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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You want to talk about it

You want to talk about it tradutor Espanhol

1,671 parallel translation
So you want to talk about it? no.
¿ Entonces quieres hablar sobre ello?
You want to talk about it?
¿ Quieres hablarlo?
Oh, um, you know, unless you want to talk about it.
Ya sabes, al menos que quieras hablar de eso.
Look, anytime you want to talk about it is fine, okay?
Mira, cuando quieras hablar de eso, está bien, ¿ de acuerdo?
Oh, um, you know, unless you want to talk about it.
Oh, um, ya sabes a menos que tú quieras hablar sobre ello.
- Look, anytime you want to talk about it is fine, okay?
Mira, si alguna vez quieres hablar sobre ello está bien, ¿ vale?
You want to talk about it?
¿ Quieres hablar sobre eso?
But if you want to talk about it.
Pero si quieres hablar de eso...
- You want to talk about it?
- ¿ Qué hay que hablar, Ray?
Now that your body is loosened up do you want to talk about it?
Ahora que tu cuerpo se relaja... ¿ Quieres hablar sobre ello?
You want to talk about it right now?
¿ Quieres hablar de esto ahora?
You want to talk about it?
¿ Quieres hablar de eso?
Mmmm. If you want to talk about it, it's just between the two of us.
Si quieres hablar de eso, es entre nosotros dos.
You want to talk about it?
quieres hablar de eso?
Do you want to talk about it?
- ¿ Quieres hablar?
Do you want to talk about it?
¿ Quieres hablar sobre eso?
Do you want to talk about it?
¿ Quieres hablar?
If you want to talk about it... or anything...
Si quieres hablar de ello... o de cualquier otra cosa...
I understand if you don't want to talk about it.
Entiendo si no quieres hablar sobre lo que pasó.
Abby, listen, if there's... If there's something that you want to talk to me about, some sort of problem, you can. It's cool, I... can take it.
Abby, escucha, si hay algo... si hay algo de lo que quieras hablarme, alguna clase de problema, puedes hacerlos.
- I don't want to talk about it. - Do you have any idea
¿ Tienes idea de lo exasperante que eres?
Well, you know, if you ever want to talk about it- -
Bueno, ya sabes, si alguna vez quieres hablar- -
- Well, you know, if you ever want to talk about it- -
Bueno, ya sabes, si alguna vez quieres hablar sobre ello...
You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, Adrian, but sometimes the first time has an impact on your subsequent sexual relationships.
No tienes que hablar de eso si no quieres, Adrian, pero a veces la primera vez tiene un impacto en tus siguientes relaciones sexuales.
I just want you to know that amy made a disparaging remark to adrian, And when i tried to talk to her about it, She made quite a few disrespectful remarks to me,
Sólo quiero hacerle saber que Amy hizo un comentario despectivo a Adrian, y cuando intenté hablar con ella del tema, hizo algunos comentarios irrespetuosos sobre mí.
You want to talk about this, let's do it out here in the open.
¿ Quieres hablar de esto? Hagámoslo aquí, abiertamente.
You made it clear you don't want to talk about it, but at least tell us how you know him.
Dejaste claro que no quieres hablar de ello pero al menos dinos cómo lo conociste.
Wow, you really don't want to talk about it, huh?
Realmente no quieres hablar de esto, ¿ no?
And I know you don't want to talk about it.
Y sé que no quieres hablar sobre eso.
No, I just don't want to talk to you about it anymore.
No, no quiero hablar contigo del tema nunca más.
And I want to talk about it with you, but I can't.
Y quiero hablar contigo acerca de esto, pero no puedo.
Maybe for some reason I thought you'd be really annoying and want to talk about it.
Quizá pensé que estarías muy molesta y querrías hablarlo.
No, I want you to stand here and I want to talk about it all night.
No, quiero que estes aqui. Quiero hablarlo toda la noche.
So, do you want to talk about classic designers, current trends, or the next big thing that only I and a few Japanese schoolgirls know about? All of it.
Entonces ¿ quieres hablar acerca de diseñadores clásicos, tendencias actuales o la próxima gran cosa que solo yo y unas cuantas colegialas japonesas conocemos de eso?
You don't want to talk about it, huh?
Tú no quieres hablar de ello, ¿ eh?
You don't want to talk to me about it, that's fine.
Si no quieres contármelo, bien.
I don't want you to overreact, but Trudy and I used to talk about capital punishment all the time, and she never believed in it.
Trudy y yo solíamos discutir siempre por la pena de muerte. Nunca la aceptó.
You seem like you don't want to really talk about it.
Parece que no quiere hablar de eso.
You don't want to talk about it.
No quieres hablar de esto.
That's not really what you want to talk about, is it, Doug?
No quieres hablar de eso, ¿ verdad, Doug?
Hey, listen, I need your help, and I want to talk to you about it.
Mira, necesito tu ayuda, y quiero hablar contigo.
Listen, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.
Escucha, no tienes que hablar de ello si no quieres.
You know, for someone who really doesn't want to talk about it, he can be quite chatty, can't he?
Para alguien que no quiere hablar más de ello puede estar un poco más callado, ¿ cierto?
It's something I want talk to you about.
Hay algo de lo que quiero hablar contigo.
You know, I don't really want to talk about it, Alex.
Sabes, realmente no quiero hablar de eso, Alex.
If you want to talk, call your and talk about it.
Si tú quieres hablar, está bien. Hablemos al respecto.
Now let me finish my job and then we can talk about whatever it is you want to talk about.
Déjame terminar con mi trabajo y luego podemos hablar de lo que sea que quieras hablar.
So, what is it you want to talk about, Tom?
¿ De qué quieres hablar, Tom?
Of course you don't want to talk to me about it.
Es obvio que no quieres hablarme sobre eso.
I just want you to talk to me about it, you know?
Sólo quiero que me hables sobre ello, ¿ sabes?
But if you do want to talk about it, anything at all, just call me, okay?
Pero si quieres hablar, de lo que sea, me llamas, ¿ sí?

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