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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / Yossi

Yossi tradutor Espanhol

122 parallel translation
Yossi Kantz, Ariela Rubiniovitz
Yossi Kantz, Ariela Rubiniovitz
Yossi Yerushalmi.
Ven, Yossi.
Look, Yossi.
Mira, Yossi.
Hey, Yossi.
Oye, Yossi.
Shh, Yossi, they'll hear us.
Shh, Yossi, nos van a escuchar.
Yossi, they'll kill us if they find you here.
Yossi, nos matarán si te encuentran aquí.
But, Yossi, I love you more than anything.
Pero, Yossi, Te quiero más que a nada.
But, Yossi, you're not supposed to.
Pero, Yossi, No se supone que.
You were calling out the name "Yossi," Mrs. Horowitz.
Estabas diciendo en voz alta el nombre de "Yossi," Mrs. Horowitz.
We can name our next boy Yossi.
Podemos nombrar nuestro próximo muchacho Yossi.
Yossi, I'm sorry.
Yossi, lo siento.
And Yossi.
Y Yossi.
No, Jossi.
Yossi, no.
Enough now!
Basta ya, Yossi.
- I agree with comrade Jossi und Marx.
- Estoy de acuerdo con los camaradas Yossi y Marx.
I'd gladly be a communist, if I could keep peyots, tallit and kaftan. Is that possible?
Dime, Yossi, quiero ser comunista, pero conservando mis tirabuzones, mi talith y mi cafetán. ¿ Puedo?
- I haven't read Marx.
Yossi, no he leído a Marx.
Jossi, what are you talking about?
¿ Qué pasa, Yossi?
- Jossele...
- ¡ Yossi!
Jossi Weintraub, what are you doing?
¡ Yossi Weintraub! - ¿ Qué hacéis?
I have raised you as if you were my own son.
Yossi, te he educado como si fueras mi propio hijo.
Tell me.
Yossi, Yossi, háblame.
Jossi... My Jossele... you were a communist,
Yossi, Yossi, mi Yossele...
- Yossi is not going to like it.
- A Yossi no le va a gustar.
Call Yossi for me!
LLama a Yossi por mi!
Where is Yossi?
Dónde está Yossi?
We have online Yossi, a tough, commander of company, a real fag who ask to listen Meir Ariel.
Tenemos en línea a, un duro, comandante de compañía, un gay de verdad que pide escuchar a Meir Ariel.
Yossi, wait a sec!
Yossi, espera un segundo!
You have been the whole morning with Yossi. He didn't say anything?
Has estado toda la mañana con Yossi, No te ha dicho nada?
Talk with Yossi, i have to go to give rest to the sentinel.
Habla con Yossi, tengo que ir a darle descanso al centinela.
Yossi, The commander is looking for you.
Yossi, el Comandante te anda buscando.
tell me Yossi, would you stay with me if they would cut my leg?
Dime Yossi, Estaría a mi lado si pierdo una pierna?
you stick with Yossi and you screw Yaeli even if you don't care about her.
Estás con Yossi y tu jodes con Yaeli, aunque poco te importe ella.
Vardale, that's Yossi, he was the Lior's commander.
Vardale, él es Yossi, El comandante de Lior.
Which is one of 11 a.k.a.'s used by Abdul Al-Yossi.
Es uno de los once alias usados por Abdul Al-Yossi.
Under interrogation from the FBI we've been able to follow up on where Yossi received materials and financing.
El FBl llegó hasta donde Yossi recibió el material y la financiación.
An account in Yossi's name received a $ 105,000 wire transfer on the first of last month at Seaside Trust in San Mateo, California.
Una cuenta a nombre de Yossi recibió una transferencia de $ 105 000 el primero del mes pasado en el Seaside Trust, en California.
It's OK, guys, I Watched "The Bird Cage",
esta bien amigos. ya vi YOSSI Y GAGER.
Hello, Yossi, - It's Noga,
halo, YOSI.
- I know, Yossi, Where are you?
es NOGA. yo se, YOSSI, donde estas?
Who's Yossi?
quien es yosi?
Hey, Yossi!
¡ Eh, Yossi!
My friend Yossi.
Mi amigo Yossi.
Yossi spent some time guarding the settlement in Kfar Darom.
Yossi estuvo protegiendo el asentamiento de Kfar Darom.
My name is Yossi Amran.
Mi nombre es Yossi Amran.
Here - - "yossi amran."
Aquí tiene... "Yossi Amran."
Yeah, Nina, it's Yossi.
Si, Nina, soy Yossi.
- Jossi!

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