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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / Yaser

Yaser tradutor Espanhol

7 parallel translation
In the plane traveled the Prime Minister Yaser Kaskanian... who was heading to Geneva for the convention... of the heads of state of third world countries.
En el avión viajaba el Primer Ministro Yazer Kaskanian... que se dirigía a Ginebra para la reunión... de jefes de gobierno del Tercer Mundo.
Uncle Yaser.
A donde el tío Yaser.
Looking for Yaser.
Busco a Yaser.
I'm Yaser.
Yo soy Yaser.
Looking for Yaser.
Estoy buscando a Yaser.
Don't mind Yaser.
No se lo tengas en cuenta a Yaser.
Yaser told me what you offered.
Yaser me ha dicho lo que ofreciste.

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