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You just did it again tradutor Espanhol

70 parallel translation
You just did it again.
Lo has hecho de nuevo.
See, you just did it again.
Lo has vuelto a hacer.
- You just did it again!
- ¡ Acabas de hacerlo!
You just did it again.
Otra vez lo dijiste.
You just did it again.
Lo has vuelto a hacer.
No, i don't. You... you just did it again.
- No, no te amo.
No, I... no, i didn't.
- You... you just did it again.
You just did it again.
Acaban de hacerlo de nuevo.
There, you just did it again.
Ahí tienes, lo acabas de volver a hacer.
You just did it again.
Lo volviste a hacer.
There, you just did it again.
Ahí, lo hiciste de nuevo.
You just did it again!
Lo has vuelto a hacer.
I have a feeling you just did it again.
Pero lo que haya sido, tengo la sensación de que lo hiciste de nuevo.
It almost killed me the last time you did it, and you just did it again.
Casi me mató la última vez que lo hiciste, y tu lo acabas de volver a hacer.
You can see all my tiny, subtle movements? You just did it again.
¿ Puedes ver todos mis pequeños y sutiles movimientos? Lo acabas de hacer otra vez.
You just did it again.
Acabas de hacerlo otra vez.
You just did it again.
Estamos en- - Acabas de hacerlo de nuevo.
You know, you use those cards to manipulate people, and you just did it again.
Sabes que usas esas cartas para manipular a la gente, y lo has vuelto ha hacer.
You just did it again!
- ¡ Acabas de volver a hacerlo!
You just did it again.
Acabas de volver a hacerlo.
You just did it again.
Lo acabas de hacer de nuevo.
- See, you just did it again.
- Ves, lo acabas de hacer de nuevo.
- You just did it again.
- Acabas de hacerlo de nuevo.
I just want every cent back! Do you want to spend it all tonight? I don't want to keep a single cent! Did you separate the beds again? Romolo, do you mind sleeping in the lounge?
Pero que me dé las 300 mil liras, ni una menos. Te las dará. Gracias.
Well, that's just great, 99, you did it again.
Bueno, grandioso, 99, lo hiciste de nuevo.
If you already did it, just go over it again and again
Ya lo habéis hecho otra vez, repasarlo simplemente, repasarlo simplemente.
You know it just shows that there can be unhappiness in even a grand place like... What did you call this place again?
Te demuestra que puede haber infelicidad hasta en un lugar tan magnífico como... iCómo llamas a esto?
I just can't believe you came here and did it again.
Sí, algo. Es sólo que- -
Daphne, I must tell you again, that is an exquisite gown. It was way out of my price range, but did you ever see something and say, "I just have to have it?" Oh, thanks!
Daphne, debo decirte una vez más, que es un exquisito vestido.
Right up to just now, when you did it again.
Hasta ahora en que volviste a hacerlo.
Then he just snatched it out of my hand and went bounding down the street. - And did you see him again after that? - The next morning.
Y contribuí con otros dos millones para el Partido Democrático Nacional suponiendo que este miembro del Congreso si era reelegido, apoyaría el control de armas.
Just think about it, because they voted you out once, and they welcomed you back, but then again, you know, we welcomed Lill back, and look what she did to us. Just...
En este momento del juego, están sucediendo muchas cosas, y hay muchas posibilidades que el juego podría tomar.
Is there a point, or did you just want to know if I'd read it? There you go again, always looking for a point.
Entonces Iván y tú participaron para conseguir lo mismo.
You gotta be kiddin me, he just did it again.
Estás bromeando, lo hizo de nuevo.
Doing it again, just like you did to Fiona and all she did was like you, maybe love you.
Es lo mismo que hiciste con Fiona. ¡ Y ella te quería, quizás hasta te amaba!
I want you to do it again, just like you did.
Quiero que lo hagas de vuelta, igual que la primera vez.
Look, you did the right thing once, just do it again.
Una vez hizo lo que debía, vuelva a hacerlo.
You just did it again.
Lo hiciste otra vez.
Yeah. Did you talk to her, tell her about it, or just decide to stand her up, never speak to her again?
¿ Hablaste con ella, le contaste lo sucedido o simplemente decidiste plantarla y no volver a hablar con ella?
If you had to do it again you'd do it just like you did the first time. Because that's who you are.
Si tuvieras que volver a hacerlo, harías lo mismo que la primera vez... porque eres así.
Did you get one of your crew to sneak it in, or did you just walk it up again?
Te ayudo a moverlo alguno uno de tus complices...? o te acabas de subir otra vez?
I'll go outside. You say it again just like you did,
Voy a salir fuera y lo dices igual que lo has hecho antes.
I've often felt creatively, it's key to have a really bad memory and to forget what you did last and really start off each project like it's your first one in a way, and I feel like the trick is to do that almost every time, just like go back to the beginning and really treat each project like your first project and start from scratch again and not worry too much about people are expecting or want from you,
A menudo me he sentido creativo, es clave tener un recuerdo muy malo y olvidar lo que... Que duró... y realmente empezar cada proyecto como si fuera el primero de una manera, y siento que el truco está en hacer que casi cada vez que, al igual que ir de nuevo al principio Y realmente tratar cada proyecto como su primer proyecto y empezar de cero otra vez Y no te preocupes demasiado por la gente esperan o desean de ti,
You don't have to come with me, just, again where did you last see it.
No tiene que venir conmigo, solo repítame donde lo vio por última vez.
Just because I forgave you for sleeping with Clementine doesn't mean I'd forgive you if you did it again.
Solo porque te perdoné por acostarte con Clementine no significa que te perdonaría si lo hicieras otra vez.
And all the nasty shit you did... you're just supposed to pretend like you're never gonna do it again, right?
Y finges que no vas a volver a hacer esas cosas malas, ¿ no?
If you went through all of that training to become a big doctor, you came up with a plan, you did my operation, you did it just right, just perfect, you made me so I could walk again,
Si has pasado por todo este entrenamiento para convertirse en un gran médico, tienes un plan, me operas y sale bien, simplemente perfecta, para hacer que ande, pero no lo hago,
But then you did know, and you didn't mention it, and then, what, you just slept with him again?
Pero después lo supiste, y no lo mencionaste, y entonces, ¿ qué, acabas de volver a acostarte con él?
But if you ask me again, I did it all just to get by.
Pero si me preguntan de nuevo, lo hice todo solo para salir del paso.
I just wanted to let you know that I got a copy of the letter that Jessica blackmailed me with, and I made it clear to her that I would take it to the D.A. if she ever threatened me, so what I did will never happen again.
Solo quería que supieras que tengo una copia de la carta con la que Jessica me chantajeó, y ya le aclaré a ella que la llevaría al fiscal del distrito si me amenaza, así que lo que hice no volverá a pasar otra vez.
♪ I think I did it again ♪ I made you believe ♪ we're more than just friends ♪ baby ♪ it might seem like a crush ♪ but it doesn't mean
* Creo que lo hice de nuevo * Te hice creer somos más que amigos * Baby podría parecer como un flechazo * Pero no significa

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