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You have to go back tradutor Espanhol

1,921 parallel translation
Do you have to go back to work or can you talk for a bit? - No.
¿ Tienes que regresar al trabajo o podemos hablar un poco?
Carlos, do you have to go back to work?
- Carlos, ¿ tienes que volver al trabajo?
Van, do you have to go back to the college?
Van, ¿ tienes que ir a la universidad?
You have to go back to the fjords now.
Ahora debes volver a los fiordos.
All of you have to go back.
Todos tienen que volver.
You have to go back and download their inventory logs.
Debes regresar y descargar los registros de inventarios porque kitt no puede hacerlo?
You have to go back to the past, all of their previous chemical reactions.
Yendo hacia atras... Volver al pasado, todas sus reacciones quimicas precedentes.
You have to go back to school.
Tenéis que volver al instituto.
Okay, you two, thank you so much for staying behind and cleaning up, but you have to go back to school, also.
Vale, vosotros dos, muchas gracias por quedaros a limpiar, pero también tenéis que ir al instituto.
You have to go back.
Tienes que regresar.
All of you have to go back. We're gonna have to bring him, too. The journey for the oceanic six is gonna be,
Todos vosotros teneis que volver tenemos que llevarle a él tambien el viaje para los seis del oceanic va a ser
Why do you have to go back in the wedge?
¿ Por qué debes volver a ese recipiente?
You have to go back to tree hill tomorrow.
Tienes que regresar a Tree Hill mañana.
No, you have to stop and you have to go back to the Devil and tell him you changed your mind.
No, tienes que parar y volver con el Diablo y decirle que cambiaste de idea.
The island needs you. You have to go back.
La Isla te necesita, tienes que volver.
All of you have to go back.
Todos ustedes tienen que volver.
- That's my wife! Sorry, sir, you have to go back to the waiting area.
- Lo siento señor, pero tiene que volver a la sala de espera.
You said yourself, you have to go back there.
Tú mismo lo has dicho, tienes que regresar allí.
You'll have to go back all alone.
Bueno, ya tu verás como te regresas solita.
You snort horse once, don't like it, you go back to your organic tea, have a nice life.
El de ella aspira polvo una vez, no le gusta y sigue con el té orgánico, disfrutando de la vida.
If we are unable do this, you'll have to go back on the freighter and be on your way.
Si eso no fuera posible, usted será obligado a volver al carguero y seguir viaje.
You know, I'm gonna have to go back.
Tendré que retomar.
We'd like to have you back ", he'd go running in a heartbeat.
Nos gustaría que regresaras " él iría corriendo sin dudarlo.
Look, I have to go. Will you just tell Nora I'll be back later?
Mira, me tengo que ir. ¿ le dirás a Nora qué vuelvo luego?
You have to go there if you want them back.
Tiene que ir a allí si los quiere de vuelta.
Warning : suspect is an actor. Okay, I have to go, but I would love to finish putting that back together when I'm done, if it's okay with you.
Vale, tengo que irme, pero me encantaría que terminaras de montar eso para cuando vuelva, si te parece bien.
But you know, I, I still don't understand why you... you didn't go back and have the test just to make sure.
Pero sabes, aún no entiendo por qué no regresaste y te hiciste el examen para asegurarte.
Do you really have to go back to The damn Hague?
¿ Realmente debes volver a La Haya?
I never thought I'd have to use it, but... you think you can go back to before your story broke?
Nunca pensé que tendría que usarlo, pero... ¿ Crees que puedes volver atrás antes de que se publicara la historia?
Let's go back to Florida so you can see what kind of lowlife family you really have!
Regresemos a Florida para que veas la verdadera familia miserable que tienes.
If you guys want me to go back to school, then obviously I have to have a little bit of money to do that too.
Si quieren que vuelva a estudiar obviamente tendré que tener algo de dinero para hacer eso también.
So, unless you give us something else, we're gonna run with the evidence we have and you can go back to your cell.
a no ser que nos des algo más, vamos a trabajar con la evidencia que tenemos para que puedas volver a tu celda.
