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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You mentioned that

You mentioned that tradutor Espanhol

1,685 parallel translation
You mentioned that a few times already.
Has mencionado eso ya algunas veces.
I was here when you mentioned that earlier.
Estaba aquí cuando lo mencionaste antes.
You mentioned that part about the... sprinklers.
Usted mencionó eso parte acerca de lo... los rociadores.
And you mentioned that he had a couple of tattoos.
Y has mencionado que tenía un par de tatuajes.
You mentioned that already.
Ya lo habías mencionado.
- Yeah, you mentioned that.
- Lo mencionaste.
Now the last time you spoke to police you mentioned that you do open the store Mondays and Thursdays and that therefore you do have a key.
La última que habló con la Policía mencionó que es usted quien abre el negocio los lunes y jueves y que por eso tiene una llave.
Yeah, you mentioned that in your interview.
Sí, mencionaste eso en tu entrevista.
Yeah. You know, I'm glad you mentioned that.
Si, usted sabe, me alegra que lo mencionara.
Now, you mentioned that your father was important.
Ud. dijo que su padre era alguien importante.
On the night that your wife died, you mentioned that the two of you were fighting.
La noche en que falleció su esposa, usted mencionó que estaban peleando.
Okay, you mentioned that there was an intense message on Patricia Ludmuller's answering machine, right?
Mencionaste que había un mensaje muy intenso en el contestador de Patricia, ¿ no?
I have to have my fingers crossed for seven seconds in that I mentioned you that group that you creó and that baker.
Tengo que tener mis dedos cruzados por siete segundos en que te mencioné ese grupo que se creó y ese panadero.
Cadence was just telling us how odd she found it that it wasn't until Morgan passed away that you even mentioned that he was your friend.
Cadence nos estaba diciendo lo extraño que le pareció que no fue hasta que Morgan murió que le mencionó que él era su amigo.
What was the...? He mentioned having sex, and then you were like : What's that all about?
Esa es la que estoy esperando porque para mí siempre ha sido una trilogía, ¿ verdad?
Did I already tell you you're a goddess? You may have mentioned something to that effect.
Quizás mencionaste algo parecido.
He doesn't want his son in trouble, and I might have mentioned... to Peterson, accidentally, that you... you might be able to help.
Él no quiere meter a su hijo en problemas y yo puedo haberle mencionado accidentalmente a Peterson que tú podrías llegar a ayudarlo.
If I had known that Peterson was going to insist on hiring you, I would have blasted your character outright, And I would have mentioned your unnatural fear of pointy things.
Si hubiera sabido que Peterson insistiría en contratarte habría destruido tu personaje y habría mencionado tu miedo irracional a las cosas puntiagudas.
You've mentioned that.
Ya lo has dicho.
You've mentioned that several times, and as I've told you, I would be more than happy to help you manage your time in the afternoon.
Ya me lo has mencionado. Te ayudaré a gestionar tu tiempo por las tardes.
Hey, what was that look you gave me when Malloy mentioned Nikki Davis?
Oye, ¿ Qué fue esa mirada que me echaste cuando Malloy mencionó a Nikki Davis?
But Haley mentioned to me that if you didn't get your scholarship, there's a job waiting for you at the factory where your dad works.
Pero Haley mencionó que si no obtenías la beca había un trabajo esperándote en la fábrica donde trabaja tu papá.
Sarah mentioned to me that you don't even have a guitar of your own to practice on.
Sarah me ha mencionado que ni siquiera tienes una guitarra para practicar.
Harry called me and mentioned that you're not running.
Harry me llamó y me dijo que no estás corriendo.
I seem to remember he mentioned seeing you guys do something freaky that night.
Me parece recordar que mencionó haberlos visto haciendo algo extraño esa noche.
The police think it was a serial killer, but I think that we may have found the kryptonian computer you mentioned.
La Policía cree que fue un asesino en serie pero quizá hayamos encontrado al ordenador kryptoniano que mencionaste.
