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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You've been through so much

You've been through so much tradutor Espanhol

89 parallel translation
Oh, you've been through so much.
- Has sufrido tanto.
You can't get mad at me. We've been through too much together. You don't know anything about her, so shut up!
Puede que aún no me quiera, pero no está enamorada de otro.
After all, you've been through so much.
Al fin y al cabo, lo ha pasado muy mal.
I know you've been through so much - those years at the camp, and -
Sé que pasaste por muchas cosas... ... aquellos años en eI campo de concentración y...
Well Harold, you know of course, I don't have to tell you what you've meant to me. We've been through so much together.......... and here we are in life, in death we face it together.
Bueno Harold, no es preciso que te diga lo que significaste para mi, hemos pasado por tanto juntos y aquí estamos en la vida y en la muerte, siempre juntos.
You've been through so damn much lately.
Ultimamente lo has pasado jodidamente mal.
I don't understand you. We've been through so much together.
Hemos pasado por mucho juntos.
You've been through so much.
Has sufrido mucho.
You've been through so much.
Han sido tantas emociones.
But you know, Quinn, we've been through so much together.
Pero sabes Quinn, hemos pasado tanto juntos.
- You've been through so much.
- Has sufrido mucho.
We've been through so much together, you and me, as friends.
hemos pasado por muchas cosas juntos, tu y yo, como amigos.
You've been through so much since then.
Ya hace mucho desde entonces.
I just have so much in the attic I've been meaning to go through. I thought you might know of a church or civic organization... that could use a donation.
Tengo cosas en el ático que no uso y pensé... que quizás conozcas una iglesia o una organización que necesite donaciones.
It's like this, Pooja. You've been through so much, if you think of it
Mira Pooja.
I just- - look, you've been through so much stuff with men.
Yo sólo... Has pasado por tantas cosas con los hombres.
I know you've been through so much.
Sé que has pasado por mucho.
You've been through so much, and I didn't want to hurt you like that.
Has pasado por muchas cosas y no quería lastimarte así.
But you've been through so much tonight... that I thought that...
Pasaste por tantas cosas esta noche, que pensé que...
How could you do that to me? We've been through so much, we're like brothers.
¿ Cómo has hecho eso, si somos como hermanos?
You've been through so much.
Quiero decir, has pasado por tantas cosas..
You were in a comma for 3 months Jonathan, it's hard not to worry when you've been through so much
Estuviste 3 meses en coma, Jonathan, es difícil no preocuparse después de todo lo que has pasado
You've been through so much.
Has pasado por tantas cosas...
You've already been through so much.
Han sufrido mucho.
We've been through so much, you know, so fast.
Hemos vivido tantas cosas tan rápido.
You've been through so much pain, I didn't want you to go through any more.
- Kit's told me so much about you. I understand you've been through some difficulty.
Espero que tengas ganas de hablarme mañana.
You know I do, but we've been through so much in such a short time.
Lo sabes, pero hemos pasado tanto en tan poco tiempo.
But you will think so much better, so much clearer, once you've been through the change.
Pero pensarás tanto mejor con muchísima más claridad una vez que hayas pasado por el cambio.
Amelia, you've been through so much trauma already.
Amelia, ya sufriste demasiado trauma.
You've been through so much recently.
Has pasado por mucho recientemente.
You say that like it's so easy. This is so much bigger than anything we've ever been through.
No lo digas así, esto es más grande que cualquier cosa que hayamos vivido.
My parents have helped a lot of people, and they've been through so much. Can't you just leave them alone?
Mis padres han ayudado a mucha gente y han pasado por muchas cosas, ¿ no pueden dejarlos tranquilos?
You know, we've been through so much together.
Hemos pasado por muchas cosas juntos.
And as you just said, You've been through so much for your family. Do you really wanna risk...
Y como dijiste... has pasado mucho por tu familia.
We've been through so many things together and I've seen you grow up so much.
Hemos pasado por tantas cosas juntos y has crecido mucho.
You've been through so much.
Has experimentado cosas terribles.
You've been through so much.
Tú has pasado por muchas cosas.
We've been through so much this year, and I still believe we'll be together forever, but I'm not ready to marry you right now.
Hemos pasado por mucho este año y todavía creo que estaremos juntos para siempre pero no estoy lista para casarme contigo ahora.
I know you've been through so much already, and it's hard to consider, but if you could press charges against darren - - oh, no way!
Sé que has pasado ya por mucho, y que es difícil de considerar, pero si pudieras presentar cargos contra Darren :
- Jeff, you've been through so much.
- Jeff, pasaste por mucho.
You know what, guys? We've been through so much with this dog that he's got to stay a Bannister.
Pasamos por tanto por este perro, que seguirá siendo un Bannister.
Because of you and Lee Cho In, you brothers, I've been through so much pain, so I don't know how much more I can take.
Debido a ti y a Lee Cho In, los hermanos, he tenido mucho dolor, así que no sé cuánto más puedo soportar.
I'm very sorry for you, Mr. Rudd, the agony you've been through because you care for her so much.
Lo siento mucho por usted, señor Rudd, la agonía por la que ha pasado debido a lo mucho que se preocupa por ella.
Elena, you've been through so much.
Elena, has pasado por muchas cosas.
You've been through so much.
Has pasado por mucho.
Poor man. You've been through so much.
Pobre hombre, has pasado por tantas cosas.
You've been through so much in such a short amount of time, Paul :
Ha pasado por mucho en muy poco tiempo, Paul :
Okay, I think what we mean to say is that we're so grateful for what we have because we've been through so much this year, so many things that were not easy and things that make you realize
Vale, creo que lo que queremos decir es es por lo que estamos agradecidos por o que tenemos porque hemos pasado por mucho este año, muchas cosas que no era fáciles y cosas que hacen que te des cuenta
Hulk, you know, you've been through so much These last few years.
Sabes Hulk, has pasado por muchas cosas estos últimos años.
You've been through so much, Alena.
Has pasado por muchas cosas, Alena.

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