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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You'll never get away with this

You'll never get away with this tradutor Espanhol

126 parallel translation
You'll never get away with this!
¡ Nunca os saldréis con la vuestra!
You'll never get away with this in the world.
No saldrá impune de esto.
- Tom, you'll never get away with this. - Huh?
- Nunca te saldrás con la tuya.
You're mad. You'll never get away with this.
Estás loca, no puedes hacerlo.
You'll never get away with this.
Nunca se saldrá con la suya.
You'll never get away with this, Puffy. Um, hello?
¡ No podrás salirte con la tuya, Puffy!
Lower away! You'll never get away with this.
¡ Jamás te saldrás con la tuya!
Krueger y Gambini, nunca se saldrán con la suya en esta locura.
No se saldrá con la suya, sea quien sea.
Nunca se saldrá con la suya, Badeff.
- No se saldrá con la suya, Savage.
You'll never get away with this, Ahmad.
Jamás se saldrá con la suya, Ahmad.
And I can tell you this much, Yes- - you'll never get away with what you're doing.
Puedo decirle esto, Sí : Nunca se saldrá con la suya.
You'll never get away with this, Siegfried.
No se saldrá con la suya, Siegfried.
- You'll never get away with this.
Lo llevan al loquero a las 12.
You'll never get away with this.
No se saldrá con la suya.
You'll never get away with this, Pym.
Nunca se saldrá con la suya, Pym.
You'll never get away with this.
. No va a salirse con la suya.
You'll never get away with this.
Nunca te saldrás con la tuya.
You'll never get away with this, you porn merchant!
¡ Esto no quedará así, traficante de porno! ¡ Vaya!
You'll never get away with this.
Tu nunca sales con la tuya.
You'd never, ever, ever get away with this... in Prattville, I'll tell you that right now.
Jamás te saldrías con la tuya... en Prattville, te lo digo ya mismo.
We'll produce some, never fear. You won't get away with this.
Las produciremos, tranquilo.
You'll never get away with this, Doctor.
Usted nunca salirse con la suya, doctor.
Now, Jerry, you'll never get away with this.
Ahora, Jerry, nunca te saldrás con la tuya.
- You shit! You'll never get away with this.
¡ No te saldrás con la tuya!
You'll never get away with this. You can't kill a policeman.
No te escaparás, no puedes matar policías estatales.
You'll never get away with this.
No te escaparás de esta.
You'll never get away with this, any of you.
Ninguno de ustedes logrará escapar.
You'll never get away with this.
No lograrán salirse con la suya.
You'll never, ever get away with this.
Les juro que jamás, jamás lograrán salirse con la suya.
You'll never get away with this.
Nunca se saldrán con la suya.
You'll never get away with this!
¡ Jamás se saldrá con la suya!
You'll never get away with this!
No te saldrás con la tuya, bribón.
You'll never get away with this, you two-bit, filthy scum!
¡ No se saldrá con la suya, pedazo de inmundicia!
You'll never get away with this, you slime. Crime doesn't pay.
Nunca va a escapar de esta, El crimen no Paga.
- Shut up. - You'll never get away with this.
You'll never get away with this.
No te saldrá bien.
You'll never get away with this.
Nunca te saldrás con esto.
You'll never get away with this, Ernest!
Nunca te saldrás con la tuya, Ernest!
You'll never get away with this, Hapsburg. - Whatever it is...
Nunca logrará lo que quiere, Hapsburg sea lo que sea.
You'll never get away with this, Jeronahew!
¡ No se saldrá con esta, Jeronahew!
You'll never get away with this, you little mister!
¡ No te saldrás con la tuya, ladronzuelo!
You'll never get away with this, you diabolical fiend!
Nunca saldrás de ésta, diabólico vil.
You'll never get away with this.
Nunca te saldrás libre de esto.
You know you'll never get away with this.
- Sabes que nunca te escaparás con esto.
They'll never let you get away with this.
Te voy a destrozar.
You'll never get away with this, you know.
No saldrás viva de ésta, ya lo sabes.
- "You'll never get away with this!"
Nunca te saldrás con la tuya! " Espera... no, lo recuerdo.
- You'll never get away with this.
- No escaparán de ésta. ¿ Ah, no?
You'll never get away with this.
Jamás se saldrá con la suya.

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