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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / Yuba

Yuba tradutor Espanhol

9 parallel translation
I'd like to go Yuba, in Nagano prefecture
Quisiera ir a Yuba, en la prefectura de Nagano.
Ben Rumson, you have an outstanding account in the amount of $ 68 from Yuba City, and which you skipped town on me.
Ben Rumson, tienes una deuda pendiente de $ 68 dólares en Yuba City. Te escabulliste para no pagarme.
Up near Yuba Pass, a wagon broke a wheel and a trapper fixed it.
Cerca del Paso Yuba, a una carreta se le rompió una rueda y un cazador la arregló.
The print Rigsby found matches a guy named Fred Kittel, a thug out of yuba city.
La huella que Rigsby econtró concuerda con un tipo llamado Fred Kittel, un matón de la ciudad de Yuba.
Yuba city p.d.Went.Say it's empty, stripped.They're circulating his picture.
La policia de ciudad Yuba. fué. Dicen que está desalojada. Estan circulando su foto.
Pickled watermelon, uh, fried crispy yuba.
Sandía en escabeche. Yuba frita crocante.
We moved to Yuba City in 1999.
En 1999 nos mudamos a Yuba City.
♪ ♪ ♪ Do you remember Yuba who played on the tuba ♪
Recuerdas a Yuba el que tocaba la tuba
How you holding up?
Lograste volver de Yuba.

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