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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You think you're so smart

You think you're so smart tradutor Espanhol

167 parallel translation
But, they're awfully smart, don't you think so?
Pero son muy inteligentes, ¿ no te parece?
You think you're so smart, the both of you.
Se cree que es muy listo. Ustedes dos.
You're such a fool, and you think you're so smart.
Eres tan tonto, y te crees tan listo.
Only get this, I picked you for the job... not because I think you're so darn smart... but because I thought you were a shade less dumb than the rest of the outfit.
Pero quiero que sepas que no te escogí porque pensé que eras tan inteligente... sino que pensé que eras menos tonto que el resto.
You think you're so smart.
Te crees tan sabiondo.
You think you're so smart!
¿ Qué sabes del futuro?
You think you're so smart, don't you?
Te crees muy listo, ¿ verdad?
- What makes you think you're so smart?
- ¿ Y por qué tú te crees tan inteligente?
Oh, no me molesta.
- I don't know any Rabbits! - Think you're so smart, huh?
- ¡ Y te crees lista!
Don't give me that "shh." You think you're so smart.
¿ Qué es una península?
You think you're so smart because you read all the time.
Te crees inteligente porque lees mucho.
You think you're so smart.
Te crees muy gracioso.
You think you're so smart?
Ni papeles, ni dinero.
You think you're so smart with that blanket.
Te crees muy listo con esa manta.
You think you're so smart. Just wait until the Great Pumpkin comes.
Te crees tan lista, espera a que llegue la Gran Calabaza
None of your smart answers. You think you're so clever.
No me venga con sus respuestas inteligentes.
You think you're so smart
Te crees muy listo.
Yeah, you think you're so goldarned smart.
Sí, te crees tan condenadamente inteligente.
I mean, you think you're so smart, man, but you're just a bunch of scared kids!
¡ Os creéis muy listos pero, sólo sois un puñado de niños asustados!
You think you're so smart and you didn't realize they were teasing you?
A ver, te las das de listo y no ves que te toman el pelo.
- You think you're so smart.
Crees que eres muy listo.
Think you're so smart.
Te crees muy listo.
You think you're so smart.
Te crees muy listo.
You think you're so smart!
Piensas que eres tan inteligente!
Yeah, so you're the smart one. Think of something.
Si eres tan inteligente, piensa en algo.
You think you're so smart, don't you!
Te crees muy listo porque tienes carrera, ¿ no?
You think you're so smart.
¿ Crees que eres tan inteligente.
So you think you're smart?
Asί que se cree muy listo, ¿ eh?
You think you're so smart.
Te crees astuto.
Nelson Patrick DeMers, you think you're so smart.
Nelson Patrick DeMers crees que eres listo.
- Nelson Patrick DeMers, you think you're so smart.
- Nelson Patrick DeMers crees que eres listo.
-... you think you're so smart.
... te crees listo.
You all think you're so smart, don't you?
Piensan que son muy listos.
You think you're so smart.
Crees que eres tan listo.
You're so damn smart, what makes you think I was even there?
Eres tan inteligente ¿ Que te hace pensar que estuve ahí?
What, do you think you ´ re so smart?
Que, te crees que sos inteligentisimo?
In your pompous way, you think you can't be changed because you're so smart.
De tu pomposa forma, piensas que no puedes ser cambiado porque eres tan inteligente.
You think you're so smart, Mallory.
Te crees muy listo.
You think you're so smart.
Se cree muy listo ¿ no?
You think you're so smart, don't ya?
¿ Crees que eres tan inteligente, ¿ no cierto?
You English think you're so smart.
Ustedes, los ingleses, se creen tan listos.
You city folks think you're so smart.
Ustedes los porteños siempre se creen más vivos.
You think you're so smart.
Te crees muy lista.
Come on, you little Cromwell punk, You think you're so smart!
Vamos, joven Cromwell, ¡ Crees que eres tan listo!
So, my little rabbit, you think you're smart.
Entonces, mi pequeño conejo, Te crees listo.
You think you're so smart, don't you?
Te crees muy listo. Crees que lo sabes todo.
If you're so smart, think of something better.
Si eres tan lista, piensa en algo mejor.
" You're not making any sense, and you think you're so smart
"No tienes ningún sentido, y te crees muy listo..."
You want - You want to get a girl hot. You want to think that you're so smart and so smooth that you could turn any girl
Tu quieres... quieres seducir a una chica, y pensar que eres tan listo y tan refinado que eres capaz de poner en onda a cualquier mujer.
So you think you're smart just taking care of numero uno?
¿ Así que te crees listo sólo por encargarte de la número uno?

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