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You really don't get it tradutor Espanhol

324 parallel translation
I really do want you to forgive me... don't let it get away!
De verdad... Necesito un descanso de todo esto. ¡ Anteojos, no lo dejes ir!
Why is it you get attached to things That really don't make any difference?
¿ Por qué te encariñas con cosas que no tienen importancia?
Get back home it's the only thing you really want, if you don't you will hate me...
Vuelve a casa es lo único que de verdad quieres, si no, me odiarás.
You really don't get it.
No entiendes nada.
We don't really need it, but my orders are to get a confession out of you, too, before the trial.
No nos hace falta, pero tengo órdenes de sacarle una confesión... antes del juicio.
Really, you don't get it?
- No, claro.
It's a shame, I never really disliked you. What I don't get are all those speeches before you shoot.
La única cosa que no comprendí era... las conversas antes de disparar.
You really don't get it?
¿ Eso es lo que crees?
You know, it's really a shame you don't get along better with Krug.
Sabes, es una pena que no te lleves mejor con Krug.
I don't really care if either of you... get any pleasure out of it.
Realmente no me importa si eso te produce placer o no.
Poor darling, you really don't get it, do you?
Pobrecita, querida. En serio no lo tienes, ¿ sabes?
It isn't so bad really if you don't get your nose too close.
No está tan mal, si no acercas demasiado las narices.
You really don't get it.
Realmente no entiendes.
You really get into it, don't you?
- Se encuentra en su elemento, ¿ no?
You really don't get it?
Eso es lo que crees?
You know, we have our moments and when we get together... there are certain times that just something happens... and I really don't know what it is, but there's that magic there.
Ya sabes, pasamos momentos y nos mantenemos juntos... Hay ciertos momentos que solo ocurren aveces... Y realmente no se que es, pero es algo magico.
I really think we should go and get it back, don't you?
Realmente creo que deberíamos ir y traerlo de vuelta, ¿ no?
I really don't know why you should suddenly get so excited about it now.
De verdad, no sé por qué de repente te importa tanto.
Don't let it get to you. He's really a good cop.
No se lo tome a mal, el es un buen policía.
You know, it's just people like this, you know... They get all they want, so they don't really understand about a life like Frank's.
Es sólo que las personas como ellos... tienen todo lo que quieren y no entienden una vida como la de Frank.
You see, I paced out the distance to the nearest betting window, and really, Mr. Phillips, I don't see how you could possibly have made it in time to get your bet down.
Recorrí la distancia hasta las ventanillas. Y no veo cómo pudo apostar a tiempo... con las colas tan largas que había.
I really knock on the core gosh it's a terrific place she got here oh gosh do your hair smells terrific you know I don't get a chance... to be with a girl like you
He dado en el clavo. vaya, qué lugar tan fantástico tienes. Madre mía qué bien huele tu pelo.
It's Halloween! I mean : don't you want to get dressed up in a really scary costume and get some candy?
¿ no quieres vestirte con un disfraz aterrador y conseguir caramelos?
You don't really get it.
No lo entiendes.
You really don't get it, do you?
Realmente no lo entiende?
You really don't get it, do you?
¿ En serio no lo pillas?
You hit a person with the oranges wrapped up in a towel, they get big, ugly-looking bruises, but they don't really get hurt, not if you do it right.
Golpeas a una persona con las naranjas envueltas en una toalla, Se consiguen contusiones fuertes, sin moratones y no es demasiado doloroso, si lo haces bien.
Anyway, it seems to me, as you get into the onion of an atom, and you get into the smaller and smaller particles, you find you really don't - like, you don't have any particles at all.
En fin, me parece que, al meterse en un átomo... y ver partículas cada vez más pequeñas... se descubre que realmente no hay partículas.
I don't wanna get into it, but I have to tell you, it is really, really serious.
No quiero hablar de eso, pero debo decirte que va realmente en serio.
See, I don't get that you really mean it.
Verás, realmente no entiendo lo que quieres decir.
You know, I really don't think it's a good idea. I mean, if we get caught off campus,
Acerca de esa fiesta, no creo que sea una buena idea.
Hey, Gary, I don't mean to get sappy but it's good to see you applying yourself and really making it on your own.
Oye Gary, no quiero parecer ñoño, pero es bueno ver que te aplicaste y realmente lo haces por tu cuenta.
Hey, Victor, I really don't give a shit about your problems... so why don't you write all this down on a postcard... and maybe I'll read it if I get some free time.
Escucha, Victor, todos tus problemas me importan una mierda. Así que, ¿ por qué no escribes? todo esto en una postal y quizas la lea si me queda un tiempo libre?
I don't know what made you lose your confidence but I suggest you get it back really soon.
No sé que te hizo perder la confianza, pero sugiero que la recuperes pronto
She is doing the best she can to get us home, and if you don't like the way she's doing it, I really don't want to hear about it.
Intenta llevarnos a casa y no quiero saber su opinión sobre ella.
In my line of work, if you don't know what something really is... ten, nine, instead of what it looks like, eight, seven, you don't mess with it, six, five, or you could get yourself killed.
En mi trabajo, si no sabes qué es una cosa... en lugar de qué aspecto tiene... no juegas con ella... o podrías morir.
I know a lot of you out there really love this music, but I just don't get it.
Sé que a muchos de vosotros os encanta esta música, pero es que yo no la entiendo.
I don't get much stuff anymore because I've sort of let it be known when I've done conventions and stuff that it wasn't necessary and it wasn't really a good idea because- - that the people should be spending their money on me, you know?
Ya no recibo mucho material ya que tengo que hacer de todo para que se sepa cuando he ido a las convenciones y que el material no es necesario y no de verdad no era una buena idea, porque- - que la gente deba gastarse su dinero en mí, ¿ ya sabes?
You really don't get it, do you?
De veras no lo entiendes, ¿ no?
If it's so really real, I don't think you'd get that second shot off.
Si fuera tan real, no creo que te dispararas el segundo tiro.
But you don't get to make it better by being this really great guy... who only likes the insides of people.
No lo arreglas siendo un gran chico interesado sólo en lo espiritual.
It's really hard to explain it to anyone who's not had to do it but you may, get to a point where... either that bill doesn't get paid or your children don't eat so obviously your children eat
es dificil de explicar a alguien no ha tenido que hacerlo pero una puede llegar al punto en que... eliges entre pagar una cuenta o alimentar a tus hijos y obviamente una escoge a los niños lo que significa que mi suegra paga las cuentas
You really don't get it, do you?
De verdad no lo entiendes, ¿ o sí?
Boy, you really don't get it at all, do you?
No lo entiende, ¿ no?
It's really too bad you don't get a chance to sleep with a guy like that every day.
Es una lástima no se da la oportunidad de dormir con un tipo como él todo los días.
But, you know, I really want something, I don't give up till I get it.
Pero, sabes, cuando quiero algo, no me rindo hasta conseguirlo.
You really don't get it
Tú no entiendes.
I know you're gonna get drum major because Jamey, who was it before... had something really weird about him that Mr. Fontaine hated... and you completely don't have, and that's when you conduct... your whole body is really in it, and not just your arms.
Se que lograrás ser tambor mayor, porque Jamey, el anterior... tenia algo realmente extraño que el Sr. Fontaine odiaba... y que tú definitivamente no tienes... y es que cuando diriges Se nota tanto que pones todo tu cuerpo en ello. Y no solo los brazos.
And why is that? You really don't get it, do you?
- No lo entiende, ¿ verdad?
You really don't get it
No te enteras de nada.
- You really don't get it.
- ¿ No lo captas?

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