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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You can go in now

You can go in now tradutor Espanhol

367 parallel translation
You can go in now.
Ya puede entrar.
Ya pueden entrar.
- You can go in now.
- Puede pasar.
You can go in now.
Puede entrar.
You can go in now.
Puede entrar ahora.
- You can go in now.
- Buenas tardes.
You can go in now.
Ya puedes entrar.
Father, you can go in now.
Padre, puede entrar ahora.
You can go in now.
Ya puede pasar.
You can go in now.
¡ Ya puede entrar!
It's your turn, you can go in now.
Es su turno, adelante.
All right, you can go in now.
Bien, entre ahora.
Mr. Seanacy, your Mom said you can go in now
Sería igual. La guerra es... la guerra es la más monstruosa de las soluciones.
Miss Meredith? You can go in now.
Señorita Meredith, ya puede pasar.
AII right, you can go in now.
Bien, ahora puede pasar.
You can go in now.
Puedes pasar.
OK. You can go in now.
Vale, ya puedes pasar.
You can go now. Don't let me ever see you in this courtroom again.
Pero no quiero volver a verte en esta sala.
- I don't care they can't keep me from coming to you to my wife please go now in the park, at the fountain
No me impedirán venir contigo. Con mi mujer... Por favor, márchate ya...
Oh, uh, you can't go in there now.
Vaya, ahora no.
Now you can go back on the force maybe in the Broadway district.
Ahora puedes volver a la policía tal vez en el distrito de Broadway.
You can't go in now!
¡ No puede entrar!
I'm sorry, you can't go in now.
Pero no puede entrar. Traté de avisarle por teléfono.
Now listen to me, young man. Nobody tells me what I can't do or where I can't go. And as far as I'm concerned, Mr. Geoffrey Leigh, you can go jump in the lake - river!
Escúchame, jovencito, nadie me dice lo qué puedo hacer ni adónde puedo ir o no y, por lo que a mí se refiere, ya te puedes tirar al lago.
Well you can't go in now. There's been a guy killed in there.
- Ha habido un asesinato.
You can't go in there now. He's busy. Not too busy to repent, brother.
Pretendemos rezar a favor de Starr antes de que sea colgado, hermano.
You can go in now, sir.
Ya puede entrar, señor.
But I can't go ahead without more confidence in you than I've got now.
Pero no puedo seguir sin tener más confianza en Ud. de la que tengo ahora.
I bet thou wouldn't go now in Ceccherino's tavern, in Vacchereccia, where is gathered the best youth of Florence, which you say you can fool as you like.
Apuesto a que no irías, a estas horas a la taberna de Ceccherino, en Vacchereccia, donde se reúnen los jóvenes más notables de Florencia, a los que dices que puedes engañar como quieras.
You keep the house in uproar all night. At least, we can now all go to bed.
Llevo despierto toda la noche, quiero irme a dormir, vámonos a la cama.
You can go in and see her now for a moment if you like.
Puede entrar y verla un momento si lo desea.
I'll go and get my things out, and you can move in right now.
Sacaré mis cosas y podrá mudarse ya.
You can go to bed now. But I was in bed.
Tranquila, Edith, puede volver a la cama.
They've been asking for you in New York for months. Now we can go.
Te reclaman de Nueva York desde hace meses.
In Rome you can't even go to the Coliseum now.
Ahora en Roma ni se puede ir al Coliseo.
You can go in and see him now if you want.
Ya pueden entrar a verle si quieren.
You can stay provided you stick in you room until daylight. - Would you like me to go now?
Puede quedarse, siempre que no salga del cuarto antes del amanecer.
For once in your life, be nice to me. No, you can't go up now.
Por una vez en la vida sé buena conmigo.
So, now we understand each other you can go and have fun without staying in any room too long.
Así que puede irse y pasárselo bien sin tener que quedarse demasiado en ningún sitio.
Now you can go in.
Ahora puedes pasar.
Go on upstairs, now. Don't make the port of halifax in the wintertime if you can make other arrangements, katherine.
No vayas nunca a Halifax en invierno si puedes ir en verano, Katherine.
Bill Calhoun, you go in there and tell Fred right now... or you can find yourself another piggy bank.
Le dices ya mismo a Fred... o te buscas otra alcancía.
Yes, and now you can go in.
Sí, y ahora, vuelve a la cama.
Now here, hold these balloons high in the air, and when I say "run", run as fast as you can and don't let the balloons go.
Levanta estos globos y, cuando te diga corre, corre todo lo que puedas y no los sueltes.
Now maybe you know why I hate to go home and why I live in the library and why I can't dance, or kiss girls, or look anybody in the eye.
Tal vez ahora sabes por qué odio ir a casa y por qué vivo en la biblioteca y por qué no sé bailar, o besar chicas, o mirar a nadie a los ojos.
Yeah, but you can't go in there now.
- Sí, pero no puede pasar.
Maybe I dropped it in there. You can't go back there now.
- Se me habrá caído ahí dentro.
Look, all you have to do now is go in here, fill yourself up one little old report, and you can go out and get as plastered as you like.
Mire, ahora todo lo que debe hacer es entrar aquí, completar un pequeño informe, y ya puede ir a celebrarlo como quiera.
You can't go in there now, it's a hospital.
No puede entrar ahora, es un hospital.
Now, look, mister, i can't let you go in there.
No le puedo dejar entrar ahí.
You can let him go now'cause Von Zipper does not like violence in front of broads.
Ya pueden dejarlo en paz, porque a Von Zipper no le gusta ser violento delante de una mujer.

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