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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You've got to do it

You've got to do it tradutor Espanhol

659 parallel translation
You've got no right to ask me. I won't do it.
No tiene derecho a pedírmelo.
Well, if it's all the same to you, I've got work to do.
Si no te molesta, tengo que trabajar.
You've got to do something with it, don't you?
Tienes que hacer algo con eso, ¿ no es así?
And if you get bored with me, all you've got to do is to get up and go away and it doesn't matter.
Y si se aburre conmigo, lo único que tiene que hacer es levantarse y marcharse. No tiene importancia.
You've got to do it!
¡ Tiene que hacerlo!
I'm desperate. It wasn't easy to wait here and beg from you, but I've got to do something.
No ha sido fácil esperarte y suplicarte, pero algo tenía que hacer.
If I find that I've got a chance to crush my way out of here and I've to rob somebody out to do it, I'll just as soon rob you out as the next guy.
En cuanto sepa que hay una opción de marchase, aunque tenga que matar... no me importará que ese alguien sea usted.
Well, I wasn't getting any pleasure out of it, but I've got to help you, Tommy, I've got to do something for you.
Yo no lo hago por placer, pero tengo que ayudarte. Pero tengo que ayudarte, hacer algo por ti.
Well, you've got to do it again today. Because if you don't do it.. You know what I'm talking about.
Chico, hoy has de volver, porque si no..., ¿ entiende lo que quiero decir?
Para planificar y trabajar. Pero no puede hacerlo porque tiene que correr a casa a una mujer.
Now you've got to do it.
Tienes que hacerlo.
You've got to go on and do it.
- Tienes que salir y hacerlo.
But I've got to ask you not to do it no more.
peo no lo hagas más.
Even after you've grown to hate a woman, you can't pick up your hat and go. You've got to do it like a gentleman.
Tienes que hacerlo como un caballero.
Please, Joan, you've got to do it for me.
Por favor, Joan, tienes que hacerlo por mí.
Remember, I did make a home for you once, and I'll do it again... only you've got to let me have my fling now... because you're simply rushing at old age, Sam.
Siempre estuve al frente del hogar, y volveré a estarlo pero tienes que darme un poco de libertad. Porque te estás haciendo viejo, Sam...
It's-it's who's around you and what you do with what you've got, what you're meant to have.
Es... es quien te rodea, y lo que haces con lo que tienes. Lo que eres es lo que tienes.
You know, Whitey, the thing for me to do is to memorize everything we've got on this, and then forget it by tomorrow.
Whitey, lo que debo hacer es memorizar todo... lo que sabemos y olvidarlo mañana.
Well, now that you've got it, what are you going to do with it, eat it?
Y ahora que lo tienes, ¿ qué harás con él? ¿ Comértelo?
Please! What you've got to do, young lady, is eat crow and plenty of it.
jovencita, ahora debes tragarte tu orgullo.
If you've got time to do, do it the easy way.
Si debes cumplir una sentencia, hazlo lo mejor posible.
Joe, you've got to do it.
Vale, ¿ cuál es el juego? ¿ De qué va todo esto?
Jim, you've got to do it.
- Tampoco te cuesta a ti ir a él. Lo siento, Josie.
You can't do it this way, you've got to walk to the chair.
Lo que son capaces de hacer por no ir a la silla.
You're all hopped up with the idea that you've got something to give and you're gonna do it or bust.
Te entusiasma tener algo que dar y lo harás a toda costa.
You've got to do it, Mac.
Debes hacerlo, Mac.
That's the load you've got to carry, and you do it without squawking.
Ésa es tu carga y lo haces sin quejarte.
You've got to believe me. Eddie didn't do it.
Él no podría matar a nadie.
You've got to do it.
Tiene que hacerlo.
It's a shame to bust up A pretty bird like this, But you've got to Do it for us.
Sabe que es una buena ocasión, y usted lo conseguirá.
I'll try and make it but I've got other things to do, you know, this time of year.
Lo intentaré, pero aún no sé si saldré.
- That's the idea. Now all you have to do is build it up a little bit, and you've got something.
Ahora sólo falta que lo pulan un poco más.
All you've got to do is to bring the study wall right out to here and you've got it.
Lo que debes hacer es mover esta pared hasta aquí y listo.
And they've got to know what you're gonna do about it.
Y tienen que saber qué harás al respecto.
[All Chattering] i know. i know it's not an easy thing i'm asking you to do. But we can do it if we've got faith enough.
¡ Sé que lo que les pido que hagan no es nada fácil... pero podemos hacerlo si tenemos la fe suficiente!
Pero tienes que trabajar e importa empezar bien Convirtiéndote en una belleza.
You've got to bring him back on his hands and knees, if you have to break his neck to do it.
Tráelo aunque tengas que romperle el cuello.
You've got to do it, Ethan.
- Sí, Ethan.
All right. I'm sorry I've got to leave you here alone. But I told you what I've got to do, and I'm gonna do it.
Siento dejarla aquí sola, pero ya le he dicho lo que debo hacer.
So you've boiled it down till all we've got is a house full of people and all we've got to do is to find which one is Bruhl.
Entonces lo resume todo a una carta llena de nombres y sólo tenemos que descubrir quién es Bruhl.
"You've got to do it quickly."
Tienes que hacerlo rápido.
There's some things you've got to do. It doesn't matter what you think about.
Hay cosas que debes hacer.
You've got all afternoon to do it.
Río. U amos.
If it's a real morning ring like we have in Jamaica all you've got to do is turn it on your finger close your eyes and make a wish.
Si es un anillo de luto, como los nuestros de Jamaica, solo has de girarlo en tu dedo, cerrar los ojos y pedir un deseo.
Well, I reckon you've got to do it.
- De las 9 : 30 a las 12 : 00. - Supongo que tienes que hacerlo.
You've got to do something about it.
Tienes que hacer algo.
But you've got to set a routine and do it exactly the same way every time.
Pero tienes que fijar una rutina, y hacerlo siempre igual cuando bailes.
You've got such qualities to face it with, to do something about it with.
Usted posee tan buenas cualidades para afrontarlo, para hacer algo.
I suppose I should've told you when I got the news but I just couldn't bring myself to do it.
Supongo que te lo tendria que haber dicho cuando me entere no fui capaz de hacerlo.
You've got to do something about that. Because it'll look pretty funny if you didn't.
Tiene que hacer algo porque sería extraño que no lo hiciera.
I don't care how you do it, Robinson, but you've got to get more action.
No me importa cómo, pero necesitamos más movimiento.

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