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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / Yuna

Yuna tradutor Espanhol

178 parallel translation
When dem get power Dem start dem conspiracy
Yuna vez que lo tienen, se la pasan conspirando
§ And some sweet muchacha says "buy me a necklace" §
Yuna dulce muchacha te dice cómprame una alhaja
And one thing more, Macarena... and this is what I really came to see you about.
Yuna cosa más, Macarena y es por eso que realmente vine a verte
♪ And a guiding star can't help you where you are ♪
Yuna estrella no puede ayudarte donde estás
What is needed now is more machines and real agressive action.
Lo que necesitamos ahora... son más máquinas. Yuna acción realmente agresiva.
And the voice within me keeps repeating
Yuna voz en mi interior no para de repetir
And a bullet to silence his anguish.
Yuna bala para silenciar su agonía.
When Wild Mutt enters the cage to rescue you I will have him trapped and the Dick Dastardly Circus will have a new sideshow attraction.
Cuando Chucho Salvaje entre en la jaula a rescatarte lo atraparé... CIRCO PIER NODO YUNA... y el circo Pier Nodoyuna tendrá una nueva atracción.
And a dash of...
Yuna pizca...
And a dash of salt
Yuna pizca de sal.
The physical description is from five years ago, when your department was searching for her as a runaway. It more or less matches with Yuna Tamashiro.
Sus características físicas encajan con las de Yuna Tamashiro de quien tu cuartel denunció su desaparición.
Mayumi must be an assumed name. It's surely Yuna Tamashiro.
Sin duda, Yuna Tamashiro usaba el nombre falso de Mayumi.
Look at this necklace. This also has the name Yuna engraved on it.
Ah, y este collar tiene un grabado que dice Yuna.
- What? We still can't be certain the dead woman is Yuna.
No podemos asegurar que Yuna sea la víctima.
No. It's just that Yuna's mother is a "noro".
Bueno, la madre de Yuna es una Noro.
She says the gods revealed to her that Yuna is still alive.
Dice que su hija sigue viva de acuerdo al oráculo.
We can conclude with 100 % certainty that Mayumi Tamashiro and Yuna Tamashiro are the same person.
Así, concluimos que Mayumi Tamashiro y Yuna Tamashiro son la misma chica.
Accordingly, another party who arrived on the scene after he left is the real murderer of Mayumi, aka Yuna Tamashiro, and has been established to be a serial offender responsible for a series of murders of three women since April.
Por ello, creemos que alguien que llegó, luego que él dejó el lugar es el verdadero asesino de Yuna Tamashiro alias Mayumi Tamashiro y también el principal sospechoso de los asesinatos e incendios de tres mujeres que tuvieron lugar desde abril.
Therefore, this investigation into the killing of Mayumi or Yuna Tamashiro ought to follow lines of inquiry on stimulants, narcotics and murder.
Por ello, creo que debemos enfocar nuestra investigación en... el asesinato de Yuna Tamashiro alias Mayumi Tamashiro y juntar información sobre el tráfico de drogas y la monomanía.
Her mother says that Yuna might've been working as a singer, as she liked singing.
Le gusta cantar, y su madre dice que podría trabajar de cantante.
Yuna was like my wife.
Yuna es como mi esposa, por decirlo así.
Yuna's still alive.
Yuna sigue viva.
The bones I received are not Yuna's.
Las cenizas que tengo no pertenecen a Yuna.
You said it was 100 % certain that the victim was Yuna.
Dices que están 100 % seguros que la víctima era Yuna.
You're Yuna Tamashiro, aren't you?
Tú eres... Yuna Tamashiro, ¿ cierto?
Yuna, your mother is ill.
Tu madre está enferma, Yuna.
- You're confusing me with someone else.
Te equivocas. Yuna.
- Yuna... Yuna!
¡ Yuna!
- Yuna...
- Yuna... - Corta ya...
Don't do it, Yuna!
- ¡ Basta! - ¡ Yuna!
The real Yuna Tamashiro is alive. There are two killers. A white one and a black one in dim light.
Mientras perseguía a la verdadera Yuna Tamashiro 2 sospechosos 1 blanco y el otro negro, tomaron forma.
That was to make us think the victim was Yuna.
Para hacernos creer que la víctima era Yuna.
She wanted people to think Yuna had died.
Quería que todos creyeran que Yuna estaba muerto.
I've never heard of Yuna.
Nunca oí de nadie llamado Yuna.
¡ Yuna!
And one solution.
Yuna solución.
- And one person in the pool house.
- Yuna persona en la caseta.
and here's the desk.
Yuna mesa.
And a young woman is missing.
Yuna joven ha desaparecido.
And a young woman is missing!
Yuna joven ha desaparecido.
And a voice keeps sayin this is where I'm meant to be
Yuna voz me dice que pertenezco a ese lugar.
And one last thing, unless you know exactly what the answer is, never, ever ask a witness "why".
Yuna última cosa. A menos que sepan cuál será la respuesta nunca jamás pregunten al testigo " "por qué" ".
And a voice keeps sayin this is where I'm meant to be
Yuna voz me dice quepertenezco a ese lugar.
And one night, before the show... one of the backstage guys played a trick on him... and told him this lie.
Yuna noche, antes de actuar... uno de los tramoyistas le gastó una broma... y le dijo una mentira.
Girls'Generation's Yuna, Miss A, Suji...
Yuna de Girls'Generation, Suji de Miss A...
Yuna got married last year.
Yuna se casó el año pasado.
You're a dirty, sneaking little rat as well.
Yuna inmunda rata delatora.
One of them has led authorities to reexamine this bizarre murder case.
Yuna pista obligó a la policía a reevaluar este raro caso.
Then last week... a door that had always been shut swung wide open.
Yuna semana antes, una puerta cerrada... se había abierto.

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