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You'd be doing me a favor tradutor Espanhol

146 parallel translation
Say, you'd be doing me an awful service if you'd help me out on this.
Me haría un enorme favor si me ayudara a salir de ésta.
You'd be doing me a favor.
No eres gentil conmigo
You'd be doing me a great favor.
Me haría un gran favor.
You'd be doing me a favor.
Me haría un favor.
You'd be doing me a great favour if you'd take them away.
Me harían un gran favor si se los llevaran. Un gran favor me harían.
I know you don't need the money, but you'd be doing me a favor.
Sé que no necesita el dinero. Pero me estaría haciendo un favor a mí.
You'd be doing me a big favor.
Me estarías haciendo un gran favor.
And you'd be doing me a favor.
Y me estarías haciendo un gran favor.
You'd be doing me a great favour if you forget the whole thing.
Me haría un favor si se olvidase de todo.
You'd be doing me a favour. Tell him with the best of wishes from his wife.
Me harían un favor, y denle recuerdos de parte de su mujer.
You'd be doing me a favor.
Me harías un favor.
Even if you had the guts, you'd only be doing me a favour.
Aunque tuvieses agallas, sólo me estarías haciendo un favor.
Oh, you'd be doing me a great favor if you'd leave!
Me harás un gran favor si te marchas.
- You know, you'd be doing me a big favor, Ms. Caulder, if you'd just get yourself right the hell out of my town before some innocent people get caught in your crossfire.
Me haría un gran favor si se fuera de mi pueblo antes de que muera algún inocente en tanto tiroteo.
You shoot me, you'd be doing me a favor.
Dispárame. Me harías un favor.
So, you'd be doing me a great favor if you would attend in my place, and escort Eve.
Así que me harías un gran favor... si asistieras en mi lugar y acompañaras a Eve.
You'd be doing me a favour.
Me harás un favor.
You'd be doing me a favor.
Estoy ansioso por morir.
So if you'd just let me make this phone call you'd be doing me such a favor, you really would.
Así que si me deja hacer esta llamada me haría un favor enorme, de verdad.
You'd be doing me a big favor.
Me haría un gran favor.
You'd be doing me a favor.
Me harían un favor.
You'd be doing me a favor if you would call me either Wyatt or Earp.
Me haría un favor si me llamara Wyatt o Earp.
You'd be doing me a favor.
Estarías haciéndome un favor a mÍ.
You'd be doing me a personal favor.
Y nos haría un favor.
You'd be doing me a favor.
No lo sé.
You'd be doing a great favour.
Me harías un gran favor.
No, you'd be doing me a favor!
No, usted me estará haciendo un favor.
Okay, you'd be doing me a favor. Milk?
Bien, me harás el favor ¿ leche?
You'd be doing me a service as a fellow Frenchman.
Es un favor que me hacen como compatriotas.
You'd be doing me a favor.
Estarías haciéndome un favor.
You'd be doing me a favor.
Me harás un favor.
This is really important. You'd be doing me a tremendous favour.
Es algo muy importante, me haría un gran favor.
Look, you'd be doing it as a favour to me.
Considera que me estás haciendo un favor.
You'd be doing me a favour, you Russian fuck.
Me harás un favor, ruso de mierda.
I'm serious, you'd be doing me a favor!
En serio, me estarías haciendo un servicio.
You'd be doing me a favor.
Me estás haciendo un favor.
You'd be doing me a very big favor.
Me haría un enorme favor.
And besides... you'd be doing me a favour.
Y además... me estarías haciendo un favor.
So if you decided to do this, you'd be doing me a big favor.
Si decidieras hacerlo, me harias un gran favor.
Ah, you'd probably be doing me a favor. Seriously.
Seguro que me hacías un favor, de verdad.
You'd just be doing me a favor.
Sólo tienes que hacerme un favor.
You'd be doing me a favour.
Me harías un favor.
Maybe you'd be doing me a favor.
Quizá me haría un favor.
You'd really be doing me a favor if you could just hang in a little longer.
Ella, me harías un gran favor si te quedas un poco más.
You're the demographic my client is interested in. You'd be doing me a favour if you drove it for a couple hours and tell me what you thought.
Eres el tipo de público en el que mi cliente está interesado así que en realidad me estarías haciendo un favor si lo condujeras por un par de horas y me dijeras que piensas.
You have some sick idea you'd be doing me a favor.
Porque tienes una enfermiza idea de que me estarías haciendo un favor.
Yeah, Pete said you'd say that. But he said to tell you you'd really be doing him a favor because the band thinks you're his Snuffleupagus.
Si, Pete comentó que dirías eso... pero me pidió que te dijera que le estarías haciendo un favor porque la banda cree que eres su inspiración.
And you'd be doing me a big favor with the party if you turn it down.
Y me harías un gran favor con el Partido si lo rechazaras.
If you ask me, he'd be doing this team a favor.
Hey, si me preguntas, le haría un favor a este equipo.
No, no, no. You wouldn't be doing the favor for me, you'd be doing the favor for someone else.
No, no, no, no, no te voy a pedir un favor para mí.
You'd be doing me a favor...
Me haría un favor...

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