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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You say that every time

You say that every time tradutor Espanhol

204 parallel translation
You say that every time you examine me.
Se lo diré mañana. Me dice eso cada vez que me examina.
You say that every time you stick a black pin in the map, people turn up dead?
¿ Dice que cada vez que coloca un alfiler negro, alguien muere?
But you say that every time.
Eso dice siempre.
Dad, you say that every time you see me.
Dices lo mismo cada vez que me ves.
- You say that every time.
- Siempre dices Io mismo.
- You say that every time I come... and every time I come, your eyes tell me what a terrible liar you are.
- Cada vez que vengo dices Io mismo... y cada vez que vengo, tus ojos me dicen Io terriblemente mentirosa que eres.
- You say that every time, I'm not the Salvation Army!
Siempre decís los mismo. No soy la Beneficencia.
Mam, you say that every time.
Mamá, dices eso cada vez que pasamos por aquí.
You say that every time the Defiant goes into battle.
Dices lo mismo cada vez que la Defiant sale de batalla.
You say that every time.
Siempre dices eso.
You say that every time.
- Siempre dices Io mismo.
Every time you say that, something happens.
Siempre que dices eso, ocurre algo malo.
I took your mother away from him a thousand times, but every time I did, she would say that you needed her and she would sneak back to you.
Alejé a tu madre de él miles de veces, pero cada vez que lo hacía, ella decía que tú la necesitabas. y ella volvía contigo a escondidas.
That first time I kissed you behind the onion sacks, every onion seemed to say to every other onion, "I love you."
- La primera vez que te besé... detrás de los sacos con cebollas, parecía que las cebollas se decían :
Michael, every time you say, "Oh, uh, um" like that I know there's something on your mind and not in your throat.
Michael, cada vez que haces, "Oh, uh, um" o algo así sé que tienes algo en la cabeza que no dices.
Do you mean to say that all of us who live in this street have got to go through that rigmarole every time we want to leave our homes?
¿ Dice que los documentos son necesarios para los residentes cada vez que deseen salir?
So all I can say is to consider that every time you look up at that building you're in a position to point with pride and... - that you'll find it is to develop your reflexes.
Lo único que puedo decir es que cada vez que levante la vista hacia el edificio podrá señalarlo con orgullo y verá que desarrolla sus reflejos.
Every time I look at you, I say : we got all kinds of natural resources back home, we ain't got that.
Cada vez que la miro pienso, tenemos de todo en Tejas, pero algo así no.
Every time you say that, you tell me something disagreeable.
Siempre que dices eso, acabas contándome algo desagradable.
That's what you say every time, and I admit it's a very attractive prospect.
Dices eso cada vez y admito que es una perspectiva muy atractiva.
And then every time that he turns around to the fellas, you turn around them and give them sort of a little sexy crinkle, with the nose and say ´ hi, fellas! ´ - Hi, fellas.
Y cada vez que repita esa operación, tú los miras y pones una expresión sexy, con la nariz y dices ´ ¡ hola, chicos!
That's right. Every time we have the argument, you say the same thing.
Cada vez que tenemos esta discusión, dices lo mismo.
You know, every time I say that, I think of Nelson Eddy on top of a white mountain... singing that song, uh, "Rose Marie, I love you."
Cuando lo digo, veo a Nelson Eddy en lo alto de una montaña nevada... cantando esa canción, Rose Marie, I Love You.
Every single time that I say something even a little bit awkward you just pretend I haven't said anything at all.
Cada vez que digo algo mínimamente chocante simulan que no dije nada.
You'd like it more if I wasted my time playing cards? I didn't say that. Those guys play poker like crazy every evening after work, you race over the roofs, what's the difference?
le hubiera gustado más que perdiera mi tiempo jugando a las cartas? ¿ cuál es la ¿ diferencia?
