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You had to be there tradutor Espanhol

528 parallel translation
I thought you had to be there.
Pensé que tendrías que estar allí.
You see, we've just picked your name from this enormous drum full of names, only you had to be there to win, and you are, so you have.
Verá, su nombre ha sido seleccionado de entre un gran número de personas, pero tenía que estar en casa para ganar, y está, así que ha ganado.
You had to be there.
Tenías que estar allí.
You had to be there.
Usted debería estar allá.
- You had to be there.
- Había que verse allí.
- An in-joke. You had to be there.
- Un chiste interno.
Yeah, well, I guess you had to be there.
Supongo que había que estar ahí.
You had to be there, right?
Tenías que haberlo visto.
Doesn't seem worth it but I guess you had to be there, huh?
No parece merecer la pena, pero habría que estar allí.
But I'm warning you, and you, Jean La Cour... member of the City Counsel, and all of you... if we get us another dose of yellow fever like we had back in'30... when there wasn't enough men alive to bury the dead... there just isn't going to be any town to run a railroad into.
Pero le advierto a usted y a usted Jean La Cour, miembro del Consejo de la Ciudad ¡ y a todos ustedes! Si volvemos a tener otra epidemia de fiebre amarilla como la del 30 donde no quedaban suficientes vivos para enterrar a los muertos... ¡... entonces no quedará ningún pueblo en donde construir el ferrocarril!
What did you wanna go over there for? Well, I figured that was a good place to be because they had to rear up and show themselves in order to shoot at me and the rest of the boys back here.
Me figuré que sería un buen sitio para mí porque no tendrían más remedio que asomar la cabeza si querían matarme.
To be able to open my eyes And find you still there. You see, all these months, I've Had to close my eyes to see you. There'd you be In some crazy little hat,
Hasta ahora para poder verte tenía que cerrarlos y llegabas tú, aunque sin ese sombrerito.
You know, Father... if I had to live my life over again... there'd be a lot of changes made.
¿ Sabe, padre? Si pudiera volver a vivir mi vida otra vez cambiaría muchas cosas.
Was there someone you thought would be incriminated... if Nurse Linley had been allowed to speak yesterday?
Había allí alguien que usted pensó que sería incriminado... ¿ si le hubieran permitido a la enfermera Linley hablar ayer?
That he'd examined the glass and found it to be clean, that it had been washed and dried, would you still hold to your statement that there were a few drops of burgundy remaining in the bottom of the glass?
Que había sido lavada y secada. ¿ Continuaría usted afirmando que había unas gotas en eI fondo?
Don't you suppose I knew there had to be a Mary if there was going to be any White House?
No supuso que sabía que habría una Mary si iba a haber una Casa Blanca?
There had to be a cataclysm to keep you home.
Tendría que haber un cataclismo para que te quedaras en casa.
Still there's some credit to be had and I thought you might just as well- -
Reconozco que tiene cierto mérito y he pensado que podría...
With all the hemming and hawing that goes on, you'd think there wasn't an honest seaman to be had in Bristol.
Con todas la dudas que esto trae. Y parece que no hay ni un hombre honesto en Bristol.
There's jobs to be had. Why Don't you go out and get a job?
Hay trabajos para hacer. ¿ Por qué no sale a buscar un trabajo?
And that's final. Mr. Melrose, I had hoped we could all be spared this embarrassment... but if you're going to be unreasonable about this... I have no course but to remind you that there are laws in this country... criminal laws... against the kind of entertainment you have permitted yourself on business trips.
Sr. Melrose, esperaba poder evitarnos la vergüenza... pero si va a ser tan poco razonable... no me queda otro recurso que recordarle que existen leyes penales... relativas al tipo de entretenimiento que se permite en viajes de negocios.
But if I had ordered to caress and encourage you, there would be no one to do it.
Mas si os ordenara que os hicierais caricias - de las honestas -, no iría nadie.
You remember saying this was a racket, there had to be something in it for Christiani?
¿ Recuerdas que me dijiste que Christiani iba a pedir algo?
- No, you had to be there.
Pero un día se presentó en Montreuil otro visitante.
We had a council meeting and everyone agreed that if you wanted to stay we could go to the deputy, I'm sure there'd be no problem.
Ha habido una reunión y todos están de acuerdo para que te quedes. Podríamos hablar con el ayudante del sheriff y explicárselo.
There had to be two cars. Even you can see that.
Tenía que haber dos coches.
If you only had the sense to take my advice, we'd still be there. Little girl who kept eyeing you was kinda pretty.
El unico sentido que tuvo mi consejo fue estar allí la chica que te tocó era bastante bonita
Well, had it been one ounce lighter, there'd be no one here to go back with you, colonel.
Coronel, tengo que pedir a sus hombres que permanezcan en la nave. No quiero a la gente distraída.