And you're gonna have to go back to work, and your life is gonna get turned upside down, so yes, maybe a little like Amy.
Y vas a tener que volver al trabajo, y tu vida dará un giro, de modo que sí, tal vez un poco como Amy.
You go back to the farm in your nice sharkskin suit, leave being a businessman to those who have the brains for it.
Vuelve a la granja en tu lindo traje ejecutivo y deja los negocios a aquellos que tengan cerebro para ello.
You don't have to go back to work.
No tienes que volver a trabajar.
You might want to go back on your meds, because your Jags, they have some serious competition.
Quizá debas volver a medicarte, porque tus Jaguars tienen una gran competencia ahora.
You know, I think she was just this sad, lonely girl who loved David Cassidy and wanted to go back to Albuquerque, but she didn't have any family there, so she let herself be adopted by these people,
Ya sabes, creo que ella sólo era una chica triste y solitaria. Que... Que amaba a David Cassidy y quería volver
I'm not gonna have you running around playing weekend warrior so you can go back to your buddies at the office and tell them you saw some real gun play, understood?
No quiero que juegue al guerrero de fin de semana para que pueda regresar con sus amigos a la oficina y contarles que vio un tiroteo real, ¿ Entendido?
It's just you, in that room, with that person and it's so much easier to go back and drink again, lose yourself again so you don't have to face it.
Es simplemente tú, en esa habitación, con esa persona y es mucho más fácil volver y beber de nuevo, perderte a tí de nuevo, y así no tener que enfrentarte a ello.
or even a "Turn Back Now Because This Doesn't End Well for You" section, so I'm going to have to go ahead and wing it.
ni "Vete, porque esto no termina bien para ti". Así que tendré que improvisar.
Just don't make me go back in there again and you won't have to worry about it.
No me hagas volver y no tendrás de qué preocuparte.
Do you ever go back to that night and wonder how things would have gone if you had just left that infirmary door locked?
¿ Alguna vez recuerdas esa noche y te preguntas cómo habrían sido las cosas si hubieras dejado la puerta de la enfermería cerrada?
To be honest with you, Kal... coming back here and trying to change the future... I might not have one to go back to.
Para serte sincero Kal después de volver aquí e intentar cambiar el futuro, puede que no tenga uno al que volver.
You're still grounded, so you go back home, and if you want to pray, do it without going out, as I have ordered you.
Estás castigado, así que te vas a casa, y si quieres rezar, hazlo sin salir, como te he mandado.
Tell you what, why don't you go back to your office and I'll have Commander Taylor go down to Missing Person's...
Mira. Te diré qué. Porqué no regresas a tu oficina y haré que el comandante Taylor baje a Personas Desaparecidas - -
Getting these jesus freaks to believe you're one of them So you don't have to go back to boot camp?
¿ Hacerles creer a estos fanáticos que eres uno de ellos evita que regreses al reformatorio?
Hazel you have to promise me no matter what happens in future, leave Sonny alone and go back to US with Minnie
Hazel... debes prometerme... sin importar lo que me suceda en un futuro... que dejarás solo a Sonny... y te irás a USA con Minnie.
and I remembered that Laurence was in the summer house, so I went to see if he was still there. The weather was foul. You must have had a very good reason to go back out to the summer house.
Tuvo que haber tenido un razón muy buena... para volver a la casa de verano.
I'm sorry, you're gonna have to go back upstairs and get me another sample.
Lo siento, vas a tener que volver y traerme otra muestra.
Because I know you have to care about me because you don't usually go back to the same bed over and over again.
Porque sé que te importo porque normalmente no vuelves a la misma cama una y otra vez.
For the record, I would never have given you to Russell. Go back to hell where you came from, you fucking dead piece of shit. I'm sorry to see you suffer like this, but I thought you had the right to know.
nunca te hubiera entregado a Russell. puto pedazo de mierda muerta. pero pensé que tenías derecho a saberlo.

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