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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You'll never see her again

You'll never see her again tradutor Espanhol

92 parallel translation
But what am I gonna tell Peggy? - What am I gonna say to her? - You'll never see her again.
Oiga, ¿ con la acusación contra mí, y el trabajo del banco, y el gran soplo por aquí, debería quedarme a que los polis me asen a preguntas?
You'll never see her again around this ranch.
- No volverá a verla de nuevo por estos lares.
I cut the ship's hawser and killed those two aboard her and I took her where you'll never see her again, none of you.
Corté las amarras del barco, maté a esos dos y me lo llevé adonde no pudiesen volver a verlo, ninguno.
Where you'll never see her again.
- ¡ Donde no pueda volver a verla!
I'll set you up on condition that you never see Susan again or communicate with her.
Que no vea a Susan nunca más ni se comunique con ella.
I won't be second best! Promise me, you'll never ever gonna see her again!
No seré segundo plato, prométeme que no la verás más.
If you say you love me, I'll never see her again.
Si tú me dices que me quieres, no iré más con esa mujer.
You said she might be dead, and I wanted to show you... that even if we never see her again, she'll still be alive with people who love her.
Has dicho que la hallaríamos muerta y quise mostrarte que incluso si no la volvíamos a ver, ella estaría con gente que la quiere.
You'll never be able to see her again. Your own mother!
No volverás a ver a tu madre.
Say you'll never see her again.
Prométeme que no la volverás a ver.
Let's remain friends or you'll never see her again.
Quedemos como amigos o nunca volverás a verla.
You'll never see her again.
No volveréis a verla.
You'll never see her again!
¡ No desaproveche esta oportunidad!
You have eyes, but you'll never see her again!
¡ Tienes ojos, pero nunca la verás de nuevo!
I'll never see her again if that's what you want.
No volveré a verla, si eso es lo que quieres.
You'll never see me again when you meet her.
Cuando la veas no volverás a acordarte de mi.
Be angry with her, or you'll never see her again.
Háblale enojado o no volverás a verla.
He almost whipped her and she said : "If you do, you'll never see me again."
El le quiso pegar con la fusta y ella le dijo : "Si me pegas, no me vuelves a ver."
- You'll never see her again!
- ¡ Nunca la verás de vuelta!
Charley, start whipping some ass or you'll never see her again!
Por favor. - ¡ Charley! Si no te levantas y disparas, no la verás nunca más.
Besides, you'll never see her again.
Además, nunca volverás a verla.
But you'll never see her again.
Pero no la volverás a ver.
You'll never see her again... our maid Julie.
Nunca volverás a ver... nuestra camarera Julia.
You're never happy, and now we'll never see her again.
Nunca has estado feliz, ahora nunca la veremos otra vez.
If you divorce her, I'll never see you again.
Si te divorcias, no te volvere a ver jamás...
But instead...'cause of you, I'll never see her face again.
Pero sin embargo por tu culpa, ya nunca volveré a verlo.
We have Debbie, and if you don't do what we ask... you'll never see her again.
Nosotros tenemos a Debbie, y si usted no hace lo que nosotros pedimos... usted nunca la verá de nuevo.
You'll never see her again.
Jamás volverás a verla.
Kill me, and you'll never see her again.
Matadme y nunca la volveréis a ver.
They'll catch you and I'll never see you again! he consoled her.
¡ Te detendrán y nunca te volveré a ver! - Volveré dentro de un rato. le dijo como consuelo.
- I'll take care of everybody's story... but you are never to see her or talk to her again. You got it?
- Me encargaré de la historia de todos pero nunca hablarás con ella ni la verás. ¿ Entiendes?
And then we'll deport you and you'll never see Sarawak, or her, again.
Y luego te deportaremos y nunca verás Sarawak, o ella, nunca más.
I want you to tell her right now that you'll never see her or bother her again.
Quiero que le digas que nunca la volverás a ver ni a molestar.
Tell her you'll never see her or bother her again.
Dile que nunca la volverás a ver ni a molestar.
Well, I want you to tell her right now that you'll never see her or bother her again.
Quiero que le digas que nunca la volverás a ver ni a molestar.
Sean, tell her you'll never see her or bother her again.
- Di que no la verás ni molestarás.
You'll never see her again.
No la volverás a ver.
After which, they'll take your child and you'll never see her again.
Después de eso, tomarán a tu hija y no la volverás a ver nunca más.
Then I want you to leave and you'll never see her again. You understand me?
Luego quiero que te vayas y que nunca la vuelvas a ver. ¿ Entendido?
All right. What if you lay your cards on the table and she stiffs us? Then you'll never see her again without an attorney and we are screwed.
Si pones tus cartas sobre la mesa y ella se niega a cooperar no volverás a verla sin un abogado y estaremos acabados.
You're talking like you'll never see her again.
Hablas como si no fueras a verla más.
forget her, because unless you do, you'll never see her again.
olvídala, porque como no lo hagas, no volverás a verla.
I remember being eight or nine years old and my grandmother dying and my mom saying "Oh, come say goodbye to Grandma, because you'll never see her again."
Recuerdo haber tenido 8 ó 9 años cuando murió mi abuela y mi madre dijo "Ven a decirle adiós a la abuela porque no la verás de nuevo".
You'll never see her again.
Usted nunca la verá otra vez.
You'll never be able to see her again. Your own mother!
No podrás volver a ver a tu madre, tu propia madre.
You'll never again see her laugh, never again be able to comfort her because this man couldn't keep his perverted urges under control.
Nunca más verá su sonrisa. Nunca más va a poder confortarla porque ese hombre no pudo controlar sus pervertidos impulsos.
You'll probably never see her again.
Probablemente no la vas a volver a ver.
Then you'll never see her again.
Entonces no volverá a verla.
And if you light a third one son before you smoke it make sure you take one last long loving look at your wife because in all likelihood you'll never see her again and if your itch drives you to light up a fourth time then it's the gas chamber for your brother if he survives the last onslaught and if he doesn't then your mother... remember to give her a warm farewell hug before you light that one and despite all of the above if you still intend to be as obstinate as a mule.
Y si lo haces una tercera vez Hijo, antes de fumar asegúrate de asegurate de mirar a tu mujer con mucho amor porque con toda probabilidad nunca la volverías a ver Y si el gusanillo te pica por cuarta vez, entonces será la cámara de gas para tu hermano Si sobrevive a la última embestida Y si no lo hace, entonces tu madre... Recuerda darle una cálida despedida Ya pesar de todo lo anterior, si todavía te mantienes tan terco como una mula.
- You'll never see her again.
- No volverás a verla.
You'll never see her again.
Nunca la volverás a ver.

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