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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You're going to be okay

You're going to be okay tradutor Espanhol

494 parallel translation
Okay, Marty, but you'll be seeing her again... because we're going to find her and don't think for a minute we won't.
Está bien, Marty, pero vas a verla de nuevo... porque vamos a encontrarla y no pienses que no vamos a encontrarla.
Okay Vergisson, show me what you're going to do when you will be at the shooting range.
Ok Vergisson, muéstreme lo que vas hacer cuando esté en el polígono de tiro.
With my help, you're going to be okay.
Con mi ayuda, Usted va a estar bien.
Okay, if you're going to be suicidal, I'll stay!
Vale, si te vas a poner en plan suicida, me quedo.
Okay, as you're going to die soon, let me be frank so you can die in peace
Como pronto vas a morir, seré sincero contigo y así morirás en paz.
Now, you're either going to be quiet, or you're gonna go. - Okay?
O te callas o te vas, ¿ entiendes?
You're going to be okay.
Te pondrás bien.
- You're going to be okay.
- Vas a estar bien.
Okay. If you're going to be there...
Bueno, si vas a estar...
You're going to be okay, darling.
Todo irá muy bien.
You're okay, Reena. I think I'm going to have to be honest with you.
Está bien, Reena creo que tendré que ser honesto contigo.
You're going to be okay.
Vas a estar bien.
You're going to be okay.
No pasará nada.
You're going to be okay.
Todo irá bien.
You're going to be okay.
Estarás bien.
That's okay. I mean, look, when we figure it out between you and Thurston and Steve and Lee, we split up and, of course, I take my portion off the top, you're going to be making like $ 2,000 a piece.
Está bien, mira, cuando hagamos el cálculo entre Thurston, Steve, Lee y tú, lo dividamos y, por supuesto, yo me lleve la mejor parte, ganarás unos $ 2000 por unidad.
You're going to be okay!
¡ Todo irá bien!
You're going to be okay, buddy.
Vas a estar bien, amiguita.
You're going to be okay, you won't get hurt.
Esta de acuerdo, no saldra herido.
You're going to be okay.
Estaras bien, de acuerdo.
Now your father if you're going to be okay to broth, Teddy.
Ahora tu padre si que te va a poner bien a caldo, Teddy.
You're going to be okay, señor.
Estará bien.
Camille, Camille, it's okay, honey, you're going to be okay.
Camille, Camille, Está bien. Cielo, todo va a salir bien.
Just remember the steps I teach you. Okay? And you're going to be like Fred "Fucking" Astaire.
Recuerda los pasos que te enseñé y parecerás el jodido Fred Astaire.
You're going to be okay?
¿ Estarás bien?
- No? - You sure you're going to be okay about Bob?
- ¿ Seguro que estas bien por lo de Bob?
You're going to be okay.
Te vas a poner bien.
I'm going to put all your stuff in boxes. You're going to be okay, man.
Pondré todas tus pertenencias en cajas.
- You're going to be okay?
¿ Vas a estar bien?
It's all right, you're going to be okay.
Está bien, todo va a salir bien.
You're going to be all right. Okay.
Te pondrás bien.
You're going to be okay.
No va a pasar nada.
Sean, they're bringing in their top surgical team from DC. You're going to be okay.
Sean, están trayendo el equipo quirúrgico de DC.
You're going to be okay.
Vas a recuperarte.
You're going to be okay.
Detuve la hemorragia interna, vas a estar bien.
You're going to be okay, guy.
Te vas a poner bien. Vas a salir adelante.
You're going to be okay, Kid.
Vas a estar bien, muchacho.
- Okay, we're going to be upstairs studying if you need anything.
Estaremos arriba estudiando por si me necesitas.
You're going to be okay.
- ¡ 5000! Se pondrá bien.
You're going to be okay.
Estarás mejor.
Estarás bien.
You're going to be okay.
Te recuperarás.
- I think you're going to be okay.
- Creo que vas a estar bien.
Okay, Bobby, these are the shears you're going to be using.
Estas son las tijeras que usarás, Bobby.
But if you're going to be sexually active... there's a few things that you need to know, okay?
Pero si van a tener relaciones, necesitan saber unas cosas.
You guys sure you're going to be okay?
¿ Seguro que estaréis bien?
You're going to be okay.
Vas a ponerte bien.
You're going to be just fine, okay?
Todo saldrá bien, ¿ de acuerdo?
No, you're going to be better than okay.
No : estará mejor que bien.
Well, they've got her stabilized and it looks like she's going to be okay if you're at all curious about her condition.
Bien, la tienen estabilizada y parece que se repondrá si tiene curiosidad por su condición.
You sure you're going to be okay at your shop?
¿ Te irá bien en la tienda?

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