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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You've got to see this

You've got to see this tradutor Espanhol

219 parallel translation
I know, but you've got to believe and remember... ... because, you see, this is my one chance of survival.
Lo sé, pero debes creer y recordar porque ésta es mi única oportunidad de sobrevivir.
But you've got this good job, and you're getting more used to it every day, and you see parties, like tonight, meet men like Stanhope.
Pero tú tienes un buen empleo... y cada día te involucras más en él... y vas a fiestas, como la de hoy... conoces a hombres como Stanhope.
And don't make up your mind about this dress... because I've got another one in there I want you to see.
¿ Y esta ciudad está llena de... -... chicas que se ven muy bien?
This is sensational. You've got to see it!
Es sensacional.
You see, we're used to men getting shot... and the boys just haven't stopped to remember... that this is your grandfather and the only one you've got.
Verá, estamos acostumbrados a que nos disparen... y los muchachos no se han parado a pensar... que él es su abuelo y es el único que tiene.
I need to see an X-ray to be sure, but you've got a hole this size.
Tengo que ver la radiografía antes, pero tienes un absceso.
We've had differences, and I've always tried to see your point of view... but this time you've got me stumped.
Hemos tenido diferencias y siempre he intentado ver tu punto de vista, pero esta vez te has pasado.
Doc, General. You've got to see this.
deben ver esto.
Let me see this is a thorn you've got to take it out there's danger of infection you could get tetanus, no jokes... it's enough 24 hours... easy, easy, easy
A ver. Es una espina, hay que sacarla. Hay peligro de infección.
You see, I've got to be at Dr. Clinic's Kreuger. I mean, Dr Kreuger's clinic. Like I told you before, Marty has this nose trouble...
Tengo que estar en la crónica del Dr. Cliger... o sea en la clúnica del Dr. Kriger... como le dije, Marty tiene este problema con su nariz...
We've got to get this cleared up, you see, Fisher.
Necesitamos aclarar esto, verá usted, Fisher.
You see, they've got this whole complicated thing figured out, where I'm going over to Michele's for the afternoon, and Michele's mother will say that she has a headache.
Han hecho un plan muy complicado. lré a casa de Michele a pasar la tarde, y la madre de Michele dirá que le duele la cabeza y que me acompañará a casa.
You see, I've been trying to tell somebody this ever since I got home.
Verás, llevo tratando de contárselo a alguien desde que llegué a casa.
I hate to break this up, but I've got a meeting in 10 minutes, so see you later.
Lamento terminar esto, pero tengo una reunión en 10 minutos. Hasta luego.
You've got to see this man.
Tiene que ver a éste hombre.
You've got to see this.
Tienes que ver ésta.
You see, the left watch, which is my uncle's, runs correctly, and the one which is my watch, this one on the right here... uh, I've got to explain this to you... happens to be about five minutes off,
Verás, el reloj de la izquierda, que es de mi tío, anda bien y el mío, el de la derecha...
See if I've got this right - you brought your colonists to this planet just over a year ago?
A ver si tenéis ese derecho. Viniste con los colonos a este planeta hace algo más de un año?
Uh, ma'am, you see, this time, I've got something to tell you.
Señora, esta vez tengo algo que decirle.
Don't you see, this is something You've got to come to terms with.
Es algo que debe aceptar.
Last night I called, you said you couldn't talk... and this morning, as soon as our Mitchell story hits the stands... you call me and say you've got to see me right away.
Anoche te llamé. Dijiste que no podías hablar. Esta mañana, apenas sale nuestra historia sobre MitchelI... llamas y dices que debes verme enseguida. ¿ Por qué?
The day you see the reality... you'll shoot yourself... because you'll be honest and will see the harm you've done us... with all this "got to organize", "up the working classes"... with all this "History" crap!
