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Yearning tradutor Espanhol

650 parallel translation
I survived through living hell... Ionging and yearning....
He pasado un infierno deseando y anhelando.
Yearning for long gone days.
Nostalgia de un tiempo pasado.
I only contributed the yearning.
Yo slo aporte la nostalgia.
Now yearning drove him back to his home district.
Ahora, la añoranza le llevaba de vuelta a su pueblo natal.
You'll never die yearning.
Nunca morirás de anhelo.
# I knew you would be drawn to this linden tree, # by the yearning for the Postmaster's child.
# Sabía que estaríais junto a este tilo, # Cerca de la hija del Jefe de Correos.
# I was yearning for you.
# En sus últimas notas
Such yearning when you beg for scrambled egg
Tanto deseo cuando pides huevos revueltos.
Now that I'm free and filled with an eager yearning
Ahora que soy libre y me llena Un ansioso anhelo
We abandon the primitive yearning of a savage for an object of worship - and focus instead...
Abandonamos las ansias primitivas del hombre salvaje... por un objeto de culto y atención...
Although you've kept me yearning
Aunque me dejaste esperando
I hope my yearning is through
Espero que la espera haya terminado
There's an oh-such-a-hungry yearning Burning inside of me
Me invade la pasión, Me quema por dentro
♪ That's why I look at the stars ♪ the mirrors of my yearning
Por eso miramos a las estrellas, forjando vida fuera de la luz.
It's the yearning of swallows.
Son nostalgias de golondrinas.
Swallows of one summer season, ever yearning for faraway skies...
Golondrinas de un solo verano, con ansias constantes de cielos lejanos...
Its yearning for distance will sleep in your mouth with the sweet fragrance of your one-time love...
Su anhelo de distancia se aquietará en tu boca con la dulce fragancia de tu viejo querer...
Its yearning for distance will sleep in your mouth with the sweet fragrance of your one-time love...
Su anhelo de distancias se aquietará en tu boca con la dulce fragancia de tu viejo querer...
It's yearning for distance will sleep in your mouth with the sweet fragrance of your one-time love...
Su anhelo de distancia se aquietará en tu boca con la dulce fragancia de tu viejo querer...
He'll go with me to the south, he'll show me the big world, the world I'm yearning for.
Se va conmigo al sur, me enseñará el gran mundo, ¡ el mundo que anhelo!
So great is his yearning, he ´ s even learned English that he may tell you.
Tan grande es su anhelo, que ha aprendido inglés para decírtelo.
# then will be silenced # the heart's yearning # and then will end... # my suffering, my pain.
# Entonces, será silenciado # el anhelo del corazón # y luego terminará... # mi sufrimiento, mi dolor.
A vague sort of yearning lt's like a catch in the throat
Una especie de deseo vago... Nace aquí y sube
We're burning, we're yearning
"Lo estamos deseando, lo estamos anhelando"
A tropical night, murmuring palms, the sea crooning a lullaby, the cicadas yearning for their pale lover, the Moon and the night fragrant with cinnamon and coffee.
Noche tropical, palmeras agitándose, el mar entonaba una canción de cuna, las cigarras anhelaban a su amante pálida, la luna. un perfume nocturno de canela y café.
Does he ever speak to you in burning words... that make you go half mad with joy and yearning?
¿ Alguna vez le dice palabras ardientes... que le vuelvan loca de alegría y deseo?
We wait now, wearied-out with yearning Lest sacred freedom come too late, As some young lover, too, might wait
Aguardamos, con esperanza angustiosa, los minutos de santo desenfado, como espera el joven enamorado, el minuto de la cita amorosa.
Perhaps in the sleep thou felt my yearning.
Quizás en el sueño sentías mi anhelo.
" yearning to breathe free,
" ansiosos de libertad,
And I do solemnly swear... that in that heart he will find no thought of war... but, rather, a yearning for lasting peace.
Y les juro solemnemente... que en ese corazón, no encontrará ansias de guerra... sino el anhelo de una paz duradera.
What is the reason why I want you With such a strong yearning
Por los que te quise Y te quiero tanto
# As I sat there yearning # # For one kiss #
Mientras yo estaba ahí sentada anhelando un beso
"Give me your tired, your poor, " your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, " the wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
" Dadme tus pobres y abatidos, tus hacinadas masas que libertad anhelan, desdichados residuos de tu fecunda costa.
On the contrary, I am beginning to feel a positive yearning for Brookhaven.
Al contrario, empiezo a sentir atracción por Brookhaven.
* keep the home fires burning * * while your hearts are yearning * * though your lads are far away * * they dream of home * there's a silver lining * through the dark cloud shining * * turn the dark cloud inside-out *
"Las mujeres colaboran". "Granjeras" :
Well, Richardson, I see you have that arm you've been yearning for.
Bueno, Richardson, veo que tiene el brazo que tanto quería.
My yearning, my aspiring. "
Mi anhelo, mi aspiración. "
And to the women God said, " Your yearning will be for your husband,
Y a las mujeres, Dios les dijo : "Tu añoranza será por tu marido,"
Once he drove me home from an all-night meeting, stopped his car on Earl Street. For no reason at all, he said, except he was yearning for my lips.
Una noche me llevó a casa después de una larga reunión y paró el coche en la calle "por nada", según dijo, sólo porque "deseaba besar mis labios".
To tell you the truth, I was yearning for his.
Le confieso que yo también deseaba que lo hiciera.
- No more what you call yearning?
¿ No más deseos de que la besen?
I've been doing a little yearning ever since you stepped off that plane.
Pues yo si los he sentido desde el momento en que la vi bajar del avión.
The fever of desire will inflame its yearning
La fiebre del deseo inflamará su anhelo.
And had a yearning...
Y ella anhelaba algo...
It is their own faith that brought them, Hugo, their yearning for peace on earth.
Fue su propia fe la que los trajo aquí, Hugo anhelan la paz de la Tierra.
% That old yearning %
Ese viejo anhelo
No yens, no yearning.
Tienes ante ti un hombre libre.
I have a deep yearning in me for you... for you!
Me canso de esperarte.
I love you so much, and I'm yearning,
que te echo en falta,
I'm yearning for you...
y que me canso de esperarte.
And me, oh, my, I start in yearning again
Y yo comienzo a anhelar otra vez

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