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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You have to do something

You have to do something tradutor Espanhol

3,335 parallel translation
You have to do something about this.
Tienes que hacer algo sobre esto.
You have to do something.
Tienes que hacer algo.
If it's real, you have to do something.
Si es real, hay que hacer algo al respecto.
You have to do something!
¡ No podemos permitir eso! ¡ Es asqueroso!
- You have to do something.
- Tienes que hacer algo.
But you have to do something for me.
Pero tienes que hacer algo por mí.
No, you have to do something brave or do a shit ton of drugs in a rock band to be one of those. No, no, no.
Tienes que hacer algo valiente o drogarte mucho en una banda de rock para serlo.
Do you really have to gift something, that was made in China just because you supposedly went there?
¿ Tienes que buscar algo hecho en China porque fuiste a China? ¡ Oh!
Call me later if you have something to talk about. Don't do that out here. How about I get you a room?
Te conseguiré un cuarto.
I do not expect us to all to agree about everything, but I would much prefer they'll have you believe in something I don't agree with, than to accept everything blindly.
Yo no espero que todos estemos de acuerdo en todo, pero prefiero que te hagan creer en algo con lo que no estoy de acuerdo, en vez de aceptar todo ciegamente.
Sonic Youth was great'cause first of all, they're probably, like, my favorite band in the whole world, and sometimes you just have to do something for yourself.
Sonic Youth fue genial, primero de todo porque ellos son probablemente mi banda favorita, y a veces uno tiene que hacer las cosas para uno mismo.
There's something I need to tell you right now, unless you do want to have sex, in which case I'll tell you afterwards.
Hay algo que necesito a decir ahora mismo, menos que hagas quiere tener sexo, en cuyo caso te diré después.
If I was pissed at you, I'm sure it would have something to do with the fact that I had no interest in coming to this house socially, and now, I am barricaded in here with a bunch of people that I really hate.
Si lo estuviera estoy seguro de que estaría relacionado con el hecho de que no me interesaba venir a esta casa socialmente y ahora, estoy atrincherado aquí dentro con un montón de gente que odio realmente.
You started something and I have no idea what I'm supposed to do next.
Empezaste algo y no tengo ni idea de lo que se supone que debo hacer ahora.
Do you have something that belongs to me?
¿ Tienes algo que me pertenece?
This is something you have to do.
No. Es algo que se debe hacer.
You think I have something to do with this?
¿ Crees que tengo algo que ver con esto?
Do I really have to tell you something you already know?
¿ En serio quieres que te diga lo que ya sabes?
So if you watch children building, trying to build a house with cards... you know, you stack them up and you put something on top... they must have some initial conception in mind of what they're planning to do,
Si uno observa a unos niños que intentan construir una casa con cartas, verá que las apilan, que colocan algunas arriba de todo. Deben de tener en mente algún concepto inicial de lo que planean hacer, pero el proceso de construcción, sin duda altera ese concepto.
Do you want to have a coffee with us later or something?
Quieres tomar un cafe? con nosotros mas tarde o algo?
So you're going to have to do something to get his attention.
Tendrás que captar su atención.
They said, "We're doing a film here in France and we've seen your work in a science-fiction bookshop here in Paris. And would you like to come over, have a chat with us and see if we could do something?"
Que habían visto mi trabajo en una tienda de libros de Paris Si me gustaría ir, tener una charla con ellos y ver si podíamos hacer algo.
There's not a lot of people out there with a brain quite like yours... so I'm thinking that God or Buddha or whatever... they wouldn't have given it to you... unless they knew you were going to do something kick-ass with it.
Sabes, no hay mucha gente por ahí con un cerebro como el tuyo. Así que creo que Dios o Buda o lo que sea... ¿ No te lo hubieran dado si no fueras a usarlo y patear traseros con él?
I need to know, do you have any issues, second job, family issues, kids, something?
Necesito saber, ¿ tienes algún problema, segundo trabajo, problemas familiares, niños, algo?
I know you think it's a bad idea, but it's something I have to do.
pero es algo que debo hacer.
Do you have something to eat?
¿ Tienes algo para comer?
Do you have something to say?
¿ Tiene algo que decir?
No, don't you have something important to do?
No, no tiene algo importante que hacer?
Yöu'll have to do something.
Tendras que hacer algo.
.. you will have to do something different.
.. hay que hacer algo diferente.
- Have you had a something to do with Licensee McGraw?
De acuerdo. ¿ Has tenido algo con el Licenciatario McGraw?
Do you have something to say?
- ¿ Tienes algo que decir?
Do you have something to say?
¿ Tienen algo que decir?
Phillip? When you're visiting Hong Kong in March, I have something to do with the bank's board of directors at the same time.
Aquellos pocos días de marzo en Hong Kong... hay algo con la tarjeta bancaria.
Do you think it might have something to do with Mima?
¿ Crees que puede tener algo que ver con Mima?
Look, you've always wanted to do something big, we all have.
So, you're gonna have to do something about the Henry situation.
Vas a tener que hacer algo acerca de Henry.
You must excuse me, but I still have something to do.
Discúlpame, pero todavía tengo algo que hacer.
I have to go, but you need to do something about your life.
Me tengo que ir, pero necesitas hacer algo con tu vida.
Total joy, but I've gotta get back because there's something very important that I have to do. So, lovely to see you, Charlotte.
Entonces qué gusto me dio verte, Charlotte.
So we can have fun with this, and if you want to try something new, or have improv or anything, don't feel that you can't do that, okay?
Así que vamos a divertirnos con esto, y si quieres probar algo nuevo o quieres improvisar o lo que sea, no sientas que no puedes hacerlo, ¿ de acuerdo?
Remember, it's... it's a business and if you're not producing, they could just drop you, and that's something I might have to do as well, go into my next show without a sponsor, and that's gonna be one of the biggest challenges of my life, not just coming back from injury or coming back from seven months of being incarcerated,
Recuerda, esto es un negocio y si no estás produciendo ellos pueden dejarte y ya y eso es algo que quizá yo también tenga que hacer, ir a mi siguiente competencia sin un patrocinador, y eso va a ser
Would it have killed you to do something for me for once?
¿ Te habría matado hacer algo por mí por una vez?
Did... did you have something to do with this?
¿ Tienes algo que ver en esto?
I want to help. Would it have killed you to do something for me for once?
¿ Te habría matado haber hecho algo por mí por una vez?
Just because you seniors have the power to do something.. ... doesn't mean you have to do it.
Solo porque los mayores tengan poder para hacer algo, no significa que debas hacerlo.
Do you have something you'd like to say?
¿ Hay algo que te gustaría decir?
Do you have something you wanna say to your sister?
¿ Hay algo que quieras decirle a tu hermana?
Uh, do you think we might have a few moments... to discuss something in private?
¿ Crees que podríamos tener un momento...? ¿ para discutir algo en privado?
Do you have any idea how infuriating it is to be the only one not let in on something but expected to go along with it?
¿ Tienes alguna idea de lo indignante que es ser el único que no permite hablar de algo pero espera llegar a ello?
Do you have something to say for yourself?
¿ Tienes algo que decir en tu defensa?

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