There may be advantages being married to an older woman like if you had trouble with historical dates.
Quizá sea ventajoso el estar casado con una mujer mayor si tienes problemas recordando las fechas históricas.
You just had to be there.
Tendrías que haber estado.
You just had to be there.
Tendrías que haber estado allí.
But no, you had to leave her there to be slaughtered.
Pero no, había que dejarla allí para ser sacrificada.
Even if there's no poverty to be seen, because the poverty's been hidden even if you got more wages and could afford to buy more of these new and useless goods and even if it seemed to you that you never had so much that is only the slogan of those who have that much more than you.
Aún si no se ve la pobreza porque ha sido escondida aún si tienen más dinero y pueden comprar más cosas nuevas e inútiles aún si parece que nunca han tenido tanto es sólo el lema de aquellos que tienen mucho más que ustedes.
And there, you will be able to conduct your business as though nothing had happened, as though this had never transpired.
And if he had not had Toulon nor Egypt to begin his career with, but instead of all those picturesque and monumental things, there had simply been some ridiculous old hag, a pawnbroker, who had to be murdered too to get money from her trunk for his career. You understand?
Si él no tuviera ni Tolón ni Egipto para comenzar, y en lugar de todas esas cosas hermosas y monumentales... hubiera una ridícula vieja prestamista... a la que, para colmo, también hubiera que matar... para sacar de su baúl el dinero necesario para la carrera...
Look, I am due in my pulpit at 11 : 00 this morning, and if I ain't there - if my people were to find out that you had me locked up in this filthy, pissy pigsty, there'll be all hell to pay!
Debo estar en mi púlpito a las 11 : 00 de la mañana. Y si no estoy ahí... Si mi gente se entera de que me tenían encerrado... en esta pocilga asquerosa, habrá un gran problema.
So this rave you had last night... any reason in particular for Mr Coben to be there?
Entonces esta rave que tuvo anoche... había alguna razón en particular para que el señor Coben esté ahí?
Do you know that in the hospitals there's not a single free bed to be had?
¿ Sabe que en los hospitales no queda ni una sola cama libre?
I had seen all there was to be seen, and so had you.
He visto todo lo que había que ver. Lo mismo usted.
You said that there had to be another key to fit the new lock, and when you had that key, then you'd have the person who murdered Allen Mallory.
Dijo que debía haber otra llave para la cerradura nueva y cuando la hallara, tendría a la persona que asesinó a Allen Mallory.
Besides that, there wouldn't be nothing to worry about anyway if you had her, that's for dang sure.
Además, no tendría nada de que preocuparme... si tú la tuvieras, eso es seguro.
Had you given them the right to lead the ceremony there would be no trouble
Debisteis cederles el derecho a llevar la ceremonia. No habria problemas.
Why don't you play the tape, carry on from there, and you will see that, in fact, it had to be night.
¿ Por qué no escucha la cinta? siga a partir de ahí, y verá, de hecho, que tenía que ser de noche.
I believe it was an English critic that commented that if you took an ABBA song apart and laid all the different pieces out before you there would be only one way to put the song back together again - - and that's the way, of course, that they had originally done it.
Creo que fue un crítico inglés quien comentó que si tomabas separadamente una canción de ABBA y ponías los distintos fragmentos delante de ti sólo había una manera de reconstruir la canción de nuevo y esta manera sería, claro, la que ellos originalmente dispusieron.
I knew there had to be a good reason why you saved that guy's life.
sabía que le salvaste la vida por una razón.
No, there had to be someone else, someone in authority, a third man, if you like.
No, debe haber habido alguien más alguien con poder, un tercer hombre.
well, you see - you see, my dad is a moose in St. Louis. and I figured, well, he's into community services. I figured a city the size of New York that there had to be somebody did the same thing.
verás... verás, mi padre es de San Luis y bueno, él hace servicios comunitarios pensé que una ciudad tan grande como Nueva York tenía que tener alguien que hiciese lo mismo
Be nice to think that you had a few second thoughts now and then... but there's no chance of that, is there?
Estaría bien creer que de vez en cuando tienes alguna buena idea... pero eso es imposible, ¿ no?
But Cassen said in order for there to be enough heating going on you had to start the heating before Europa basically cooled off.
Pero, según Cassen, para mantener el calentamiento habría que empezar antes de que Europa se enfriara. ¿ Y las fugas por las grietas?
I mean, you know I was just sitting there, crying through most of the show. And I suddenly had this feeling I was just as creepy as they were... and that my whole life had been a sham... and I didn't have the guts to be Billie Holiday either.
Estuve llorando casi todo el rato... porque me sentía tan patético como ellos, sentía que mi vida había sido una farsa... y que no tenía las agallas para ser Billie Holiday.
I told you I had to be there at five!
Te dije que tenía que estar allí a las cinco.

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