You didn't ask tradutor Espanhol
4,518 parallel translation
Didn't you call from the railway station... and ask for a million as ransom?
Fuiste tú quien llamó ayer a la estación, para pedir un millón.
Y-you didn't ask me to do anything that I wasn't willing to do.
No me pediste que hiciera nada que yo no quisiese.
She didn't ask you to go with?
¿ No te ha pedido que vayas con ella?
I didn't ask you into my life, did I, Mrs Powell?
No le pedí que entrase en mi vida, ¿ verdad, señor Powell?
He didn't ask you for cash, did he?
No te pidió dinero, ¿ verdad?
In those days, y'didn't ask, you didn't barge intae a chief superintendent's...
En esos días, no se preguntaba. tu no te podías meter con Jefe Superintendente...
Why would you ask me to come all the way over here if you didn't have all my money?
¿ Por qué iba a pedirme que viniera hasta aquí si no tenía todo mi dinero?
Didn't you ask?
- ¿ No preguntaste?
Twilight, why didn't you just tell her the crown was yours and ask for it back?
Twilight, ¿ por qué no le dijiste que la corona era tuya y pedir que te la devuelva?
Didn't you ever ask Rainbow Dash why she didn't show up?
¿ Alguna vez le preguntaste a Rainbow Dash por qué no fue?
Yeah, well, we didn't ask for you to leave, but you did that anyway.
Y nosotros no pedimos que te fueras, pero igual lo hiciste.
I didn't ask you that.
No te pedí que hicieras eso.
I didn't ask you to kill him.
Yo no pido que matarlo.
( men laughing ) Well, I only ask because, in googling you, I found out that you didn't even play
Bueno, solo lo pregunto porque, buscándote en Google, averigüe que tú ni siquiera jugaste al béisbol en el instituto.
No, no, I didn't ask you to do that, Siri.
No, no, no te he pedido hacer eso, Siri. Yo...
I didn't ask you to do that.
No te he pedido que hagas esto.
I was pleased last night when you didn't ask the question everybody else always does.
Me complació anoche cuando usted no hizo la pregunta que todos los demás siempre hacen.
I didn't ask to stay with you.
Yo no pedí quedarme con ustedes.
It's no wonder Stanton didn't ask you to play.
Me sorprende que Stanton no te pidiera que jugaras.
You talked about how wonderful your son Kirk is, and you didn't ask me a single question about my life or how I'm doing.
Usted ha hablado de lo maravilloso que es tu hijo Kirk, y no me hiciste ni una pregunta sobre mi vida o sobre cómo estoy.
Um, didn't Phil ask you to...
No te dijo Phil que hicieras...
I really needed you, I just didn't know how to ask.
De verdad te necesitaba, pero no sabía cómo preguntar.
You didn't ask. Can I have my fork back?
No preguntaste. ¿ Puedes devolverme mi tenedor?
I didn't ask you for help.
No pedí por tu ayuda.
I wouldn't ask you to do this if I didn't believe it was right.
No te pediría que hicieras esto si no creyera que es lo correcto.
I was gonna ask you, but I didn't know if it was appropriate for me to ask you.
Te lo iba a preguntar, pero no sabía si era apropiado que te preguntara.
I didn't ask how hard it was, I said can you get me a postal address from it?
No he preguntado lo difícil que es, he dicho, ¿ puedes conseguirme una dirección postal de ella?
I didn't ask you how you were, I asked you where your drink was.
No te he preguntado cómo estás, sino dónde está tu copa.
You wouldn't ask, if you didn't
¿ Me lo hubieses pedido?
I didn't ask you to lie down
No pediste que me acueste.
Why didn't you just ask her?
¿ Por qué no se lo pediste?
They didn't ask you anything?
¿ Te preguntaron algo?
You didn't even ask?
¿ Incluso no lo pediste?
I wouldn't ask you to go back there if I didn't know, absolutely, I can protect you.
No te pediría que volvieses si no supiera, con seguridad, que puedo protegerte.
I would never ask you to do something you didn't want.
Nunca te pediría que hagas algo que vos no quieras.
I didn't ask you to be.
No te he pedido que lo seas.
So, why didn't you just ask the Morrigan's Archivist?
¿ Y por qué no le has preguntado al archivero de la Morrigan?
I'm sure you didn't ask me out here to criticize my driving.
Estoy segura de que no me citaste aquí para criticar mi forma de conducir.
And you didn't bother to ask what?
¿ Y no se molestó en preguntarle el qué?
No, that's the point, I didn't ask to be reassigned, because I chose you.
No, esa es la cuestión, no he pedido ser reasignado, porque yo te elegí.
You really didn't ask?
¿ De verdad que no preguntaste?
Uh, let me ask you, you didn't print up any extra Burt bucks, did you?
Déjame preguntaros una cosa, ¿ no habéis impreso ningún Burt pavo extra, verdad?
If you had that kind of pull I'd ask why you didn't use him to get yourself out.
Si tienes ese tipo de poder me pregunto por qué no lo has utilizado para salir libre.
If you needed money, why didn't you just ask me?
Si necesitabas dinero, ¿ por qué no me lo pediste?
Didn't ask you.
No te he preguntado.
And they didn't call you in to ask you your side of the story?
¿ Y ellos no te llamaron para preguntarte tu versión de la historia?
I didn't ask you to.
No te lo he pedido.
I'm gonna pretend like you didn't just ask me that question.
Voy a fingir que no acabas de hacerme esa pregunta.
Pretend like I didn't ask you anything.
Haz como si no te hubiera preguntado nada.
Why didn't you ask me?
¿ Por qué no me lo pediste?
May I ask why you didn't reveal Wickham's affair with Louisa Bidwell at the trial?
¿ Puedo preguntar por qué no reveló la aventura de Wickham con Louisa Bidwell durante el juicio?
you didn't ask me 19
you didn't know 451
you didn't answer me 17
you didn't answer 45
you didn't get it 40
you didn't have to 199
you didn't 2413
you didn't tell me 114
you didn't see anything 59
you didn't answer my question 88
you didn't know 451
you didn't answer me 17
you didn't answer 45
you didn't get it 40
you didn't have to 199
you didn't 2413
you didn't tell me 114
you didn't see anything 59
you didn't answer my question 88