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You haven't tradutor Espanhol

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- Seriously? Haven't you figured it out?
¿ Todavía no te has dado cuenta?
Okay? You haven't even listened to your own tape.
Ni siquiera has escuchado tu propia cinta.
How come we haven't met you before if you're such a good friend?
¿ Por qué no te conocimos antes, si eras tan buen amigo?
If you've listened this far and haven't heard your name, well, I bet you know exactly what's coming now.
Si has escuchado hasta aquí y no has oído tu nombre, bueno, supongo que sabes exactamente lo que viene ahora.
I mean, uh, haven't seen you in a while.
Digo, hace tiempo que no te veo.
And right now... you haven't held up your side of the bargain.
Y ahora mismo... no han cumplido con su parte del trato.
Ever since you got here, you haven't said a word to me.
Desde que llegaste aquí, no me has dicho una palabra.
Haven't you ever watched your family burn to death before?
¿ No habías visto a tu familia morir quemada alguna vez?
You haven't moved since I left to scavenge this morning.
No os habéis movido desde que he salido esta mañana.
So, I can assume you haven't murdered a single person today.
Osea que no has matado a nadie hoy
I haven't drank a drop since you left.
No he bebido ni una gota desde que te fuiste.
All right, and I haven't given you a lot of assignments during the break, but please, do a little bit of reading.
DICIEMBRE No les estoy dando mucha tarea para el receso, pero, por favor, lean un poco.
You haven't eaten normally in months.
No comes bien hace meses.
Haven't you, Mrs. Wright?
¿ No, señora Wright?
Haven't you left her a million messages already?
¿ No le dejaste mil mensajes?
You haven't touched me in almost a year.
Hace casi un año que no me tocas. ¿ Podemos no hablar de esto ahora, por favor?
Monk Tang, you haven't let me down.
Monje Tang, no me ha defraudado.
You haven't eaten all day.
No ha comido todo el día.
I've been good to you, haven't I?
He sido bueno contigo, ¿ no?
You haven't eaten yet, is that it?
No ha comido todavía, ¿ no es así?
So you haven't forgotten.
Así que no lo has olvidado.
- But you haven't done so.
- Pero no lo has hecho.
Volunteer nothing, you haven't seen him for days, you haven't spoken to him.
Nada de ofrecerte voluntario, hacía varios días que no le veías, que no hablabas con él.
To make sure you haven't been, you know, building a bomb.
Para asegurarse de que no ha estado fabricando una bomba.
Because I haven't greeted you, I don't remember you.
Porque no la he saludado, no la recuerdo.
All that whining about going back to jail, and you haven't, have you?
Todo ese lloriqueo sobre volver a la cárcel, y no lo has hecho, ¿ verdad?
- But you haven't picked a flavor yet?
Pero, ¿ aún no has elegido un sabor?
You haven't heard the bad news. They have a witness.
No has oído las malas noticias.
I haven't even told you the best part.
No te he contado la mejor parte.
You haven't even started the kitchen.
Ni siquiera has empezado la cocina.
He's going to be expecting Anne Wu, and I haven't heard you do a British accent, but I bet it sucks. He won't believe you.
Va a estar esperando a Anne Wu y no he oído tu acento británico, pero seguro que es una mierda.
Crys, I told you. I haven't seen, I haven't spoken to Tessie in months.
Crys, ya te lo dije, no he visto, ni hablado con Tessie en meses.
Haven't you heard?
¿ No te has enterado?
But you haven't committed to, uh, endorsing me for re-election yet.
Pero aún no te has comprometido a respaldarme para la reelección.
You got to do what you say you're going to do, which you haven't.
Tienes que hacer lo que dices que vas a hacer, cosa que no has hecho.
Haven't you driven enough people from their homes already?
¿ No has echado a bastante gente de sus hogares?
No, but you haven't been online praising suicide bombers.
No, pero ustedes no han estado online loando a quienes se inmolan con bombas.
Mr. Hashem, you haven't eaten a thing.
Sr. Hashem, no ha comido nada.
Whom you haven't seen in more than a decade, and who gets the pleasure of your company for less than a day.
A la que no has visto en más de una década y que obtiene el placer de tu compañía por menos de un día.
You haven't missed much.
No te has perdido gran cosa.
You still haven't spoken to her, have you?
Aún no has hablado con ella, ¿ no?
Why haven't you used it?
¿ Por qué usted no la usó?
I was just wondering why I haven't been struck down by lightning yet. Why don't you, transform those ropes into serpents and free yourself?
¿ Por qué no transformas esas cuerdas en serpientes y te liberas?
I'm sorry I haven't called you before now.
Siento no haberte llamado antes.
Listen, Nicole I know I haven't been hearing you.
Escucha, Nicole... sé que no te he estado escuchando.
Because before I came here, I stopped by the construction site, and your boss said that you haven't been there in weeks.
Porque antes de venir aquí, me pasé por la obra y tu jefe me dijo que llevabas semanas sin pasarte por allí.
- You still haven't told me who you're using for this job.
- Aún no me has contado a quién estás usando para este trabajo.
'Cause you've done this before, haven't you?
Porque ya lo habías hecho antes, ¿ verdad?
Speaking of which... you haven't been acting real loyal yourself lately.
Hablando de eso... últimamente no has estado actuando como el verdadero y leal tú.
And if you haven't... you cannot possibly imagine it.
Y si no, es algo imposible de imaginar.
But in time, Baudelaires, I hope you'll come to realize... you haven't the faintest idea.
Pero, con el tiempo, niños Baudelaire, espero que vean que no imaginaban cuánto.

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