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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You had nothing to do with it

You had nothing to do with it tradutor Espanhol

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Even if it looks as though you had nothing to do with it?
¿ Aunque no resultaras sospechoso?
Just as I'll let you go, if you had nothing to do with it.
Así como la dejaré ir a usted, si no tuvo nada que ver.
Before I drink with you, Judge, I want to know you had nothing to do with it.
Antes de beber, Juez, quiero saber que no estuvo involucrado.
But have you been to them and explained to them how you had nothing to do with it?
Pero, ¿ ha ido a explicarles... que no tuvo nada que ver con eso?
Yes, but, of course, I knew that you had nothing to do with it.
Sí,... pero, por supuesto, sabía que usted no había tenido nada que ver.
And you had nothing to do with it.
Y no tuviste nada que ver.
I'll tell Dr. Chumley you had nothing to do with it. It was all my fault.
Le diré al Dr. Chumley que todo ha sido culpa mía.
You had nothing to do with it.
No tuviste nada que ver con eso.
- You had nothing to do with it.
- Tú no tuviste nada que ver.
But if you think you had nothing to do with it...
Pero, ¡ qué diablos! Si crees que tú no tienes nada que ver en ello...
You had nothing to do with it.
Ud. no tuvo nada que ver en eso.
I'm about to have a little brother, and you had nothing to do with it.
Voy a tener un hermanito, pero tu no tienes parte.
Everybody knows you had nothing to do with it.
Todo el mundo sabe que no tienes nada que ver con eso.
You had nothing to do with it.
Tú no tuviste nada que ver.
I know now you had nothing to do with it, but I had to check for her sake.
Ahora sé que usted no tuvo que ver, pero tenía que asegurarme por el bien de ella.
Oh, you had nothing to do with it. Nothing.
No, tú no tuviste nada que ver. ¡ Nada!
You had nothing to do with it
Primero, tú no estás metido.
You see, it was I who was fired. Honestly, you had nothing to do with it.
Me han despedido y no he tenido nada que ver.
Even if you had nothing to do with it.
E igual haría si no le conociera de nada, ¿ comprende?
You just told me... you had nothing to do with it.
- No, recién me dijo... que no tenía nada que ver.
- You had nothing to do with it?
- ¿ No tuvo nada que ver con esto?
- You had nothing to do with it?
Usted no es nada de eso Por eso quizás soy desdichado.
- And you had nothing to do with it?
Y tú no tuviste nada que ver?
You had nothing to do with it.
No queda nada de él. - Y tú no sabes nada.
You had nothing to do with it.
Tú no tuviste nada que ver con esto.
Well, Mr. Egelbaur, you must realize that I had nothing to do with it whatsoever.
Sr. Egelbaur, debe entender que yo no tuve nada que ver con lo que pasó.
It would be of no use for me to swear to you on the honour of the profession we both respect that I had nothing to do with the death of Mr Lincoln?
¿ No serviría de nada que le jurase por el honor de la profesión que los dos respetamos, que no tuve nada que ver con la muerte del Sr. Lincoln?
It had nothing whatsoever to do with you.
No tiene nada que ver contigo.
You know, it's perfectly ridiculous. I had nothing to do with this.
No tuve nada que ver.
You know, I had nothing to do with this arrangement. But now that you're in it, you might as well go...
Sabes que yo no tuve nada que ver con esto pero ahora que estás metida en él, deberías aprovecharlo.
You're going in there and tell them al had nothing to do with it.
lrás a decirles que Al no tuvo nada que ver.
I had nothing to do with it. You know that, Sir Alfred.
Yo no he sido.
Well, you know that had nothing to do with it.
Eso no tiene nada que ver.
When I told you to leave your wife... it had nothing whatever to do with me.
Cuando le dije que dejara a su esposa... no tenía nada que ver conmigo.
That Cesarina had nothing to do with it, and I want you to tell it to everybody!
Que Cesarina no tuvo nada que ver y quiero se lo digas a todo el mundo.
It really had nothing to do with you until you started peeking into closets where you didn't belong.
No tuvo nada que ver contigo pero te metiste en asuntos que no eran tuyos.
But I decided not to try, and you had nothing to do with it.
Pero he decidido no intentarlo.
You cannot hang Senor Buchanan, he had nothing to do with it.
No puede colgar al Sr. Buchanan. No hizo nada.
I had nothing to do with my father's death, and you know it.
No tuve nada que ver con su muerte. Bien lo sabes.
It had nothing to do with you personally.
No tiene nada que ver contigo personalmente.
Oh, it had nothing to do with you personally, you understand?
No tenía nada que ver contigo personalmente, ¿ lo entiendes?
I had nothing to do with it, you know.
No tengo nada que ver con eso, ya lo sabe.
Just look at them. You can tell they had nothing to do with it.
Es obvio que no tuvieron nada que ver.
You see, Cordy, I had nothing to do with it.
- No tuve nada que ver.
I had nothing to do with it. - Weren't you friendly with Pam Walsbury?
- No era amigo de Pam Walsbury?
I tell you, I had nothing to do with it.
Le digo que yo no tuve nada que ver.
The reason you are all here tonight is to celebrate its destruction... and to see with your eyes that witchcraft could have had nothing to do with it.
La razón por la que todos están aquí esta noche es para celebrar su muerte... y ver con sus propios ojos que la brujería no puede haber tenido nada que ver.
You had nothing to do with it?
¿ No tienes nada que ver?
To put it bluntly to you... that had nothing to do with Angelique.
Para ser franca yo también, Henry, quizá no te une eso con Angélica.
They told you they had nothing to do with it?
Le dijeron que no tuvieron nada que ver, claro.
You had nothing to do with it.
Tú no sabes nada, eres inocente.

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