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You didn't know her tradutor Espanhol

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I know you didn't mean it but I'm afraid you have put her in an extremely dangerous situation.
Sé que no ha sido a propósito, sin embargo, la ha colocado en una posición extremadamente peligrosa.
I held out because I didn't know if you were big enough to handle her.
Esperé, porque no sabía si la pared sería lo suficientemente grande.
Did you know her? - No, I didn't.
¿ La conoció usted?
I expect you to send her love but she didn't know I was coming.
Supongo que querrías mandarle saludos, pero ella no sabía que venía.
Yet you didn't know her
Aún no la conocía.
I mean if you came in the house and you didn't know who was singing you wouldn't be looking for him you be looking for her
Me refiero a que si usted entra en casa y no sabe quién estaba cantando en vez de buscarle a él, le buscaría a ella.
Elvira, you didn't know her when she was a child.
Elvira, no la conociste de niña.
If you didn't threaten her, you know who did.
Si no fue Ud., de hecho fue alguien que Ud. conoce.
- I didn't know you were expecting'her.
- No sabía que iba a venir.
How did you know Eliza was here if you didn't send her?
¿ Cómo supo que Eliza estaba aquí, si no la envió?
You know very well I didn't ask her to come :
Sabes muy bién que no le pedí que viniese.
You know, Herman, I didn't realize Lily had that much money in her tax account.
No sabía que Lily tuviera tanto dinero en su cuenta de impuestos.
You didn't let her know you were coming?
¿ No le dijiste que venías?
I'm saying that you didn't know her!
¿ Cómo qué digo? ¡ Entonces no la conocía!
Well, Danke didn't know what to buy you, so she took her favorite bone and had it bronzed.
Danke no sabía qué comprar. Mandó a bañar en bronce su hueso favorito.
You didn't know her?
¿ Que no la conocías?
I suppose you didn't know her either?
Supongo que a ella tampoco la conocías.
I know it was our first date and I don't want you to get the wrong impression of me, but... Well, I guess it's only natural for a fellow to try to get a little fresh with a girl and make a pass at her but you didn't do anything.
Fue nuestra primera cita y no quiero que tengas la impresión equivocada de mí... pero supongo que es natural que un chico se ponga un poco fresco con una chica... y le tire un lance.
You know, come to think of it, didn't he say that your wife was screaming and he put his hand over her mouth?
Ahora que lo pienso, ¿ no dijo que su esposa estaba gritando y le puso la mano sobre la boca?
In case you didn't want her to know you're here.
Por si no querías que supiera que estabas.
You probably saw her wrestle lots of times on television and didn't know it.
Probablemente la viste luchar muchas veces y no lo sabías.
Whoever Sue is, I don't know. I'm glad you didn't answer me when I asked her name because it's easier to talk.
No sé quién es Sue, hubiera preferido que no hubieras dicho su nombre.
Oh, I didn't know you knew her that well.
Vaya, no sabía que la conocía tan bien.
You also didn't know, when she sent you that picture of her mansion... it was only just a boardinghouse, did you?
¿ No te diste cuenta cuando te mandó la foto de la casa...? ¿ que era una pensión familiar?
L "ll tell you all I can. I really didn" t know her very well.
Le diré lo que pueda, aunque yo no la conocía muy bien.
- And you didn't know her last name?
- ¿ Y no sabías su apellido?
Didn't you know Simone is the fruit of her secret love affair?
¿ Pero cómo, no sabían que Simone es el fruto prohibido de su secreto amoroso?
- You didn't jump her bones, and you know it.
Tú ni la oliste.
you know, i asked miss jessel about the dead, but i didn't believe her, not after what you had said.
Le pregunté a la Sra. Jessel sobre los muertos, pero no le creí.
I didn't know you had changed her day, and she walked in on us.
No sabía que le cambiaste de día y nos encontró en la habitación.
You didn't happen to know her, did you?
¿ Por casualidad la conocía?
You didn't know whether you were getting through to her or not... because she said yes.
Nunca sabías si te estaba escuchando o no, porque siempre decía que sí.
You wanna know why I didn't talk to her?
¿ Quieres saber por qué no he hablado con ella?
I know you didn't shove those sleeping pills down her throat.
Sé que tú no la obligaste a tragarse esos somníferos.
I know that you didn't kill her.
Yo se que tú no la mataste.
I must know exactly what happened. All I can tell you is that when she didn't appear after half hour was called I sent a boy a call boy to her house.
No le puedo decir, señor, porque ella no apareció hasta hace media hora mandé a buscarla y regresó con esto.
The... the woman was not at all upset, you know, when I... when I broke the bad news to her. She didn't even seem surprised.
La mujer no se alteró demasiado cuando tuve que ir a... darle aquella mala noticia.
I didn`t know you hung your label on her!
¡ No sabía que llevaba tu etiqueta!
This was my idea... because anybody that would come whizzing up in a Cadillac... with all of her furs on, to a cemetery... and you know when they're digging animals, there's gonna be an odor... didn't have much upstairs.
Tenía esa impresión... porque cualquiera que aparece en un Cadillac... con todas sus pieles encima, en un cementerio... y uno ya sabe que cuando se exhuman animales hay un olor rancio... no es una persona inteligente.
I didn't know you were gonna let her win.
No sabía que la dejarías ganar.
I didn't know you yet, so I asked her : Which is your son?
Como yo no te conocía le pregunté a ella : ¿ Cuál de los dos es tu hijo?
Cos I, you know, I didn't wanna lead her on or anything.
Verás, no quería darle falsas esperanzas ni nada parecido.
Did you know poll? You told her, didn't you?
- ¿ Conocía a Poll?
Anybody who tries to tell you exactly who she was... they didn't know her at all.
Cualquiera que intente decir exactamente quién era... no la conocía.
Look, you know as well as I do he didn't kill her.
Sabe tan bien como yo que él no la mató.
You mean the one who didn't know who Mary Baker Eddy was? - That was her?
¿ La que no sabía quién era Mary Baker Eddy?
I didn't know you had a thing for her.
No sabia que tenias algo con ella.
I didn't know you meant to turn her into a human girl!
¡ No sabia que querías convertirla en una chica!
You told me you didn't know her.
- Dijiste que no la conocías.
- I didn't know you were her agent.
- Hola, no sabía que la llevabas.
- Didn't you know her?
- ¿ No la conocías? - No.

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