El día en que Ud. vea la verdad de las cosas va a pegarse un tiro en la cabeza. Porque Ud. es honesto y entenderá el daño que nos hizo con esa alegría de "organizar a la clase obrera". ... y no sé que "histórico".
You've got to come out front and see this car!
¡ Tienes que salir a ver este auto! Es...
You've got to see this.
- Una cosa que tienes que ver.
Hey, Charlie. Come here. You've got to see this.
Hey Charlie, ven aquí para ver esto.
Mr. Valentine, you've got to see this my way.
Sr. Valentine, intente comprender.
. You see, the whole trick to this thing... is thatyou've got to hold the nuts whileyou screw.
Verás, el truco de esto es que tienes que, eh sujetar la bola mientras la metes.
I just want to see if you've got planned for this
Primero quiero ver lo que tenéis planeado para esto.
- Mick, you've got to see this.
- Mick, tienes que ver esto.
- You've got to see this.
- Tienes que ver esto.
you've got to see this.
Tienes que ver esto.
It's just that there's a rumor going around the bar that you've got this soft side, and I just thought I'd like to see it for myself.
Es sólo que hay el rumor de la barra que tienes este lado suave, y pensé Me gustaría verlo por mí mismo.
You've got to see this.
Tienes que ver esto.
Matt, you've got to see this. I've seen it. Look, George, we're on the company clock.
¿ Le pagan fuera de servicio?
What you've got to do is screw your face up like this, you see, and then you can clamp it between your top lip and your nose.
Tienes que arrugar la cara así e intentar sujetarlo entre el labio y la nariz.
This is your Manor, you've got to walk up and down the street every fucking night and you're going to see me everywhere and I don't like seeing people who let me down'cause it makes me mad
Ése es su orgullo ; tú tienes que subir y bajar la puta calle todas las noches y tú me vas a ver en todas partes y no me gusta ver a gente que me decepcionó porque me vuelve loco
You've got to see this!
¡ Vengan! ¡ Tienen que ver esto!
By this time, I felt that there was something very profound and moving about this experience, so I ran back to the house to get Francis, and I said, " You know, you've got to see this,
A esa altura, sentí que había algo muy profundo y conmovedor en esa experiencia, entonces corrí a la casa en busca de Francis, y le dije : " Tienes que ver esto,
You've got ten seconds to come out with your hands up, Ramsey... before you see the inside of this beautiful child's head.
Tienes diez segundos para salir con las manos en alto, Ramsey... antes de que veas el interior de la cabeza de esta niña hermosa.
You won't believe this... but I've got to see that chap again.
Tengo que volver a verlo.
You've got to see this guy.
Tienes que ver a este tipo.
- Hercule, for your own sake, you've got to drop this. - Please, Virginie, make him see sense. - Oh.
Por tu bien, tienes que dejar esto.
"You see, Officer, we've got this magic medallion. " This 600-pound mutant, a chick with a whip... " and this rich guy want to waste us.
"Sr. policía, tenemos un medallón mágico, un enorme mutante y una hermosa chica... y un hombre rico que nos quiere matar".
You've got the bull ride... you wanted to see in here this afternoon!
Estamos presenciando una hazaña!
You just have to do it, obviously. You've got to see this through. "
Tienes que ver a través de esto.''
" This movie you've got to see.
" Tienes que ver esta película.
Come over here. You've got to see this.
Ven aquí, tienes que ver esto.
I came by to see if you could use some help on this case and you've got a picture of my daddy.
Vengo a ver si necesitas ayuda y aquí tienes una foto de mi papá.
In a film like this, you've got to see everything.
Es más, en una película como ésta lo bueno es verlo todo.
"You see, Officer, we've got this magic medallion. " This 600-pound mutant, a chick with a whip... " and this rich guy want to waste us.
"Sr. policía, tenemos un medallón mágico, un enorme mutante y una hermosa chica y un hombre rico que nos quiere matar".
You've got to come see this!
¡ Vengan a ver esto!

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