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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You just have to trust me

You just have to trust me tradutor Espanhol

345 parallel translation
I mean, I really wish I could. You just have to trust me. It's not a good idea.
Me gustaría mucho, pero créeme, no es buena idea.
- You just have to trust me.
- Sólo tienes que confiar en mí.
You just have to trust me.
Tienes que confiar en mí.
- You just have to trust me, Daisy.
- Tendrás que confiar en mí, Daisy.
You just have to trust me, Chief.
Tendrás que confiar en mí.
Tommy, please, you just you just... - You just have to trust me.
Tommy, por favor, vas a tener que confiar en mí, ¿ de acuerdo?
You just have to trust me. It isn't easy when you're holding me hostage.
Eso no es sencillo si me tiene como rehén.
Sire, I am very grateful to you for disclosing this matter to me... first, because it is proof of your trust... and secondly, because I am the only German diplomat who can dare... to keep silent toward his sovereign about the request you have just made.
Sire, me satisface que vos hayáis tratado el tema conmigo... primero, porque prueba su confianza en mí y segundo, porque soy el único diplomático alemán que osaría... guardar silencio con su rey sobre lo que vos habéis dicho
Jill, l-I know it looks bad for me with Williams in the clear... but... I just have to ask you to trust me.
Sé que yo parezco sospechoso ahora que han descartado a Williams... pero... tengo que pedirte que confíes en mí.
- Althea, you'll just have to trust me.
Althea, tiene que confiar en mí.
You'd just have to trust me and let me do as I wish.
Tendrías que confiar en mí y dejarme hacer lo que quiera.
You'll just have to trust me this once.
Esta vez tienes que confiar en mí.
You just have to... trust me.
Solamente debes confiar... en mí.
You... just... have to trust me.
Sólo... debes... confiar en mi.
You'll just have to trust me.
Tienes que tener fe en mí.
Rudy, I know you. You have to trust me. I'll be so nervous, I'll just make you more nervous.
Con mis nervios, te pondrías incluso más nervioso.
You're gonna just have to trust me.
Tendrás que confiar en mí.
You're just gonna have to trust me about this one thing.
Va a tener que confiar en mí respecto a esto.
You're just going to have to trust me.
Tendrás que fiarte de mí.
i'm sorry. you're just going to have to trust me.
Lo siento, tendrás que confiar en mi.
You`ll just have to trust me, won`t you?
Tendrás que confiar en mí, ¿ lo harás?
Look, Lydia, you're just going to have to trust me.
Mira, Lydia, vas a tener que confiar en mi.
I guess you'll just have to trust me.
Entonces, deberás confiar en mí.
Look, I know all of this must seem crazy, but you'll just have to trust me on this.
Mire. Sé que esto le parecerá loco. Pero tienen que confiar en mí.
You both will just have to trust me.
Tendrán que confiar en mí.
- Look, you guys just have to trust me.
- Tendrán que confiar en mí.
Honey, you're just going to have to trust me on this one.
Esto me tomó por sorpresa.
Look, you're just going to have to trust me, OK?
Tienes que creerme, ¿ sí?
- You just have to trust me steve.
Tienes que confiar en mi Steve.
You're just gonna have to trust me.
Vas a tener que fiarte de mí.
But just trust me, you have to let him hit bottom.
Pero créeme. Debes dejar que toque el fondo.
- You're just gonna have to trust me on this.
- Vas a tener que confiar en mí.
You're just gonna have to trust me.
Tendrás que confiar en mí.
And you're just gonna have to trust me on this because I'm a mother.
Y tendrás que confiar en mí porque soy una madre.
Vas a tener que confiar en mí como tú quieres que confíe en ti.
It's just as well you have the trust of the MacGregor, or I'd be hard pressed to sign it over to you.
Menos mal que McGregor ha depositado su confianza en ti o me resultaría difícil dártelo.
I guess you're just gonna have to trust me.
Supongo que va a tener que confiar en mí.
You'll just have to trust me.
Sólo tendrás que confiar en mí.
I have just enough trust left in me to believe you.
Me queda apenas la suficiente confianza para creerte.
- You'll have to learn to trust me, just like I'm gonna have to learn to trust you.
Tendrás que aprender a confiar en mí y yo, en ustedes.
- You'll just have to trust me.
Tendrás que confiar en mí.
I just have to ask you to trust me.
Sólo puedo pedirle que confíe en mí.
You're just going to have to trust me on that.
Tendrá que confiar en mí con respecto a eso.
You're just gonna have to trust me!
Vas a tener que confiar en mi
We'll do it together, but you've just got to.... Even if it gets tough. You have to learn to trust me.
Lo haremos juntos, pero Ud. tiene que... aunque se ponga difícil... tiene que confiar en mí.
Look, I know you have no reason to trust me right now, but I just got a little note from the Engineer.
Sé que no confías en mí,... pero acabo de recibir una nota del ingeniero.
No, I just- - you have to trust me.
No, confía en mí. No soy una buena persona.
- You'll just have to trust me. - No.
- Tendrás que confiar en mí.
You're just going to have to trust me, we need more time.
Van a tener que confiar en mí, necesitamos más tiempo.
I guess you'll just have to trust me.
Algo me dice que tendra que confiar en mi
In the meantime, you'll just have to trust me.
Mientras tanto, deberás confiar en mí.

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