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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You've got to listen to me

You've got to listen to me tradutor Espanhol

240 parallel translation
You're not going to believe me, because I'm standing here in pyjamas, looking absolutely ridiculous, but you've got to listen...
No me va a creer, porque estoy aquí en pijama, absolutamente ridículo, pero tiene que escucharme...
Listen, isopod, you've got a big chance to please me.
Tienes la oportunidad de complacerme.
I've served you by helping him, and you've got to listen to me.
Les he servido ayudándole, y por eso tienen que escucharme.
But you've got to listen to me!
¡ Escúchame!
Jerry, I've been trying to get you to listen to me, and now you've got to.
Debes escucharme, intento decirte algo.
Oh, Jim, you've got to listen to me.
Has de escucharme.
Say listen, Lily, as long as you've got to use it, the name's Dennis Carson.
Para que lo sepas, Lily, me llamo Dennis Carson.
- Don't. You've got to listen to me.
Tienes que escucharme.
You've got to listen to me your majesty, you've got to hear me.
Escúcheme, Su Majestad. Tiene que escucharme.
Cobby, you've got to listen to me!
¡ Cobby, tienes que escucharme!
But you've got to listen to me.
Pero tienes que escucharme.
I've got some things to say and you're going to listen.
Tengo algo que decirte, y me vas a escuchar. SR.
But Amy, you've got to listen to me.
Tienes que escucharme.
Oh, please, Mavis, you've got to listen to me.
Ay, por favor, Mavis, tienes que hacerme caso.
You've got to listen to me.
Tienes que escucharme.
- Now you've got to listen to me...
- Tiene que escucharme.
You've got to listen to me!
¡ Debes escucharme!
I can account for them, but you... You've got to listen to me.
Pero tú tienes que hacerme caso.
Now you've got to listen to me. You must stay here!
Escúchame ¡ Debes quedarte!
- But, Dad, you've got to listen to me.
- Pero papá, tienes que escucharme.
You've got to make up your mind to listen to me.
Tienes que decidirte a escucharme.
Ellen, you've got to listen to me.
Ellen, tienes que escucharme.
- You've got to listen to me.
- Tienes que escucharme.
You've got to listen to me.
Tiene que escucharme.
You've got to listen to me, Hank, i tell you! Come on down to the ground.
Debes escucharme, Hank.
Now you've got to listen to me.
Estelle, wait a minute! Listen to me! You've got to listen to me!
Estela, espérate un momento, espera un momento, Estela, escúchame
Listen to me, you've got to make your choice now, before it's too late.
Debes elegir ahora, antes de que sea tarde.
Now, Dorinda, you've got to listen to me.
Tienes que escucharme y volver.
Dorinda, you've got to hear me! Listen to me!
Escúchame de una vez.
Look, Charlie, you've got to listen to me. You've got to trust me.
Debes confiar en mí.
You've got to listen to me
Tienen que escucharme
Mother, you've got to listen to me very carefully and...
Madre, tienes que escucharme con mucha atención y...
Now you've got to listen to me.
Ahora tienes que escucharme.
Rosalind, you've got to listen.
Rosalind, me tienes que escuchar.
- You ´ ve got to listen to me.
- Tienes que escucharme.
Listen to me, you've got to. You've got to believe me.
Escucha, tienes que irte, créeme.
Now, Mac, you've got to listen to me.
Mac, tiene que escucharme.
Right now, you've got to listen to me.
Ahora escúchame.
Jeff, honey, if I've got to listen to speeches, you better fix me another Sazerac right away.
Jeff, si tengo que escuchar los discursos, traeme otro Sazerac en seguida.
No, listen to me, you've got to give me a chance!
- No pierdo nada si la mato. ¡ No, tiene que escucharme!
Listen then, do me a favour you've got to tell her to write another message to me so that you can bring it to me and...
- Pues oye, hazme un favor... debes decirle que me escriba otra nota, me la traes tú y...
Listen, Webb. You've got to listen to me.
Mañana a las siete.
You listen to me, John, you've got to get in this game and you've got carry the ball yourself.
Escúchame, John, tienes que jugar este partido. Y tienes que llevar la pelota tú solo.
- Oliver, you've got to listen to me.
- Oliver, tienes que escucharme.
Please, you've got to listen to me.
Por favor, tienes que escucharme.
Now you've got that off your chest, I'd like you to listen to me for a second and shut up, will ya?
Ahora que te has desahogado, escúchame un segundo y cállate, ¿ quieres?
Susan, you've got to listen to me.
Susan, tienes que escucharme.
You've got to listen to me.
- Mitch, you've got to listen to me, please.
- Mitch, tienes que escucharme, por favor.
Now listen, you've got to find me that note.
Escuche, tiene que encontrar esa nota.

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