Have I mentioned what a great job you're doing with that?
¿ He mencionado el gran trabajo que estás haciendo con eso?
I wish you would've mentioned that before we got here.
Ojalá hubieras dicho eso antes de llegar aquí.
Oh. You should forget that I mentioned that.
Mejor que olvides que he dicho eso.
It wasn't made public. And yet the warning note we received mentioned that incident and indicated you could be a possible future target.
No se hizo público y la nota de advertencia que recibimos, menciona ese incidente e indica que usted podría ser la próxima víctima.
You had mentioned that you were dancing and that you were making out with lots of guys that night and that at one point, you took your shirt off and you exposed yourself.
Mencionaste que estabas bailando y que te estabas besando con muchos chicos esa noche y que en un momento te quitaste la blusa y te quedaste desnuda
Did he ever mentioned anything like that to you?
Alguna vez menciono algo sobre eso a ti?
You never mentioned that.
No lo habías mencionado.
If someone mentioned rats, I'd say, "I had a patient with a fear of rats, " dreamed about rats every night. " You know, stuff like that.
Si alguien mencionaba ratas yo decía : "Tuve un paciente que les teme a las ratas y sueña con ratas todas las noches".
You know, I have a feeling that if I hadn't mentioned it, you never would have brought it up.
Sabe, tengo la sensación de que si no lo hubiera mencionado nunca lo habría sacado a colación.
- You never mentioned that before.
Nunca lo mencionaste antes.
You see, that's the sense of connection that you mentioned.
Ve, ésa es la idea de conexión que mencionaba.
Amy, you mentioned how depressed you were when Lenny was born. Do you remember that?
Amy, mencionaste tu depresión cuando nació Lenny.
You mentioned to me, offhand, that there's an issue of erotic transference, and instead of focusing on that, you go on to tell me about... a couple, a class for gifted children, a new girl who goes to school with your daughter.
Tú me mencionaste, así, de pronto, que hay un tema de transferencia erótica, y en lugar de enfocarnos en eso continuas contandome sobre una pareja, clases para chicos superdotados, una nueva chica que va la escuela con tu hija.
You mentioned an unidentified fluid in the cranial wall of that mermaid.
Hablaste de un líquido no identificado en la pared craneal de la sirena.
I would have thought her spirit might have mentioned that to you.
Yo hubiera pensado que su espíritu podría habérselo mencionado.
And I need you to remember everything that happened at the time that it was mentioned.
Y te necesito para recordar Todo lo que ocurrió en el momento que se mencionó.
No, I mean, "hmm" like, you know, hey, that's interesting. 'Cause, you know, I mean, you never really mentioned Scott before you got engaged.
Digo, es que es interesante pues nunca mencionaste a Scott antes de comprometerte con él.
Taylor may have mentioned that there could be political consequences for you if I continue with this case.
Puede que Taylor haya mencionado posibles consecuencias políticas... para usted si yo continúo con este caso.
Dorothy mentioned specifically that it was her desire for you to go to confession.
Dorothy mencionó que ella deseaba que se fuera a confesar
Anything that you've seen or that they've mentioned...
Cualquier cosa que hayas visto o que ellas te hayan comentado...
You know, it meant a lot to me that you were there last night, and for what it's worth, your name was mentioned in this morning's paper.
Sabes, significó mucho para mí que estuvieras allí anoche, Y por si sirve de algo, tu nombre fue mencionado en el periódico de la mañana.
You'd think one or more of your ex-wives would have mentioned that to me.
Pensarías que una o más de tus ex-esposas me lo hubiesen mencionado.
- I know you had mentioned that {, which is worth }...
- Lo sé, Lo había dicho.
You mentioned on the phone that you were a tax attorney?
¿ Mencionó que era gestor tributario?
Sergeant Gabriel mentioned that you were about to go see the Mayhans.
El Sargento Gabriel mencionó que estaba por ir a ver a los Mayhan.

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