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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You'll get hurt

You'll get hurt tradutor Espanhol

279 parallel translation
Before we're too close and before emotions get deep... we should just end it quick. That way, you won't be hurt and it'll be easier to forget me.
Es más fácil romper las relaciones... antes de que los sentimientos se hagan más profundos...
With no expectations on who or how she'll be. I don't want you to get hurt.
Sin expectativas de quién o cómo será no quiero que te hagan daño
You'll get hurt in here.
Temo por usted aquí.
One of these days, you'll get hurt.
Cualquier día se hará daño.
If you cry out, you'll get hurt
Si gritas conseguirás que te haga daño
Just drop it in the sack and nobody'll get hurt. Thank you, brother.
Échela al saco y nadie saldrá herido.
You'll only get hurt.
Te harás daño.
- Para o recibirás una buena.
You'll just get hurt needlessly.
Solo lograra lastimarse innecesariamente.
If you'll hand over quickly what you have, nobody will get hurt.
Si me pasan rápido lo que tienen, nadie resultará herido.
- And you'll get hurt.
- Y te lastimará.
- Are you afraid he'll get hurt?
- ¿ Tienes miedo de que lo lastime?
You stay away from guys like me. You'll only get hurt.
Aléjate de tipos como yo, sólo te harán daño.
- You think she'll get hurt?
- ¿ Cree que se lastimará?
You'll get hurt.
Te harás daño.
If you do, you'll get hurt. - Is that fair warning?
Si lo haces, te pesará.
You'll get hurt.
La bicicleta le hará daño.
You'll get hurt.
Saldrán heridos.
I'll tell him you'll let him get away because you don't want your guy hurt.
Le diré que lo dejarán libre porque no quieren que lastime a esa gente.
You'll be quiet if you don't want to get hurt
¿ Qué te pasa?
We're going to take the little old arm, and we're going to roll up the little old sleeve... then we'll get the little old needle and give you a little old shot... and it aint'going to hurt a little old bit. The what, the where?
Y entonces que, el donde?
Stay back, folks, you'll get hurt.
Atrás, amigos, podéis resultar heridos.
You'll never get her if you hurt Manda.
No la tendrás si tocas a Manda.
Don't get cute or you'll get hurt.
No hagas tonterías o saldrás herido.
You'll get hurt.
Resultarás herido.
Be careful, or you'll get hurt!
¡ Cuidado, os vais a hacer daño!
- Alberto, you'll get hurt.
- Te harás daño, Alberto.
- Let go. You'll get hurt.
- Suelta o saldrás lastimada.
You'll get hurt!
Vuelve. Te harán daño.
Look, if you'll just let him alone, then he might be able to get him down without anyone being hurt.
Si dejan que lo haga solo, puede que lo traiga sin que nadie resulte herido.
You'll get hurt.
Te harán daño.
You'll only get hurt.
Sólo acabarás herida.
Don't, you'll get hurt.
No lo hagas, te lastimarás.
You'll get hurt if you stay.
- Te van a hacer daño si te quedas. Vete.
I'll tell you one thing. If Morgan does manage to get the kid out of here, it could really hurt Craig.
Te digo una cosa, si Morgan consigue llevarse al chico, le haría mucho daño a Craig.
If you hurt her, I'll get you, savage!
Si le haces daño, te mataré.
You're an easy cuss to get along with. I sort of hate to hurt you, so I'll go along a ways. But I'm not going to jail in Buckley.
Bien no te será facil llevarme hasta allí, porque se adonde no voy a ir... porque no voy a ir a la cárcel en Buckley, que te quede eso en claro!
Get up or you'll hurt yourself. How are you, little Guido?
Levántate o te harás daño.
Spit it out or you'll get hurt.
Contesta o eres hombre muerto.
You'll get hurt You'll get run over
Pero, ¡ ay de tu sino! Algo se cruza en tu camino.
Careful or you'll get hurt
Cuidado o te lastimaras
- You'll get hurt.
- Saldrás mal parada.
You better watch out! You'll get hurt.
Será mejor que tengas cuidado o acabarás herido.
You re going to hurt yourself! And you'll get nothing for that
¡ Vas a lastimarte!
You'll get hurt out here.
Aquí te lastimarás.
Get out or I'll hurt you.
Iros u os haré daño.
You guys'll get hurt like that. All right?
- Os vais a hacer daño, ¿ vale?
Go away, you'll get hurt.
Váyanse de aquí, por favor.
You'll never get hurt if you crawl down.
No te vas a hacer daño si bajas arrastrándote.
Watch it, you'll get hurt.
You'll get hurt! Easy.
¡ Que os vais a hacer daño!

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