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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You're saying that

You're saying that tradutor Espanhol

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You're just saying that because she's pretty.
Solo lo dices porque es bonita.
Okay, that's not accurate, and you're saying it to me while I'm armed.
Bueno, eso no es correcto, y me lo estás diciendo mientras estoy armada.
I'm not saying you're gonna be hounded by the press, but you're gonna have certain responsibilities that are gonna come onto your doorstep that you may not particularly welcome.
No estoy diciendo que vas a ser acosado por la prensa, pero vas a tener ciertas responsabilidades que se va a venir a su puerta que no podrá particularmente bienvenidas.
You're saying that we're stealing from you?
¿ Estás diciendo que te las robamos?
So you're saying that Jeanine orchestrated this attack?
¿ Dices que Jeanine orquestó el ataque?
That thing you're saying, doesn't happen with me.
Esa cosa que usted está diciendo, no sucede conmigo.
So You're saying that they're married and they just happened to be placed right next to each other?
¿ Quieres decir que están casados y que por casualidad los pusieron lado a lado?
- You're saying that they will wait for ya?
¿ Decías que ellos te esperarían?
- You're just saying that, aren't you?
Sólo lo dices, ¿ no? Sólo lo dices.
Are you saying that you're a couple of goddamn Internet pranksters?
¿ Estáis diciendo que sois un par de bromistas de Internet?
- So you're saying that you're proud of what you did?
Entonces, ¿ estás diciendo que estás orgulloso de lo que hiciste?
Are you sure you're not just saying that because you're lonely?
¿ Estás seguro que no estás diciendo eso porque te sientes solo?
We're not saying that you have to give everyone the third degree.
No estamos diciendo que tienen que dar a cada uno el tercer grado.
- You're not just saying that? You're sure? - No.
¿ No lo dices por decir?
You're just saying that because you wanna wear it.
No. Solo lo dices porque quieres ponértela.
I'm sorry, you're saying that you...
Lo siento, estás diciendo que tú...
I first wanna start out by saying that, I'm about to tell you a very personal story, and If you get weirded out easily or you're not that open-minded... So you made a pretty powerful YouTube video about your experience.
Yo primero quiero empezar diciendo que, voy a contarte una historia muy personal, y si te resulta algo raro fácilmente o no debes tener tu mente abierta... así que hiciste un muy poderoso vídeo en Youtube sobre tu experiencia.
I think what he's saying is that sometimes in life, you know, you just... You're asked to leave it alone.
Lo que te quiere decir es que a veces en la vida te piden que dejes las cosas en paz.
So you're saying that those 15 years old boy without criminal was involved in this giant drug deal?
- Sí. ¿ Me dice que este chico de 15 años, sin antecedentes criminales estuvo involucrado en esta gran operación de drogas?
So you're literally saying that you want a short-term commitment.
Entonces estás diciendo literalmente que quieres un compromiso a corto plazo.
You're just saying that because you're my dad.
Sólo lo dices porque eres mi papá.
I'll tell you what. I think that having an audience of really, really pretty girls, who are all paying attention to you and kind of like what you're saying.
Creo que tener un público de chicas muy bonitas, donde todas te prestan atención y les gusta lo que dices.
You're saying that because he's backing my Party
Estás diciendo eso porque él está apoyando a mi Partido.
I'm just saying, you know, just that cops think they're all that, and I don't like it.
- Solo digo... Los policías se creen la gran cosa y eso no me gusta.
Is that what you're saying?
¿ Es eso lo que está diciendo?
My heart was saying that you're somewhere close and so I couldn't impress him.
Mi corazón estaba diciendo que estás en un lugar cerca de y por eso no podía impresionar.
- You're saying that if you had feelings for somebody that you wouldn't be nervous?
- Estas diciendo que si... tuvieras sentimientos por alguien, no estarías nerviosa?
You're saying that you need help from me, so you decided to douse me with freezing-cold ice water?
Dices que necesitas mi ayuda... ¿ y por eso me bañaste con agua helada? Anda.
You're saying that Genesis Defense Corporation was behind that?
¿ Defensa Génesis fue responsable de eso?
- Is that what you're saying?
- ¿ Eso quieres decir?
She's the hottest one here, and you're saying that I can't be into her?
Ella es la más candente de aquí, ¿ y me estás diciendo que no puedo estar con ella?
Is that what you're saying?
¿ Eso es lo qué estas diciendo?
I killed her? Is that what you're saying?
¿ Es lo que estás diciendo?
You're just saying that Geoff was in a strange mood.
Solo estás diciendo que Geoff estaba de humor extraño.
Is that what you're saying?
¿ Es eso lo que estás diciendo?
What you're saying is that in order for us all to be free, yeah, that we all have to be on our own?
¿ Quieres decir que para que todos seamos libres, todos debemos quedarnos solos?
Is that what you're saying?
¿ Es lo que estás diciendo?
You're saying it was for my sake you married that man and even treated his corpse like that?
¿ Estás diciendo que era por mi bien que te casaste con ese hombre... e incluso trataste su cadáver así?
You're just saying that'cause you're drunk.
Sólo lo dices porque estás borracha.
Is that actually what you're saying?
¿ Eso es lo que quieres decir?
That's what you're saying?
¿ Eso quieres decir?
You're saying that a Big Mac never goes bad?
¿ Una Big Mac nunca se echa a perder?
You're the one that had to write her that thank you note saying how perfect her wedding present was.
Tú eres la que le escribió la nota diciendo lo perfecto que era su regalo de boda.
So you're saying that you want me to get murdered first?
Así que, ¿ estás diciendo que quieres que me asesinen primero?
You're recently infected, that's what the doctor was saying.
Recién te infectaste. Eso dijo el doctor.
If that is what you're saying... well, then there is never any limit to our liability and that is the end of the insurance business.
Si eso es lo que sostienes, nuestra responsabilidad no tendría limite, y sería el fin de las compañías de seguros.
So what you're saying is that you support the bill in principle, but you're worried that an escalation of cost wouldn't sit well with your colleagues in the House?
¿ Entonces dice que en principio apoya la ley, pero que le preocupa que una escalada en los costes no les sentaría bien a sus colegas del Congreso?
So O'Brien and Montez are gonna get the storm photos? ls that what you're saying?
¿ O'Brien y Montez tendrán fotos con la tormenta?
So you're saying, then, that if Pied Piper didn't happen, you would still be working on your app?
¿ Así que estás diciendo que si Pied Piper no hubiese existido, todavía estarías trabajando en tu app?
And it's not like you're out fucking around, that's what I'm saying.
Y no es como si estás fuera de mierda alrededor, eso es lo que estoy diciendo.
So if you were all holding each other's hands the whole time, no-one could've got up from the table to stab the victim, is that what you're saying?
O sea que todo el tiempo han estado con las manos unidas, y nadie se ha podido levantar de la mesa para apuñalar a la víctima. Me están diciendo eso, ¿ verdad?

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