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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / Yoki

Yoki tradutor Espanhol

75 parallel translation
That guy Yoki, who supervises this place, is a fiend for money. He's the worst!
Ese Yoki que controla esta área es un cerdo y apesta.
Well, well, if it isn't Lt. Yoki. Welcome to my squalid establishment.
Teniente Yoki.
Lt. Yoki has been placed in charge of this coal mine by Central!
El Teniente Yoki ha venido aquí desde Ciudad Central para controlar esta mina. ¡ Calla!
I am Yoki, the one who runs this town.
el supervisor de esta ciudad.
By doing that, this will be all yours, Lieutenant Yoki.
Teniente Yoki.
That's impossible ; I didn't sense any Yoki at all -
Es imposible ; no sentí ningún Yoki -
If he completely suppresses his Yoki, then it will be quite hard.
será muy difícil.
The uncontrollable flow of the Yoki... stopped?
El incontenible flujo de Yoki... ¿ se detuvo?
There's a very massive Yoki present.
Hay un Yoki muy fuerte presente.
There's so much Yoki coming from her entire body that I can't even read the flow!
¡ Está emanando una increíble cantidad de Yoki de su cuerpo que no puedo leer su flujo!
What are these two ridiculously huge amounts of Yoki?
¿ Qué son estas enormes cantidades de Yoki?
Both sides have huge amounts of Yoki.
Ambas poseen una increíble cantidad de Yoki.
Repress your Yoki and change back into a human now.
Contén tu Yoki y regresa a tu forma humana ahora.
I sense that three abnormal Yoki presences have entered this town.
Siento tres presencias anormales de Yoki que han entrado en este pueblo.
Suppress my Yoki to the limits so they can't tell...
Ocultaré mi Yoki hasta llegar al límite para que no puedan descubrirme...
Teresa is the best because of her unparalleled ability to sense Yoki.
Teresa es la mejor debido a su incomparable habilidad de sentir Yoki.
She can sense every single flow of Yoki coming from a body.
Ella es capaz de sentir cada flujo de Yoki que emite el cuerpo.
Those who fight with Yoma powers have to send Yoki down to the body parts they use.
Aquellos que luchan con poderes de Yoma deben transmitir Yoki a través de las partes del cuerpo que utilizan.
Teresa can just fight without relying on sensing Yoki and finish her off by fighting normally.
Teresa puede luchar sin depender de su capacidad de sentir Yoki y acabar con ella luchando con normalidad.
She'll sense my Yoki and come after me.
Puede sentir mi Yoki y vendrá por mi.
You should be able to sense the Yoki from here.
Debes ser capaz de sentir el Yoki desde aquí.
There's one strong Yoki two average Yoki one small Yoki and one Yoki far greater than them all.
Hay un Yoki muy poderoso dos Yoki normales un pequeño Yoki y un Yoki mucho más poderoso que los demás.
There is disruption in the Yoki...
Hay una alteración en el Yoki...
I called for you since you're the only one who can sense Yoki from this far away.
Te llamé ya que eres la única que podría sentir el Yoki desde esta distancia.
The instantaneous bursts of Yoki aren't easy to deal with they exhaust her both mentally and physically...
No es fácil manejar las ráfagas instantáneas de Yoki la agotan tanto física como mentalmente...
The smallest Yoki and the weakest of them all?
¿ La guerrera del Yoki más pequeño y débil?
Reduce my own Yoki to nothing and sense every other Yoki around me.
Debo reducir mi Yoki a la nada y sentir cada Yoki a mi alrededor.
I must capture every bit of the Yoki... its size... its movement.
Debo capturar cada parte del Yoki... su tamaño... sus movimientos.
I should be able to grasp it all from the Yoki.
Debo ser capaz de percibir todo.
From the size and movement of the Yoki, I can predict all the courses of his attacks.
puedo predecir todos sus ataques.
She was fighting me by trying to read the flow of my Yoki. Even under the conditions of our sparring while we hid our Yoki, she was trying to decipher the Yoki inside me.
Ella estaba luchando contra mí intentando leer el flujo de mi Yoki. estaba intentando descifrar el Yoki dentro de mí.
The stronger the Yoki and the more Yoma power an opponent lets out, the easier it is for her to read it.
Mientras más poderoso sea el Yoki y más energía Yoma libere su oponente... le es más fácil leerlo.
I can't tell if you're strong or if you're weak... You can move pretty well when just reading the flow of Yoki, but once you switch to offense, your power drops. You need to switch between modes instantly, or you need to be able to read Yoki even while you're releasing your own Yoma powers.
No logro saber si eres fuerte o débil... tu poder disminuye. o saber leer el Yoki mientras lanzas tus poderes Yoma.
It doesn't look good. She used up all her Yoki to regenerate her arm, thus preventing her stomach wounds from healing smoothly.
No tiene buen aspecto. lo cual evita que se cure bien su herida en el estómago.
Damn, her Yoki is going berserk!
su Yoki se está enloqueciendo! ¡ Miria!
And, you ended up not awakening? I was aware that I had gone over my limits, but I suppressed my Yoki as much as I could.
¿ al final no despertaste? pero reprimí mi Yoki tanto como pude.
By almost awakening, has anything changed inside us? For you to be asking that, you must feel something, right? Before and after awakening, the quality of our Yoki has substantially changed.
¿ qué ha cambiado dentro de nosotras? ¿ verdad? la calidad de nuestro Yoki ha cambiado substancialmente.
Their Yoki have gone chaotic.
Su Yoki se ha vuelto un caos.
It appears the one with the strong Yoki said something that disturbed the other two.
Parece que la que tiene más Yoki le dijo algo a las otras dos.
The one with average Yoki is raising her emotions and arguing back.
La del Yoki promedio está aumentando sus emociones y discutiendo.
Compared to her, the one with little Yoki is rather calm -
la que tiene Yoki pequeño esta calma -
The Yoki of the one I thought had awakened has stabilized now.
El Yoki de la que pensé que había despertado se ha estabilizado.
Memorize the Yoki of those four.
Memoriza el Yoki de esas cuatro.
This medicine that suppresses my Yoki is both good and bad. While others won't be able to detect me, I also walked right into a town where other warriors are located.
Las píldoras que suprimen mi Yoki son buenas y malas. pero por otro caminé por la ciudad sin saber que había otras guerreras.
Wow, what a tiny Yoki.
que Yoki tan pequeño.
What is this irregular flow of Yoki?
¿ Qué será este flujo irregular de Yoki?
I can feel a boundless amount of distorted Yoki coming from within the castle.
Puedo percibir una infinita cantidad de Yoki distorsionado viniendo desde dentro del castillo.
This is what the Yoki was?
¿ Acaso esto es lo que emana ese Yoki que percibí?
There are too many flows of Yoki around here ;
Hay demasiado Yoki alrededor ;
¿ Yoki?

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