You'rein tradutor Espanhol
161 parallel translation
You're like an unbroken colt, and all I can do is give you rein till you wear yourself out.
Eres como un potro no domado, y sólo puedo soltarte la rienda hasta cansarte. - Bien.
You rein that in.
Guárdate eso.
- And you rein him in?
¿ Y tú lo dominas? Sí.
The rider looked into two sparkling eyes and, confused by them, he forgot to rein in the horse and nearly made an unwilling bow to the beauty, so that was you?
El caballero empero vio dos ojos relucientes, que le hicieron olvidar, confundido, deslumbrado, barajar el corcel y a poco ofrece a la bella una caida involuntaria, asi que erais vos?
- Sie duerfen hier nicht rein. - If you don't mind, I must... - Was?
Mire, si no le importa, debo...
I give you free rein, only get him.
¡ Tienen carta blanca, atrápenle!
Why don't you put a rein to your nimble imagination, girl?
¿ Por qué no le pones riendas a tu desbocada imaginación?
As you all know, I have always been particularly insistent... that those children so inclined... be given free rein to express their talents.
Como ya saben todos, siempre he insistido... en que los niños tengan rienda libre para expresar sus dones.
And let you have a free rein with all those men?
¿ Y darte rienda suelta con todos esos hombres?
I've given you too much rein, and have ignored your bad attitude.
Tu cuarto es un establo.
I scarcely think you'rein a position to pass judgement.
No creo que esté en disposición de hacer ningún juicio.
I give you free rein to choose.
En eso le doy carta blanca.
You know, there's another reason why I'm glad you've decided to go in with me. I'm not as young as I was, and I want someone to have a firm rein on the business - for Elizabeth's sake.
La otra razón que me alegra de que te asocies conmigo Stephen, es porque yo ya estoy viejo y necesito una mano firme para que lleve el negocio, para la seguridad de Elizabeth, es lo único que tengo.
But your kind should be held in rein. You're right, of course.
- Pero no conviene darle muchas libertades.
- Good. Follow up without me. You have free rein.
- Muy bien, llévelo a comisaría sin pérdida de tiempo.
- Who put you on such a tight rein?
- ¿ Quién le ha puesto la brida al cuello?
Como sabes, Max, CONTROL lleva un estricta vigilancia de los amigos y familiares de todos nuestros agentes.
What am I supposed to do, keep a rein on you 24 hours a day?
¿ Qué debo hacer, mantenerlos a raya 24 horas al día?
Yours is a madman's story, and they're wrong in giving you free rein.
Es una historia de locos y hacen mal en hacerle caso.
You're gonna have to take a tighter rein'cause I did clock you doing almost 90 a ways back there.
Tendrá que llevar las riendas más firmes porque registré que recién iba a casi 90.
You'd better give rein to your temperament on the dance-floor.
Sera mejor que des rienda suelta a tu temperamento en el baile
I gave you free rein.
Le di rienda suelta.
You can give free rein to your feelings.
Usted puede dar rienda suelta a sus sentimientos.
You must keep a tight rein on him, Lord Nobukado.
Debes llevar un estricto control sobre él.
Nope. You'rein business.
- No, tú estás en marcha.
- I bet you keep him on a tight rein.
- Seguro que usted lo domina.
Mr Foley, I feel that once again I must rein you in.
Sr. Foley, siento nuevamente que debo contenerlo.
Wesley, you are going to have to keep a... a rein on Dirgo. He's willful, stubborn. That's dangerous.
Wesley vas a tener que...
You have had a free rein over us, but I'm telling you... As of this moment, it's over!
Hasta ahora has hecho lo que has querido, pero ya se acabó.
If even you admit your chances are nearly nil, why rein your life for...?
Tú misma confiesas que la probabilidad es casi nula. ¿ Arruinarás tu vida por ello?
You give your imagination just as free a rein as Madame de Saint-Fond.
Tú das rienda suelta a tu imaginación del mismo modo que la Sra. de Saint-Fond.
I've given you free rein... since you helped create the Mobile Police.
Le he dado rienda suelta... ya que me ayudo a crear la Policía Móvil.
He was playing you and you couldn't rein yourself in, and now we can't trade him for Lilly.
Estaba manipulándote y no pudiste contenerte. No podremos cambiarlo por Lilly.
When a bearing rein is tightened, it pulls back your head... so that you have to carry it uncomfortably high.
Tiran de la rienda haciendo que tu cabeza sea jalada hacia atras tanto que la tienes que llevar incomodamente alta.
Why don't you just hand me my bronc rein?
Por qué no solo me pasas mi rienda bronco.
You have free rein.
Tienes carta blanca.
My father gave you a free rein but it's different now.
Mi padre te dio rienda suelta pero ahora es diferente.
Listen, do you mind if we take a rein check?
¿ Te importa si lo dejamos para después?
What God needs you to do is to rein in your basic instincts.
Dios necesita que controles tus instintos básicos.
You know, provincial women always make you become someone else. That's why I have to do "evil" every now and then and "give free rein to the rest of my wants," as Zaira calls my adventures.
Bueno, ya conoces a las mujeres, siempre buscan la manera de darte vuelta... por eso es que cada tanto lo pongo muy en claro, que seguiré dando rienda suelta a mis deseos.
I'm going to ask Michael to keep a tighter rein on you.
Voy a pedirle a Michael que mantenga las riendas firmes.
- You want to rein me in?
- No se está ayudando, señor.
So while you're a guest with us, if you could rein in those baser instincts, if you don't mind?
Así que mientras seas nuestro huésped, ¿ podrías refrenar esos bajos instintos, si no te importa?
Isn't part of the breaking up process that you get free rein to whine to your friends? Of course you do.
¿ No es parte del proceso de separación tener todo el derecho de quejarte con tus amigas?
But I do need you to run a search and rein in our new citizens.
Necesito que busque y ponga riendas a los nuevos ciudadanos.
You gave Darla and Drusilla free rein?
¿ Diste a Darla y Drusilla rienda suelta?
Like, if you would rein in your squad... and if you could be so kind as to keep us informed as to status.
Como que va a controlar a su gente y como que tendrá la amabilidad de mantenernos informados.
But have you ever asked yourself, Braca, why do they give us so much rein?
Pero siempre tienes que preguntarte a ti mismo, Braca ¿ por qué nos han dado tanta libertad?
Uh, bueno, yo... supongo que das rienda suelta a tu decorador.
When we'rein with Sam mention you've heard he's the man.
Cuando veamos a Sam dile que sabes que él es importante.
Remember, I want you to give free rein to your imagination.
Recuerden liberar la imaginación.
you're cute 195
you're welcome 5601
you're right 14205
you're awesome 166
you're so pretty 112
you're so stupid 85
you're not my type 58
you're so handsome 35
you're so sweet 212
you're sorry 317
you're welcome 5601
you're right 14205
you're awesome 166
you're so pretty 112
you're so stupid 85
you're not my type 58
you're so handsome 35
you're so sweet 212
you're sorry 317
you're 4202
you're so cute 124
you're so welcome 43
you're doing great 645
you're fired 1000
you're something else 41
you're so mean 39
you're my rock 22
you're so cool 35
you're so sexy 27
you're so cute 124
you're so welcome 43
you're doing great 645
you're fired 1000
you're something else 41
you're so mean 39
you're my rock 22
you're so cool 35
you're so sexy 27