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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You'll pay for this

You'll pay for this tradutor Espanhol

454 parallel translation
You'll pay for this, you- -
Pagarán por esto.
I tell you, if you've killed my sister, you'll pay for this.
Te aviso, si has matado a mi hermana, pagarás por ello.
You hear me on this, you'll pay for this.
Ya me has oído, pagarás por ello.
If you've wrecked my sister's life, I'll make you pay for this.
Si has arruinado la vida de mi hermana, haré que pagues por ello.
You'll pay for this with your greasy souls!
No te pongas histérica.
You'll pay for this.
Me pagarás por esto.
You'll pay for this, you slut!
¿ Quién va a pagar mi ventana?
Liar, thief, Jude, you'll pay... You will certainly pay for this. after rehearsal, every newspaper will tell about this scandal.
Farsante, ladrón, Judas, pero ya me las pagarás... después del ensayo, hasta los periódicos del escándalo que te voy a armar.
Peter Blood, I'll make you pay for this... if I spend the rest of my life doing it!
¡ Peter Blood, te hare pagar por esto... aunque me tome el resto de la vida!
You'll pay for this!
¡ Me lo pagarás!
You'll pay for this, my good man.
Tendrá que pagarlo, buen hombre.
We'll all pay for this, you know.
Sabes que todo esto nos cuesta.
Yeah, well, you'll pay for this.
Pequeño o grande, han de pagarlo.
You'll pay for this hat.
Pagará este sombrero.
You'll pay dearly for this!
Pagaran por esto!
You'll pay for this.
Me las pagarás.
You'll pay for this, Mr. Kerrotret!
¡ Me las pagará, Kerrotret!
"If you present this to my secretary I'm sure she'll be delighted to pay for me."
Lleve la factura a mi secretaria. Le agradará pagarla.
I'll be back and you'll pay for this!
Pero volveré. Volveré y pagarán por esto.
You'll pay for this.
Esto lo pagará caro.
I'll pay you for this.
- Te lo pagaré. - No, señor.
You'll pay for this.
Esta me la pagas.
Huh! You'll pay for this.
Pagarás por esto.
You'll pay for this.
Me las pagarás por esto.
I'll make you pay for this.
Te haré pagar por esto.
- You'll pay for this!
- ¡ Me las pagarán!
- You'll pay for this.
¡ Nos la pagará!
- I'll pay you back for this!
- ¡ Ya arreglaremos cuentas por esto!
You'll pay us double for this land than the Railroad?
¿ Pagará por esta tierra el doble que el Ferrocarril?
he'll pay for this he's to die tonight, my lord are you sure?
¡ Pagará por eso! - Tiene que morir hoy, Milord. - ¿ Lo sabes seguro?
You'll pay for this!
- Esto lo pagará caro, engreído.
You'll pay for this!
¡ Pero el pueblo está con nosotros!
That's the second window this month, and you'll pay for both!
Es la segunda ventana que me rompéis este mes. Pero te las voy a hacer pagar las dos.
You'll pay for this!
You'll pay for this, Custer.
Pagará por esto, Custer.
But this... you'll pay for it, I promise.
Pero esta me la pagarás. Te lo prometo.
You'll pay for this with every drop of your anaemic blood.
Vas a pagar por ello con cada gota de tu anémica sangre.
You'll pay off for this too, you dirty snipes.
Pagarân por esto también, japoneses sucios.
You'll pay for this. I'll have your job.
¡ Te quitaré el trabajo!
You'll pay for this!
¡ Ésta me la pagas!
Tetley, you bring those men in alive, or as I'm justice of this county, you'll pay for it and every jack man in your gang!
¡ Tetley, traiga a esos hombres vivos... o como juez de este condado, lo pagará... igual que todos los matones de su pandilla!
You'll pay for this, watch out.
Hasta pronto. Vaya con mucho cuidado.
You'll pay for this.
¡ Me las vas a pagar!
Look Haley... there's a check here for a week's pay for you... if this is another one of your brainstorms, it'll be your last.
Si ésta es otra de tus ideas geniales, será el último. Pero si es cierto, lo consideraré una bonificación.
You'll pay for this, you proletarian ruffian!
¡ Pagará por esto, rufián proletario!
Do you realize she'll probably end up with pneumonia on account of you? - ls this the sort of thing we pay taxes for to have teachers like you? - George!
¿ Sabe que probablemente tiene una pulmonía por culpa suya?
You'll pay for this.
¡ No tengo un duro!
You'll pay for this.
Pagará por esto. Cálmese.
- You'll pay for this.
- Me las pagarás.
Raibolini! This time you'll pay for everything.
Esta vez me las va a pagar por todas.
You doublecrossed me! I'll make you pay for this!
Traidora, basura, ¡ me las pagarás!

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