Every time we watch Dave, you say, "I can do better than that stump."
Cada vez que vemos a David, usted dice, "Puedo hacerlo mejor que el muñón".
Every time I see you, I'm so thrilled that I don't know what to say.
Cada vez que te veo, me emociono tanto que no se que decir.
Every time you lose your wind, you stop, you say your name. Got that?
Cuando te quedes sin aliento, te paras y repites tu nombre, ¿ vale?
They have me to fix things and you to say, "What's that?" every time you see an airplane.
Me tienen a mí para arreglar cosas y a ti para decir : "¿ Qué es eso?" cada vez que pasa un avión.
The problem is, if I might say, is that you stink at lying... and every time you try it, you get us into trouble.
El problema es que cuando tratas de decir mentiras, nos hundes.
Why do you have to use that tone of voice every time you say the word "lawyer"?
¿ Por qué tienes que usar ese tono de voz... cada vez que dices la palabra "abogado"?
Jedidiah and Chloe say... that every time you're not true to yourself... the earth weeps.
Jedidiah y Chloe dicen... que cada vez que no eres fiel a ti mismo... la tierra llora.
You always say that, the same thing every time.
Eso dices siempre.
Every time you say that... every time you look at me like that, Michael...
Cada vez que dices eso. Cada vez que me miras de esa manera, Michael.
Every time you say that... every time you look at me like that, Michael... I wanna come right out of my skin.
Cada vez que dices eso, cada vez que me miras de esa manera, Michael, quiero salirme de mi piel.
Remember that every time you look in the mirror at that face of yours for the rest of your life or should I say for the rest...
Recuérdalo cada vez que veas en el espejo tu cara por el resto de tu vida mejor dicho, por el resto...
Boy, if I had a nickel for every time I've heard you say that.
Vaya, si tuviera un centavo por cada vez que he oído decir eso.
Whoa. You say that stupid line one more time, I'm gonna execute you and every other pancake-eating motherfucker in this place.
Si vuelves a repetirlo, te mato a ti y a todos los malditos zampabollos.
I mean, I'm so sick of, like, every time that we--we get in trouble, if something goes bad, we think of, like, worse situations just so we could say, " you know, this ain't so bad.
Estoy cansado de los problemas en los que nos metemos, pensamos en las peores situaciones, para decir : " Esto no está tan mal.
That`s what you say every time you cut school programs and funds to job programs.
Es lo que dicen cada vez que cancelan programas escolares y los programas de empleo.
I wish I had a nickel for every time I heard you say that.
Yo quisiera tener cinco centavos por cada vez que te oigo decir eso.
He wins the prize money every time, don't you, Buddy? Well, that's what they say.
Siempre gana. ¿ No es así Buddy?
And you say that it hangs every time you try and print?
Y dice que se paraliza cuando imprime.
I know every time you say that, I'm looking at more overtime.
Se que todo el tiempo dices que, Busco mas horas extras.
How come every time some scary shit happens... that we need to stick together... you white people always say, "Let's split up"?
¿ Por qué siempre que pasa algo feo y necesitamos unirnos Ios blancos dicen, "Vamos a separarnos"?
I say that every time I look at you.
Yo digo eso cada vez que te miro.
- We'll manage, somehow... - We'll manage. That's what you say every time!
Eso es lo que dices siempre.
Do you remember that summer when we didn't see each other for a bit and you thought I'd fallen out with you cos every time you came round, my mother would say I wasn't playing out.
¿ Recuerdas aquel verano cuando apenas si nos vimos y tu pensabas que había roto contigo porque siempre que venías mi madre te decía que no saldría a jugar?
Because every time I'm ready to do the smart, sensible thing you go, and you say something that makes me....
Cada vez que trato de hacer algo sensato e inteligente tú me dices algo que...
- I laugh every time you say that.
- Esto me da risa cada vez... - Lo sé.
Every time you say that, an angel gets their wings.
Cuando dices eso, a un ángel le dan las alas.

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