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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You've got to do something

You've got to do something tradutor Espanhol

397 parallel translation
You've got to do something, Harold!
¡ Tiene que hacer algo, Harold!
You've got to do something with it, don't you?
Tienes que hacer algo con eso, ¿ no es así?
I suggest that if you want to get the thing straightened out and not wreck everything through the... this trip, you've got to do something about this.
Sugiero que si quieres que arreglemos el asunto y no acabar de hundir nuestro matrimonio, tendrás que tomar alguna decisión.
I'm desperate. It wasn't easy to wait here and beg from you, but I've got to do something.
No ha sido fácil esperarte y suplicarte, pero algo tenía que hacer.
Well, I wasn't getting any pleasure out of it, but I've got to help you, Tommy, I've got to do something for you.
Yo no lo hago por placer, pero tengo que ayudarte. Pero tengo que ayudarte, hacer algo por ti.
Space, you've got to do something.
Haz algo, Space.
Doctor, you've got to do something for me.
Doctor, tiene que hacer algo por mí.
- What's the matter? - You've got to do something.
- ¿ Qué pasa, Mary, estás temblando?
You've got to do something for me.
Tienen que ayudarme.
Tiene que hacer algo.
You've got to do something.
Tienen que hacer algo.
Scott, you've got to do something.
Scott, tienes que hacer algo.
- Doctor, you've got to do something.
- Doctor, tiene que hacer algo.
First, you do the secret knock, then you say you've got something really important to tell them.
Tocas con la contraseña, y les dices que tienes algo muy importante que comunicarles.
Unx, you've got to do something. He'll disgrace me.
Tío, debes hacer algo.
You're all hopped up with the idea that you've got something to give and you're gonna do it or bust.
Te entusiasma tener algo que dar y lo harás a toda costa.
- You've got to do something.
- Tienes que hacer algo.
Eddie, you've got to do something for them.
Eddie, tienes que hacer algo.
- That's the idea. Now all you have to do is build it up a little bit, and you've got something.
Ahora sólo falta que lo pulan un poco más.
Tenía que hacer algo por ti.
But you must do something. You've got to do something. Or one third of our country's children
¡ Sería necesario que hiciese algo, una tercera parte de los niños de este país van a morir!
You've got to do something.
Tú puedes hacer algo.
If you see him, tell him I've got something better to do.
Si le ve, dígale que tengo algo mejor que hacer.
I've got to do something, and you can help.
- Debo hacer algo. Tú puedes ayudarme.
You've got to do something too!
¡ Poned algo de vuestra parte!
General Scott, you've got to do something to save him.
General Scott, debe hacer algo para salvarlo.
Papa, you've just got to do something about her.
Papá, tienes que hacer algo con ella.
Look, Isabel, before I get out of here, you've got to do something about that baby.
Mira, Isabel, antes de irme... debes hacer algo con ese bebé.
You've got to do something. She's on the edge of a collapse.
Scott, debes hacer algo con esa chica.
You've got to do something about it.
Tienes que hacer algo.
You've got to do something! We are...
- ¡ Tienen que hacer algo!
But before I do, there's something you've got to know.
Pero antes debes saber algo.
You've got such qualities to face it with, to do something about it with.
Usted posee tan buenas cualidades para afrontarlo, para hacer algo.
You've got to do something about that. Because it'll look pretty funny if you didn't.
Tiene que hacer algo porque sería extraño que no lo hiciera.
WOMAN 1 : Oh, Mr. Mayor, you've got to do something.
Sr. alcalde, tiene que hacer algo.
But if you're really trying to do something... that will change things for people, you've got to be humble.
Pero si realmente quieres hacer algo... para cambiar las cosas, tienes que ser humilde.
You've got to stop him, you've got to do something.
Tienes que detenerle.
You know how long we've said we've got to do something about fixing up this apartment.
Llevamos años diciendo que hay que arreglar este apartamento.
Thanks. Now then, you've got to do something for me in return.
Entonces, tendrá que hacer algo por mí a cambio.
Look, there's something I've got to tell you and I don't quite know how to do it.
Oye, tengo que decirte una cosa y no sé cómo empezar.
You've got to do something.
Tienes que hacer algo.
You've got to do something about Ramon.
Hay que hacer algo con Ramón.
You've got to do something!
¡ Tienes que hacer algo!
I'd give anything to have what you've got to be able to do one thing well and know it's worth something.
Yo daría lo que fuera por tener lo que tienes por poder hacer bien una cosa y saber que sirve de algo.
- Mark, you've got to do something.
- Mark, tienes que hacer algo.
You've got to do something...
Debe hacer algo...
You've got to help him. Do something!
Tienes que ayudarle. ¡ Haz algo!
Mr Oxly? You've got to do something about Barnaby right away.
Hay que hacer algo enseguida para ayudar a Barnaby.
- Well, you've got to do something about it.
- Tiene que hacer algo.
Lex, you've got to do something.
Lex, tienes que hacer algo.
- Dr. Marshall, you've simply got to do something.
Dr. Marshall, debe hacer algo.

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