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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You had sex with her

You had sex with her tradutor Espanhol

202 parallel translation
You had sex with her on the second date, and then you never called her again.
¡ Te acostaste con ella en la segunda cita y nunca le volviste a llamar!
Samples taken from the victim's body prove you had sex with her within a half-hour of her death.
Los análisis muestran que usted hizo el amor con la victima, media hora antes.
You had sex with her, didn't you?
Te acostaste con ella, ¿ no es así?
You had sex with her every time you met, didn't you?
Tuvieron sexo todas las veces que te encontraste con ella, no es cierto?
You had sex with her, then offed her.
Te acostaste con ella esa noche, luego te la cargaste.
You had sex with her here?
- ¿ Tuviste sexo con ella aquí? - Sexo apasionado y sudoroso justo ahí.
And remember in 12th grade, you had sex with her?
Oh, si... ¿ y recuerdas el ultimo año? ¿ Cuando tuviste sexo con ella?
You had sex with her here?
¿ Tuviste sexo con ella aquí?
You had sex with her about what time?
¿ Tuvo sexo con ella como a qué hora?
You had sex with her.
Tuviste sexo con ella.
I believe you had sex with her.
Creo que te acostaste con ella.
What, and you had sex with her?
¿ Qué? ¿ Tuviste sexo con ella?
And you wanted to show them both that you were a man, and that's why you had sex with her.
Y tú quisiste mostrarle a ambos que eras un hombre. Por eso tuviste sexo con ella.
So you had sex with her?
¿ Entonces tuviste sexo con ella?
So you had sex with her.
Entonces tuviste sexo con ella.
- You had sex with her mom.
- Tuviste sexo con su madre.
You had sex with her once.
Te acostaste con ella una vez.
You had sex with her where?
¿ Usted tuvo sexo con ella, dónde?
You know, there's no evidence that says that you had sex with her.
Sabe, no hay ninguna prueba que indique que mantuviera sexo con ella.
Yes, I can prove that you had sex with her.
Sí, puedo demostrar que mantuviste sexo con ella.
But you had sex with her. So I'm not a romantic.
Pero has tenido sexo con ella así pues, no soy un romántico.
You also boasted that you had sex with her.
También presumiste de haberte acostado con ella.
You had sex with her!
¡ Tuviste sexo con ella!
Were you the best friend of that woman's husband? And you had sex with her?
¿ Usted era el mejor amigo del marido de esta señora, y tenía relaciones sexuales con ella?
So you're saying you had not had sex with her until last night?
¿ Me está diciendo que no se ha acostado con ella hasta anoche?
- You never had sex with her?
- ¿ Nunca se acostó con ella?
Ruth-Anne, don't you think any woman - any normal woman - would be furious if a man led her to believe she had sex with him, and later on she found out she didn't?
¿ No crees que cualquier mujer, cualquier mujer normal... enfurecería si le hicieran creer que tuvo sexo... y luego se enterara de que no lo tuvo?
Had sex with her, didn't you?
Tuviste sexo con ella, verdad?
Do you want to hear that I had sex with her?
¿ Quieres oír que me acosté con ella?
You've had phone sex with this girl, and you're never gonna call her again.
¿ Podría esperar, por favor?
After you've had sex with a girl, and you're lying in bed with her, are you nervous?
Después de que te acostaste con una chica y estás en la cama, ¿ te sientes nervioso?
You even had sex with her best friend... while you were supposed to be home watching the kids.
Hasta se revolcó con su mejor amiga... mientras se suponía que estaba en su casa cuidando a los niños.
It's hard to explain to you kids that have never had sex before... but when you're with a woman, something chemical happens to her.
Es difícil explicarlo a los niños que nunca han tenido sexo antes. Pero cuando estás con una mujer, ella sufre un cambio químico.
You know, with Amy, you're the only one she's ever had sex with, so technically, you can't disappoint her.
Con Amy, eres el único hombre con el que ella se ha acostado, así que técnicamente no puedes decepcionarla.
- Yeah, she thinks you not having sex had something to do with her.
Sí, cree que no tienen sexo por ella.
And you haven't had sex with her?
- ¿ Y no tuviste sexo con ella?
Haven't you ever slept with a woman and not had sex with her?
¿ No has dormido con una mujer sin hacerle el amor?
You've never had sex with her?
¿ Nunca tuvo sexo con ella?
Don't tell me, you just had sex with her mom.
No me diga que tuvo relaciones con la mamá.
So she's a porno actress in your porno film and she pretended to be your girlfriend because she ran upstairs naked because the light caused a fire and you've never had sex with her and you've never kissed her?
Entonces ella es una actriz porno en tu película porno y pretendía ser tu novia porque salio desnuda porque las luces causaron un incendio y nunca tuviste sexo con ella y nunca la besaste?
So she fought with her boyfriend, had sex with you, and then, a third guy came along and he killed her.
Entonces luchó con su ex novio, tuvo relaciones con usted después, vino un tercer tipo y la mató.
- Plus, you already had sex with her.
Además, ya tuviste sexo con ella.
You know, I think you had sex with my wife before I married her.
Tuviste relaciones con mi esposa antes de que me casara con ella.
That's true, but the boat you guys stole belongs to Dr. Daniel Zimmerman, whose son is Jason Zimmerman, who Rebecca Thurston had sex with on her father's boat last semester.
Es verdad, pero el barco que robasteis es del Dr. Daniel Zimmerman, cuyo hijo es Jason Zimmerman, con quien Rebecca Thurston tuvo sexo en el barco de su padre el semestre pasado.
- We had to pay her $ 250 to have sex with you! - Aha!
Tuvimos que pagarle $ 250 para que tuviera sexo contigo.
You had sex with her.
Es una niña.
I thought that if she had sex with me... you would see her for the manipulative slut that she is.
Creí que si se acostaba conmigo... la verías como la perra manipuladora que es.
You're right, it is fate. I was out with this girl tonight that I could have had sex with, but it was easy to blow her off. I was excited to be with you.
Tienes razón, es el destino porque a la noche estaba con esta chica que..... podría totalmente haber tenido sexo con ella..... pero fue fácil decirle que no porque estaba pensando estar contigo.
Because you've had sex with her in every room in the house?
¿ Por qué has tenido relaciones sexuales en cada habitación de la casa?
Another thing. Make sure you do it after you've had sex with her.
Y hazlo después de acostarte con ella.
You had sex with her here?
- ¿ Te acostaste con ella, aquí?

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