You'll be happy tradutor Espanhol
2,204 parallel translation
As long as you show up, I'll be happy.
Mientras te presentes, estaré feliz.
You'll be Hector 3 if you go through with it. What I say won't stop you. Happy?
Héctor 3 serás tú si haces ese viaje absurdo que parece que, diga lo que diga yo, vas a querer hacer. ¿ Contento?
- It'll rain in London, you won't be happy...
- En Londres llueve. No serás feliz...
You'll be happy only when we open four more factories.
Solo seréis felices cuando abramos otras cuatro fábricas.
She'll be so happy to see you.
Se pondrá muy contenta de verte.
You'll be happy to know that everyone gets their own bed.
Estará feliz de saber que cada uno tiene su propia cama.
You have a visitor, She'll be happy to see you.
Tienes visita. Se alegrará de verle.
Thank you, he'll be very happy...
Gracias, estará muy feliz...
You'll be happy, too.
Serás feliz, también.
I hope you'll be happy.
Espero que seas feliz.
If you come I'll be very happy but if you don't You've taught me this It doesn't matter whether your loved ones hurt you or strangers it's always wise to forget the sorrow and move on.
Si vienes seré muy feliz pero sino... Tú me enseñaste esto... No importa quién te haga daño...
I'm sure he'll be very happy to see you.
Seguro que estará feliz de verte.
You'll be cheerful, you'll be happy.
Estarás contenta, estarás feliz.
Marc'll be happy to help you.
Marc estará feliz de ayudarte.
So you'll be happy to know I got you your own personal driver.
Así que te hará feliz saber que ya tienes nuevo chófer.
And I'll be happy to make the first move - by taking you out to dinner with the best of everything.
Y yo estaria feliz de dar el primer paso - invitandote a cenar con lo mejor de todo.
All I know, you'll be happy here, my love.
Sé aquí serás felices.
Well, come on upn I'll be happy to tell you anything you wanna know.
Bueno, vamos arriba. Estaré encantado de contarte todo lo que quieras saber. ¿ Sí?
re you happy, Granny, we'll be living with you?
¿ Estás contenta abuela, de que viviremos contigo?
You'll be happy.
Tú serás feliz.
I'll be happy to show you how it works,
¡ Sí! Estaré encantado de mostrarle como funciona,
Nothing yet, but I'll tell you, the dealers are gonna be making $ 10,000 a year less. And they're not too happy.
Nada de momento, pero déjame decirte que los repartidores de cartas van a ganar 10.000 dólares menos este año y no están muy contentos
You'll be much more happy when the war begins.
Estarás mucho más feliz cuando la guerra comience.
Now if you'd like to calm down and get your mommy or dad to phone back, I'll be happy to send you a pizza.
Ahora, si quieres calmarte y devolver a tu mamá o a tu papá al teléfono me alegrará enviarte una pizza.
I'm sure you'll be very happy.
Estoy segura de que serán muy felices.
She'll be twice as happy to see you here, too.
Ella estará el muy de contenta de verte aquí.
I'll be happy just to look at you from across the room.
Me alegraré con sólo mirarte desde el otro lado de la habitación.
You'll be happy there.
Serás feliz allí.
You know.Once she sees that her mom's happy, she'll come around. Just be patient.
Una vez que vea que su madre es feliz cederá, ten paciencia.
So I'm sure you'll be as happy as I was to learn his vigil wasn't quite so lonely after all.
Así que seguramente les alegrará tanto como a mí saber que su vigilia no fue tan solitaria después de todo.
I'll be happy just to get on with my life again, start trying to do good things for my family, make money and buy houses and, you know, sell them and get my little brother a good education
Seré feliz con retomar mi vida. Hacer cosas buenas para mi familia. Hacer dinero y comprar casas, venderlas.
If I look half as good as you in 20 years, I'll be a happy man.
Si yo me veo la mitad de bien de lo que tu te ves en 20 años, seré un hombre feliz.
You'll be happy, they'll be happy, and I can go home and enjoy some delicious fondue.
Serias feliz, ellos serian felices. Y asi podria irme a mi casa para comerme un delicioso fondue.
You'll definitely be happy.
Definitivamente serás feliz.
Please tell me that you'll be happy.
Por favor dime que serás feliz.
There will be some girl... you'll make very happy.
Ya habrá alguna chica A la que harás muy feliz.
Hope you'll both be happy with what you did, and piss on each other!
¡ Espero que seas feliz con lo que has hecho, y jodas a otras!
- You'll be very happy.
- Aquí serás muy feliz.
Amy, I can show you a place where you'll be very happy.
Amy, puedo enseñarte un lugar donde serás muy feliz.
Well, you'll be very happy to know that the lack of a desk or a chair with wheels hasn't stopped me from trying to figure out what is going to happen on May 11th.
Bien, estarás feliz en saber que la falta de escritorio o silla con ruedas no me ha parado mi intento de averiguar que sucederá el 11 de Mayo.
So I think you'll be happy to know that your little crowbar stunt didn't kill Happy.
Pienso que te hará feliz saber que tu pequeño truco de palanca no mató a Happy.
If you love me... then you'll want me to be happy, even if I'm not with you.
Si me amas... entonces deseas que sea feliz... aunque no esté contigo.
Well, I made a little decision I hope you'll be happy about.
Tomé una pequeña decisión que espero te agrade.
Um... well, i've hardly seen justin all week, But you'll be very happy to hear that
Um... bueno prácticamente no he visto a Justin en toda la semana, pero te sentirás muy contento de saber que,
Dan, if you want me to help you draft another version of it that doesn't shanghai every troubled kid in your area, I'll be happy to.
Dan, si quieres que te ayude a hacer otra versión que no presione a los chicos con problemas de tu zona, me encantaría.
I'll be happy to help you in any way that I can.
Te ayudaré en todo lo que pueda.
I really hope you'll be happy.
Espero que seas feliz, de verdad.
I'm sure you'll be very happy together.
Estoy segura de que serán muy felices juntos.
But you'll be happy to know that we are in counseling and we have recommitted to the marriage.
Pero te gustará saber que estamos en asesoramiento y nos volvimos a comprometer para casarnos.
I'll be away for a few days, and I'll be in a lot of pain, which should make you very happy.
Me iré por unos días, y me dolerá mucho lo que te hará muy feliz.
I'll be happy to assist you in increasing your credit limit, if you wouldn't mind answering a few questions.
Puedo aumentar el límite de su tarjeta de crédito si por favor responde algunas preguntas.
you'll be fine 927
you'll be okay 222
you'll be alright 46
you'll be late for school 19
you'll be all right 377
you'll be safe 116
you'll be great 74
you'll be surprised 28
you'll be late 57
you'll be just fine 20
you'll be okay 222
you'll be alright 46
you'll be late for school 19
you'll be all right 377
you'll be safe 116
you'll be great 74
you'll be surprised 28
you'll be late 57
you'll be just fine 20