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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You only think about yourself

You only think about yourself tradutor Espanhol

82 parallel translation
- You only think about yourself.
- Sólo piensas en ti mismo.
Can't you understand that there are other persons, that other persons exist, thinking, suffering, living. You only think about yourself!
No puede comprender que hay otros, que los otros existen, que piensan, que sufren, que viven.
You only think about yourself..... and you don't care at all about the others!
Sólo piensa en usted. Los demás no le importan.
You only think about yourself
Sólo piensas en tí
You only think about yourself.
Sólo piensas en ti.
You only think about yourself!
¡ Sólo piensas en ti!
You only think about yourself.
No piensas más que en ti y en tu poder.
You only think about yourself, you don't trust the poetry, you don't work on your diction.
¡ Sólo piensas en ti! No confías en los versos. No trabajas tu dicción.
You only think about yourself.
Sólo piensas en ti misma.
You only think about yourself.
Solo piensas en ti.
You only think about yourself.
Piensas sólo en ti.
- You only think about yourself.
- Sólo piensas en tí.
Jesus Christ, I cannot believe you only think about yourself!
¡ No creo que sólo pienses en ti mismo!
You only think about yourself!
¡ Tú sólo piensas en ti misma!
Your problem is that you only think about yourself.
Su problema es que sólo piensas en ti.
You only think about yourself!
¡ Sólo piensas en tí mismo!
You only think about yourself. Did you ever wonder how I think about this?
Sólo piensas en ti. ¿ Alguna vez te has preguntado qué pienso de esto?
Sure, you only think about yourself.
Claro,... ¡ solo piensas en ti misma,... como siempre!
- You only think about yourself.
- Tú sólo piensas en ti mismo.
- You only think about yourself.
- Sólo piensas en ti.
You only think about yourself.
Sólo piensas en ti mismo.
You only think about yourself getting hurt.
Sólo piensas en ti y tu sufrimiento.
You only think about yourself!
Sólo piensas en ti!
You only think about yourself.
Sólo piensas en ti
Yip Man, you only think about yourself
Yip Man, sólo piensas en ti
I have lost all all I had You have no idea what has happened In the life of your creator Because you only think about yourself Your stupid existential problems.
He perdido todo todo Io que tenía tú no tienes idea de Io que ha pasado en la vida de tu creador porque sólo piensas en ti mismo tus estúpidos problemas existenciales.
I don't wanna be the one to tell you that you only think about yourself.
No quiero decírtelo yo, pero solo piensas en ti.
You only think about yourself and never to the consequences.
Tú sólo piensas en ti mismo y nunca en las consecuencias. ¡ Nunca!
But no one is the answer for you, because you only think about yourself. Aah! What was that?
Pero nadie es la respueta para ti, porque sólo piensas en ti mismo. ¿ Qué ha sido eso?
You only think about yourself, huh, Rafael.
Tú sólo piensas en ti mismo, ¿ eh, Rafael?
You only think about yourself!
¡ Solo piensas en tí mismo!
- You only think about yourself!
- ¿ Solo pinsas en ti!
Think only about yourself and your song and they will believe you. It's not easy. Not easy!
Sólo tengo corazón para mi amor para mon homme.
You think only about yourself.
Piensas demasiado en ti.
Don't be going mad. You haven't only got yourself to think about.
No seas tonto, tienes mucho que pensar ahora.
Siddarth, you always think only about yourself, not about others.
Siddarth, tú siempre piensas en ti mismo y no sobre los otros.
- Journalist, New Times 1970s - What Erhard did was to say that only the individual matters, that there is no societal concern, that you living a fulfilled life is all you need to be concerned about. Jesse Kornbluth EST people came out of those trainings feeling that it wasn't selfish to think about yourself, it was your highest duty.
- Journalist, New Times 1970s - lo que Erhard hizo fue decir que solo importa el individuo, de que no hay interes social que tu vives una vida completa es todo lo que te debe interesar las personas salian de esos entrenamientos EST
What did you think you were doing making a fool of yourself with that horn player? We were only larking about.
Qué crees que estabas haciendo como una tonta allí con aquel hombre?
- You only know how to think about yourself.
Sólo sabes pensar en ti mismo.
you might perhaps have taken a wrong step, in a fit of emotions But today, you can think only about yourself
Casarte conmigo... quizá fue un paso equivocado, en un arrebato de emociones
Tonight you only have to think about yourself.
Para esta tarde tú vas a pensar solo por ti misma.
Or found yourself lying in a pool of puke and crap... only you didn't care whose crap it was as the whole time you think... you were so sick all you wanted was to get off and get well You knew that about me?
O te despertaste en una piscina de vomito y mierda. Sólo que no te importaba eso porque todo el tiempo... pensabas que estabas muy enfermo... y sólo querías salir y recuperarte.
You have to think only about yourself.
Tienes que pensar sólo en ti mismo.
You only think of yourself. It's all about you.
Únicamente piensas en ti misma.
You have to think only about yourself.
Debes pensar... sólo en ti mismo.
Now that I think about it how can you possibly have a 13-year-old son when you yourself are only 7. - Those are dog years.
Dime, Brian, ahora que lo pienso ¿ cómo es que tienes un hijo de 13 años cuando tú sólo tienes siete?
You only care about the concerto you think about yourself.
¡ Tan egoísta! ¡ Tu concierto, tu sueño, tu ego!
You can't be selfish and think only about yourself
No puedes ser egoísta y pensar sólo en ti mismo.
- You can't only think about yourself.
No puedes pensar solo en ti mismo.
You think only about yourself.
Que sólo piensas en tí mismo.
No, you think only about yourself.
No, sólo piensas en ti.

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