?
Señor Yardley ¿ cree que la señora Sloan es feliz con su marido?
- You do it tomorrow just for me. - Mr. Yardley, I...
Mañana lo hará por mí, ¿ verdad?
Nora, Mr. Yardley wants to watch you flap... I mean, flip the flapjacks.
El señor Yardley quiere verla preparar panqueques.
- Mr. Yardley this is no time to take inventory.
¡ No es hora de tomar inventario!
- And where's Mr. Yardley?
- ¿ Y el señor Yardley?
- I'm going to tell Mr. Yardley the truth.
- Le diré la verdad al señor Yardley.
- It all sounds very wonderful, Mr. Yardley.
- Sí, suena muy bien.
Mr. Yardley, Mr. Jones is way ahead of you on flapjacks.
El señor Jones ya lleva mucha ventaja con los panqueques.
Anything you want.
Lo que guste, señor Yardley.
- Well, you see, Mr. Yardley... - Oh, just one to please me, huh?
Sólo uno, para darme el gusto.
- But, Mr. Yardley...
- Pero, señor Yardley...
And for dinner, Mr. Yardley, we will have potage Mongol with roast goose Bernoise, with walnut stuffing.
Y de cena tendremos potaje mongólico ganso horneado a la bernoise con aderezo de nogal.
What other matter, Mr. Yardley?
¿ Qué hablamos?
Yardley thinks I have a farm a husband and a baby in Connecticut.
-... un esposo y un bebé en Connecticut.

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