Yearned tradutor Espanhol
192 parallel translation
While Aslaug faithfully yearned, Tore approached the Huseby farm.
Mientras Aslaug suspiraba, Tore se acercaba a la granja Huseby.
She yearned for nothing on earth.
Ella ya no anhelaba nada de este mundo.
Without knowing then that I was drowning in dirt, I yearned for a pure marriage -
Sin saber entonces que me estaba hundiendo en el fango... anhelaba un matrimonio puro...
"Is this the kind of happiness you've yearned for?"
"¿ Es ésa la clase de felicidad con la que sueñas?"
You know, as a matter of fact my inner soul has always yearned to express itself in the dance.
De hecho mi alma siempre quiso expresarse por la danza.
She's a breechy creature, always knocking down the fence and some kind of grass up in the canyon that she yearned for.
Es una criatura díscola. Siempre rompe la valla. Va a comer unas hierbas que crecen en el cañón.
You'll never know the agony it cost me sitting here, cool, while you talked about horses and I yearned to throw myself into your arms.
No sabéis que tortura era para mí, estar ahí, fría mientras me hablabais de caballos. Y yo entre tanto, deseando estar en vuestros brazos
You're everything I've ever yearned for in a woman.
Eres todo lo que he soñado en una mujer.
I am everything he ever yearned for in a woman.
Soy todo lo que ha deseado en una mujer.
♪ No heart ever yearned ♪ The way that mine does ♪ For you
Su corazón jamás ha deseado tanto como lo hace el mío... por usted.
Hasn't she yearned so much for this marriage?
¿ No soñó tanto... con este casamiento?
Excuse me. How I've thought of you and yearned for you!
Disculpe. ¡ Cuánto he pensado en ti y te he echado de menos!
I never yearned for military fame, which my subjects would have to pay for in blood and hardship.
Nunca ambicioné fama militar, por la que mis súbditos pagarían en sangre y sufrimientos.
Did you ever know that all my life I've yearned for people to bring out the best in me.
¿ Alguna vez te dije que me he pasado la vida buscando gente capaz de despertar lo mejor en mí?
Have you yearned for love?
Antes de conocerme, ¿ pensabas a menudo en el amor?
George, one of our negros came through the window and wrapped me up in the blanket lt's somehow---it's somehow I was hardly yearned
Traté de apagarlos. Comencé a gritar. George, uno de nuestros negros entró por la ventana.
Is something a man Had yearned for And something He m ight accomplish Given an extension.
Algo anhelado que deba completar... dándole una prórroga.
You yearned to live with me, but I couldn't accept it. It wasn't because I didn't love you!
Pero no te rechacé porque te odiara...
People who yearned for virgin land and a new life now had a highway to take them.
La gente que anhelaba tierra virgen y una nueva vida ahora tenían una autopista para viajar.
Musashi's heart yearned for confidence in his skills, and he set out to challenge Sekishusai of the Yagyu Clan, and his Shinkage style.
El corazón de Musashi anhelaba confiar en su técnica, y decidió retar a Sekishusai del Clan Yagyu, y a su técnica Shinkage.
He yearned to rest his head on his mother's lap.
Se moría por descansar su cabeza en el regazo de su madre.
Soldiers, here is the battle for which you've yearned.
¡ soldados! Este es eI combate que tanto han esperado.
So, my Tsar, you have returned, You for whom so long we've yearned.
Ya llegó el huésped deseado, día y noche esperado.
Once you spoke of the authorities who turned the law into instruments of oppression. But how would you faire in the new rearranged France you yearned for?
Una vez hablaste de las autoridades que convertían las leyes en instrumentos de opresión ¿ pero cómo funcionarás en la nueva Francia que tanto anhelas?
The fact that he was so stressed out... tells us that he yearned for something.
El hecho de que estuviera tan agobiado nos dice que anhelaba algo.
Soldiers, here is the battle for which you've yearned.
¡ Soldados! Este es el combate que tanto han esperado.
Today I have everything I yearned for
Ahora tengo todo lo que quiero
I've yearned for spiritual intimacy.
He deseado una intimidad espiritual.
He was a religious man and perhaps yearned for holiness.
Era un hombre religioso y quizá ambicionaba alcanzar la santidad.
Mussolini yearned for for an African empire.
Mussolini deseaba de un imperio africano.
You've no idea how I've yearned to hear these words.
No sabes cuánto he deseado oír estas palabras.
Can you imagine how much that innocent five-year-old child yearned for a mother and father?
Solo tenia 5 años. ¿ Comprendes lo inocente que es un niño pequeño que añora ver a su padre y a su madre?
You yearned for this world, for this time, for yourself, to leave this reality...
-.. éste mundo más allá del tiempo.
You always yearned for that, didn't you Harry or what?
- ¡ Era lo que estabas esperando, Harry! - ¿ Qué?
I yearned to spurt myself into the gutter.
"Anhelé derramarme a mí mismo con la manguera en la cuneta".
I have yearned for this moment!
¡ Cómo me habéis hecho desear este momento!
Yo soñaba con ser pianista.
But it might also happen that Victor Marse went out here where it might happen that he yearned for a hand to caress his own.
Pero también podría pasar que Víctor Marse salió de aquí donde podría pasar que él anhelaba una mano que acaricie la suya.
that he really believed and yearned.
que realmente creyó y anheló.
And there was! His soul yearned for redemption.
Su alma anhelaba la redención.
Since many of us have yearned for the gift of flight, the sport of skydiving was introduced.
Muchos tenemos la ilusion de querer volar. Se introdujo el salto al aire.
The secret of eternal life and immortality, that Pharaoh and The First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty yearned for, are said to be locked inside the Philosopher's Stone.
Se dice que el secreto de la vida eterna y la inmortalidad, anhelados por el Faraón y el primer Emperador de la Dinastía Qin, están encerrados dentro de la Piedra Filosofal.
Why did you not secure the maid for whom you yearned?
¿ Por qué, miedoso, no amarraste a la muchacha que amas?
What I have always yearned for I see in you. In you I have found all that I lack!
¡ Cuanto anhelaba, lo vi yo en ti, en ti encontré cuanto me faltaba!
You are the Spring for which I have yearned through the long icy winter.
Tú eres la primavera por la que yo suspiraba en el helado tiempo del invierno
I've yearned for you, my prince.
He anhelado estar contigo, mi príncipe.
You yearned to have a pet of your own. I didn't have the heart to deny you.
- Tú querías una mascota, y yo no tuve suficiente voluntad para negártelo.
If only you knew how I've yearned for this day to come.
Si supieras lo mucho que he ansiado este día.
Perhaps I gave her something you never could and secretly she yearned for my return.
Quizá le di lo que tú nunca fuiste capaz de proporcionarle. Y ella estuvo esperando mi vuelta en silencio.
I yearned to die myself.
Yo ansiaba morirme.
It walked under the sun and the moon over sand and stone sinned, felt pain yearned for heaven.
Caminó bajo el sol y la luna sobre la arena y la piedra pecó, sintió dolor anhelando el cielo.