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You wanted to see us tradutor Espanhol

194 parallel translation
- ¿ Quería vernos, alcaide?
You wanted to see us?
¿ Quería usted vernos? - Un momento.
Mrs. Sampson said you wanted to see us.
La señora Sampson dijo que querías vernos.
In the past six months, if you wanted to see us all you had to do was turn around and spit.
En los últimos seis meses, si hubieras querido vernos... todo lo que tenías que hacer era girarte y escupir.
You wanted to see us?
¿ Quería vernos?
You wanted to see us, Captain?
- ¿ Quería vernos?
You wanted to see us here.
Quería vernos y aquí estamos.
You wanted to see us?
¿ Quería usted vernos?
What was it you wanted to see us about?
¿ Para qué quería vernos?
- Good afternoon. You wanted to see us urgently?
- Buenas. ¿ Quería vernos urgentemente?
Larrabee came to my apartment and said you wanted to see us right away, Chief.
Sí, pero Larabee fue a mi apartamento y dijo que quería vernos.
- You wanted to see us, Liz?
- ¿ Querías vernos, Liz?
You wanted to see us, Captain?
¿ Quería vernos, capitán?
you wanted to see us, sir?
¿ Quería vernos señor?
Colonel Carbury said you wanted to see us.
El coronel Carbury dijo que usted quería vernos.
Geordi said you wanted to see us.
Geordi me ha dicho que querías vernos.
You wanted to see us, sir?
¿ Nos mando llamar?
Commander, you wanted to see us?
Comandante, ¿ Quería vernos?
Commander, you wanted to see us?
Comandante, ¿ quería vernos?
Easy, B'Elanna. It's only hoverball. You wanted to see us, Captain?
Tranquila, solo es un partido de pelota flotante. ¿ Quería vernos?
So, Sean, you wanted to see us, and we wanted to see you.
Bien, Sean, querías vernos, y nosotros a ti.
You wanted to see us?
¿ Querías vernos?
- Vir, you wanted to see us.
- Vir, ¿ querías vernos?
- You wanted to see us?
- ¿ Querías vernos?
You wanted to see us?
- - Querías vernos?
- You wanted to see us?
- ¿ Quería vernos?
Well, if you ask me, I don't see why J.J. Wanted us to come down here and catch a turkey like that Jolly Maids.
Si me preguntas, no sé por qué J.J. nos quería por ahí abajo a por esas Alegres Doncellas.
I'll bet if he wanted to see any of us, he'd have to go around to the side door. - No, you shouldn't say...
¿ Le llamaste eso cariño?
That's what he wanted us to see you about.
Por eso nos envió a verte.
We wanted to see you, people, and let you look at us.
Queremos conocer a otros pueblos y que nos conozcan.
I wanted us to change, and now we can't change, you see?
Quería que cambiásemos, y ya no podemos hacerlo.
You see neither of us wanted to wait three years until I could get a divorce on the grounds of desertion, so I allowed her to divorce me on the grounds of cruelty.
No queríamos esperar 3 años para divorciarnos. Por eso alegó crueldad.
You see, Inspector, he wanted us to find women for him who enjoyed... Well, certain peculiarities.
Mire Sr. Inspector, quería que le encontráramos mujeres para ciertas cosas...
which is why our story brings us to this pleasant little holiday spot, because if you ever wanted to see miles and miles of hot rot, come here, to the Florida swamps.
por eso nuestra historia nos trae a este pequeño y agradable sitio vacacional, porque si alguna vez se busca ver millas y millas de tibia podredumbre, se viene aquí, a los pantanos de Florida.
You want the truth? Why I wanted us to see each other a little while alone before dinner.
¿ Quiere que le diga la verdad de por qué quería que nos viésemos un rato a solas antes de la cena?
I never was- - you see, I wanted - being tied down to a desk suits some elves, you know, but others of us are more free-spirited.
Algunos elfos prefieren lo tradicional, otros somos más intrépidos.
If you turn around, you'll see how we looked when we was younger. The people here wanted to make us senators.
Y si miras a tu espalda, podrás ver cómo éramos de jóvenes cuando querían nombrarnos senadores.
- I think Phil would've wanted you... to take us all to dinner. - See these prices here?
¿ Vieron estos precios?
You wanted him to follow us, so that he could see that the Uthat wasn't at the cave site.
Querías que él nos siguiera para que pudiera ver por sí mismo que el Uthat no estaba en aquella cueva.
I wanted to see you alone to tell you, and the guys agree with me, that we're sick of you working for us for nothing.
Quería hablar contigo a solas, y los chicos están de acuerdo conmigo, que estamos hartos... de que trabajes para nosotros por nada.
We had been looking all over for you lovebirds, to see if you wanted to take a little splish-splash with us, and here you are, right where we were hoping you'd be.
Mira, mira esto. No creo que él haya compartido esa opinión, Brandon.
Brandon told us where you were at and we were worried, and we wanted to come see how you were.
Brandon nos contó y nos preocupamos y quisimos ver cómo estabas.
Wanted to see if you'd join back up with us.
Quería ver si te unirías a nosotros nuevamente.
I just wanted to see if you would tell us the truth.
Solo quería poner a prueba tu sinceridad.
You wanted her to see us together?
¿ Querías que nos viera juntas?
I'll let you come back to Spain with us, like you wanted, and, yeah, I can see my way clear to throwing you, mmm, ten per cent?
Dejaré que regreses a España con nosotros, como querías. Sí, te haré una pequeña concesión del 10 %.
You wanted us to be so blinded by hate that we couldn't see what you were really up to.
Querías cegarnos tanto por el odio que no pudiéramos ver lo que preparabas en realidad.
She wanted us to see how you were doing.
Ella quería saber cómo estabas.
See, my friend's, like, buying the place... and she wanted us to come and, you know, check it out.
Mi amiga está comprando el lugar y nos trajo para verlo.
I wanted to say goodbye and see if you wanted to come on holiday with us.
Eh... eh, te quería saludar. Si por casualidad te apetece venir un día a la playa con nosotros, tienes mi número.
He wanted to see the Golden Temple. So, do you think he could stay with us, Papa? Please?
¿ El quería ver el templo dorado, crees que se puede quedar?

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