Yoma tradutor Espanhol
204 parallel translation
Hi, I'm Yoma
Hola, soy Yoma
She didn't give the Yoma a chance.
No le dió ninguna oportunidad al Yoma.
In the future, no matter how many Yoma come to this village and how hard you call for help, we will just not respond to your call.
En el futuro, no importa cuántos Yoma vengan a esta aldea, ni cuántas veces pidan ayuda, simplemente no responderemos a su llamado.
A village that doesn't pay gets destroyed by a large band of Yoma a few days later.
Una aldea que no paga es destruido por un montón de Yoma días después.
You said it as though we are the ones who send the Yoma.
Lo dijiste como si fuéramos nosotros quienes enviamos a los Yoma.
No matter how many Yoma there are or what the circumstances, it doesn't change your job.
No importa cuántos Yoma hayan o cuáles sean las circunstancias, tu trabajo es el mismo.
Find Yoma and kill them.
Encuentra al Yoma y mátalo.
A half-human, half-Yoma that the organization has given birth to...
Una mitad humana, mitad Yoma que ha sido creado por la organización...
No matter what kind of Yoma she faces, she dispatches them without ever releasing her powers.
No importa a qué tipo de Yoma se enfrente, ella los elimina sin usar sus poderes.
Therefore, her face never distorts into a hideous visage, and she maintains the face of a doll as she kills Yoma, in which her expression is said even to be smiling, thus giving her the nickname "Teresa of the Faint Smile,"
Así pues, su rostro no se desfigura horrorosamente, y mantiene su cara de muñeca mientras mata al Yoma, dando la impresión de que está sonriendo, dándole así el apodo de "Teresa de la Sonrisa Débil,"
The second you saw me, you should've released all your Yoma powers in preparation.
Al segundo que me vieron, debieron de haber liberado sus poderes de Yoma.
Th-The corpses all turned into Yoma...
Lo-los cadáveres se han convertido en Yoma...
To have been letting as many as seven Yoma dwell here without knowing it.
Han dejado que siete Yoma moraran aquí sin siquiera saberlo.
I felt the presence of seven Yoma when I was outside the city.
Sentí la presencia de siete Yoma cuando estaba en las afueras de la ciudad.
Umm, this is the reward for dispatching the Yoma for us.
Esto, ésta es la recompensa por deshacerse de los Yoma.
I recall she's the child of the last Yoma I killed yesterday.
Recuerdo que es la niña del último Yoma que maté ayer.
She wasn't even the child of the Yoma you killed.
Ni siquiera es la hija del Yoma que mató ayer.
She doesn't really talk, so I'm not really too sure, but it seems the girl knew that the man was a Yoma and that the Yoma dragged her around and they just happened to arrive in this town.
Ella no habla, así que no estoy muy seguro, pero parece que ella sabía que el hombre era un Yoma y el Yoma la tenía en sus garras ellos simplemente llegaron a este pueblo.
So, she was a Yoma's toy, eh?
Así que, era el juguete de un Yoma, ¿ eh?
I just killed a Yoma because it was my job.
Yo sólo maté al Yoma por que es mi trabajo.
No, no, but because of the long period of torment she received from the Yoma, she has closed her heart so much that she won't even speak, or so we think.
No, no, pero por el largo tormento al que la sometió el Yoma, ha cerrado tanto su corazón que no hablará, o eso creemos.
She was brought in by a Yoma.
Fue traída al pueblo por un Yoma.
I guess that last Yoma wasn't part of your request, but take it as a freebie.
Imagino que ese Yoma no formaba parte de su petición, así que tómelo como un regalo.
I killed that Yoma because it was my job.
Maté al Yoma por que es mi trabajo.
A Yoma?
¡ ¿ Un Yoma?
A rule for these half-human, half-Yoma, who are despised and feared by humans...
Una regla para estas mitad human, mitad Yoma, quienes son despreciadas y temidas por los humanos...
You got splattered with the Yoma's blood, and you smell just like it.
Fuiste salpicada con la sangre del Yoma, y hueles a eso.
The citizens of the town were scared of the girl that a Yoma brought in and didn't even bother giving her a bath.
La gente del pueblo estaba asustada de la chica que trajo consigo el Yoma así que ni siquiera le dieron un baño.
Those fresh scars the Yoma gave her struck fear in the people, as well.
Y esas cicatrices recientes del Yoma le infundieron un miedo terrible hacia la gente.
There's no doubt about it ; there's a Yoma among us!
¡ No hay duda sobre esto ; hay un Yoma entre nosotros!
We can't tell Yoma apart from us once they disguise themselves as humans.
No podemos diferenciar a un Yoma del resto una vez que se ha disfrazado de humano.
You're trying to say I'm suspicious for being alive when my wife got eaten by a Yoma, right?
¿ verdad?
I don't want my guts eaten alive by a Yoma!
¡ No quiero ser devorado vivo por un Yoma!
But they're the only ones that can tell Yoma apart from us once Yoma have disguised themselves as humans.
Pero son los únicos que pueden identificar a un Yoma una vez que se ha disfrazado como humano.
They can tell Yoma in human form apart from us and are the only ones that can fight them in this world.
Pueden decir quién es un Yoma entre nosotros y son los únicos en este mundo capaces de pelear con ellos.
Claymores are half-human, half-Yoma beings.
mitad Yoma.
They say their eyes turn gold when they fight Yoma.
Dicen que sus ojos se vuelven dorados cuando pelean con un Yoma.
They're half-human, half-Yoma after all.
mitad Yoma.
Will you be able to pick out the Yoma right away?
¿ Podrás distinguir al Yoma enseguida?
Either my corpse or the Yoma's will show up in the town some day. Of that, there is no doubt.
de eso no hay duda.
That's a Claymore... I thought they'd be more human, but that's just like a Yoma!
Eso es una Claymore... ¡ pero son como un Yoma!
Anyway, you'll take care of the Yoma, right?
¿ verdad?
Why you... There was the scent of Yoma about this boy, so I followed him, knowing you'd be close by.
M-Maldita... sabiendo que estarías cerca.
We have no choice because he might turn into a Yoma and assault villagers next.
No tenemos elección por que él podría transformarse en Yoma y atacar a los aldeanos.
... because he might turn into a Yoma and assault villagers next... Well, it's fine.
... por que él podría transformarse en Yoma y atacar a los aldeanos.... está bien.
This kid could serve as my hostage. They say you're half-Yoma, but Claymores were once human, too.
Éste chico podría servir como mi rehén. pero las Claymores también una vez fueron humanas.
You defeated the Yoma that ate my parents. I was so scared when my parents were killed, but I just pretended I wasn't.
Derrotaste al Yoma que se comió a mis padres. pero sólo pretendí no estarlo.
I'm not a Yoma...
No soy un Yoma...
She saved my life. I will return the favor, even if she is half-Yoma.
Ella salvó mi vida. aunque sea mitad Yoma.
Hey, is Clare all right? Because she is half-human, half-Yoma, we have no clue as to how to care for her.
Clare está bien? no tenemos manera de tratarla.
Yoma :
Yoma :