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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You've got to believe me

You've got to believe me tradutor Espanhol

313 parallel translation
You're not going to believe me, because I'm standing here in pyjamas, looking absolutely ridiculous, but you've got to listen...
No me va a creer, porque estoy aquí en pijama, absolutamente ridículo, pero tiene que escucharme...
But if I tell you I've got to have it, that there's no other chance of keeping them from sending my brother to the jug back home, you'll believe me.
Pero si te digo que lo necesito... y que no hay otra forma de impedir... que a mi hermano lo pongan a la sombra, allá en casa... tienes que creerme.
If you don't believe me about the others, you've got to believe me about myself.
Si no me cree respecto a los otros, debe creerme respecto a mí misma.
─ No, no. You've got to believe me.
- No. ¡ Tienes que creerme!
- Tom, you've got to believe me.
Tom, créeme.
- George, you've got to believe in me.
- George, tienes que creerme.
But they did! You've got to believe it!
Me lo creeré cuando vea al fantasma yo mismo.
You've got to believe me. Don't you realize what it would mean if he finds out?
Tienes que creerme. ¿ No ves lo que significaría si lo averiguara?
I should have known better. Jack, you've got to believe me.
Jack, debes creerme.
You've got to believe me.
Debes creerme.
Darling, you've got to believe me.
¡ Cariño, tienes que creerme!
Please, you've got to believe me. It's just up the street there.
- Es en esta misma calle.
You've got to believe me. Eddie didn't do it.
Él no podría matar a nadie.
You've got to believe me.
Tiene que creerme.
Volvió y se entregó.
¡ Tiene que creerme!
Or say that he's everything that you believe him to be... you've still got to remember that you're a woman, Belle.
¿ Que no soy un caballero como el mayor Grail? Puede corregirme si me equivoco.
Lisbeth, you've got to believe me.
- Lisbeth, tienes que creerme.
You've got to believe me, I kept a list.
Debes creerme, hice una lista.
Dr. Steele, you've got to believe me,
Dr. Steele, tiene que creerme,
Oh, Caroline, you've got to believe me...
Caroline, debes creerme...
Please, you've got to believe me this once. Johnny's innocent.
Por favor, esta vez tiene que creerme.
Ferrari, you've got to believe me.
Sr. Ferrari, tiene que creerme.
I love you, anne. If i tell you we have to get out of here now, you've got to believe me.
Te quiero y si te digo que tenemos que irnos, créeme.
You've got to believe me.
Tienes que creerme.
Listen to me, you've got to. You've got to believe me.
Escucha, tienes que irte, créeme.
Johnny, I know it's hard for you to understand, but you've just got to believe me.
Johnny, sé que es difícil de entender, pero tienes que creerme.
- No, no, no, you've got to believe me, Meg.
No, tienes que creerme, Meg.
Oh, no! No. You've got to believe me.
No, créanme.
You've got to believe me, comrade.
Tienes que creerme, camarada.
I don't believe in an employer Who has to say to his people, "you've got to."
No me gustan los jefes que tienen que obligar a sus empleados.
Eddie, you've got to believe me!
¡ Eddie, tienes que creerme!
Chicken, believe me, you've got no chance to win this contest.
Nena, créeme, no tienes posibilidades en ese concurso.
You've got to believe me, Bill.
Tienes que creerme, Bill.
You've got to believe me.
You've got to believe me, Lieutenant!
¡ Tiene que creerme, teniente!
- You've got to believe me.
- Tiene que creerme.
Believe me, you've got to hand it to him, coming here like this just to look after you.
Créeme, tiene mérito, venir aquí sólo para acompañarte.
Look I'm not in trouble with the police, believe me but you can't stay here, you've got to go back to Banning right away.
No tengo ningún problema con la policía, créeme, pero no puedes quedarte, tienes que volver enseguida.
You've got to believe me!
¡ Tienes que creerme!
you, if you want to keep afloat you've got to believe me, understand?
Si quiere hacer el muerto, hágame caso, ¿ vale?
You've got to tell me you believe.
Dime que me crees...
Oh, please, you've got to believe me.
Por favor, tiene que creerme.
You've got to believe me. Why would I come here?
Créame, ¿ por qué correría yo este riesgo?
You've got to believe me.
- Tienes que creerme.
You've got to believe me on this.
Esta vez debes creerme.
Please, you've got to believe me.
Por favor, deben creerme.
- You've got to believe me.
- Tienes que creerme.
You've got to believe me.
Tienen que creerme.
You've got to believe me!
¡ Tiene que creerme!
- You've got to believe me.
Archer. - Ustedes deben creerme.

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