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You did the right thing tradutor Espanhol

1,783 parallel translation
You did the right thing.
Hiciste lo correcto.
Well, don't worry, Gloria. I think you did the right thing. I'm gonna talk to her.
Oh, está bien, pero no te preocupes creo que hizo lo adecuado, voy a hablar con ella y estará bien.
You did the right thing.
Hicieron lo correcto.
You did the right thing.
Has hecho lo correcto.
" and I'll give a eulogy at your funeral, telling'em you did the right thing for you,
"y daré un panegírico en tu funeral... " diciéndoles que hiciste lo correcto para ti...
You did the right thing.
Hizo lo correcto.
- You did the right thing.
- Hiciste lo correcto.
You did the right thing by coming to me, señor.
Hizo lo correcto al contármelo, señor.
Sometimes you wonder if you did the right thing, and the moment presents itself and...
A veces uno se pregunta si hizo lo correcto, y el momento se presenta y...
Listen, just... you did the right thing.
Escucha, sólo... hiciste lo correcto.
"You did the right thing.Don't make any decisions tonight."
"Hiciste lo correcto.No tomes ninguna decisión esta noche"
So you think you did the right thing?
Entonces, ¿ piensas que hiciste lo correcto? .
- You did the right thing. - Yeah.
- Hiciste lo correcto.
You did the right thing, bringing him here.
Hiciste bien en traerlo aquí.
You did the right thing bringing your father in.
Hiciste lo correcto trayendo aquí a tu padre.
Betty, you did the right thing by calling me.
Betty, hicite lo correcto llamándome
You did the right thing.
Hiciste bien.
No, you did the right thing. - No.
- No, hiciste lo correcto.
You did the right thing, keeping her secret.
Hiciste bien en guardar su secreto.
You did the right thing at the right time..
Hiciste lo correcto en el momento justo...
You did the right thing by telling me.
Hiciste lo correcto al decírmelo.
Look, you did the right thing letting nina bring you in here.
parece que hiciste lo correcto al dejar que Nina te trajera aqui.
You did the right thing calling me.
Hiciste lo correcto al llamarme.
It's okay, Sam, you did the right thing.
- Ok, Sam, estás haciendo lo correcto. ¿ En serio?
I think that you did the right thing, yesterday.
Creo que ayer hiciste lo correcto.
You still feeling okay about Josh? Like you did the right thing?
¿ sigues pensando que hiciste lo correcto con Josh?
I think you did the right thing, Signorina Drake.
Creo que hizo lo correcto, Signorina Drake.
I have no doubt you did the right thing by me.
Yo no dudo de que haya hecho lo correcto.
You did the right thing coming to me.
Hiciste lo correcto viniendo a mí.
Thank you, you did the right thing.
Gracias. Hiciste lo que era correcto.
You did the right thing.
Hiciste lo que era correcto.
You did the right thing by coming to see me with this, Lacy.
Hiciste lo correcto al contármelo, Lacy.
You did the right thing telling me.
No. No, no, no. Hiciste bien en decírmelo.
No, you did the right thing.
- No, hiciste lo correcto.
You did the right thing, Master Holbein.
Hizo usted lo correcto, Maestro Holbein.
Look, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding tonight, but you did the right thing.
Lamento el malentendido de esta noche, pero hizo lo correcto.
You did the right thing calling me first.
Hiciste lo correcto al llamarme primero a mí.
We'll pretend that you did the right thing on your own.
Simularemos que decidiste hacer lo correcto tú solo.
You did the right thing with the arterial bleed.
Hiciste lo correcto con el sangrado arterial.
You did the right thing, okay?
Hiciste lo correcto. Vamos a...
No, you... you did the right thing to tell me.
No, tú... has hecho bien contándomelo.
You said yourself I did the right thing.
Tú mismo dijiste que hice lo correcto.
You did the right thing, Dad.
Hiciste lo correcto, papá.
It seems to me that the only thing you did right was turn over a known terrorist to the Taiwanese government and you did that by accident!
Lo único que usted hizo realmente fue entregar a ese terrorista... al gobierno taiwanés, y fue de casualidad.
After you left here, did you do the right thing?
¿ Has hecho el bien desde que te fuiste?
And then you can tell your son that his father did the right thing.
Y luego usted puede decirle a su hijo que su padre hizo las cosas correctas.
You know, we did the right thing.
Sabes que hicimos lo correcto.
I've spent most of my career looking up to you, because you always did the right thing even if it meant disregarding the chain of command- -
Pasé la mayor parte de mi carrera admirándote porque siempre hacías lo correcto incluso si eso implicaba ignorar la cadena de mando- -
Did I do the right thing, telling you about Lloyd?
¿ Hice lo correcto, al decirte lo de Lloyd?
What { \ was the very first thing you } did you do right after the shooting?
¿ Que es lo primero que hiciste despues del tiroteo?
So when that car bubbled up, so did Coach Miller's conscience and he finally figured out that he better do the right thing, but you couldn't let that happen, so you killed him.
Así que cuando ese auto emergió, también la conciencia del entrenador Miller, y él finalmente resolvió que lo mejor era hacer lo correcto, pero tú no podías dejar que eso pasara, así que lo asesinaste.

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