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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Z ] / Zaman

Zaman tradutor Espanhol

90 parallel translation
"When the noble and beloved Haroun-Al-Raschid... ascended to the throne of the Caliphs, he had many secret enemies, not least among them, being his elder brother, the passionate and cruel Kamar-Al-Zaman, born of a slave of the harem... and barred, therefore, from the succession to the throne."
" Cuando el noble y amado Haroun-Al-Raschid... Subió al trono de los califas... Tenía muchos enemigos secretos... entre ellos... su hermano mayor... el violento y cruel Kamar-Al-Zaman... que nació como esclavo del harén...
Hail, O Kamar-Al-Zaman.
Saludos, Kamar-Al-Zaman.
- The new Caliph, Kamar-Al-Zaman.
– El nuevo Califa Kamar.
In the name of Kamar Zaman, the Caliph of Bagdad.
Lo ordena Kamar Zaman, el Califa de Bagdad.
This guy here, Zaman Qalzai, he's been extorting money.
Este tipo, Zaman Qalzai, ha estado extorsionando por dinero.
O zaman :
Así que...
- It's Umair Zaman, the former general.
- Es Umair Zaman, exgeneral.
Yes, Umair Zaman is certifiable.
Sí. Umair Zaman está como una cabra.
This medical file on Umair Zaman just came in from a source on the ground,
El historial médico de Umair Zaman acaba de llegar de una fuente sobre el terreno.
Zaman's been treated for episodes of delusion and personality disorder going back a decade.
Zaman fue tratado por episodios de delirio y trastorno de personalidad hace diez años.
He sounds freaked out, convinced his country's next on Zaman's hit list.
Está fuera de sí, convencido de que su país es el siguiente en la lista de Zaman.
Shit, if I could just reach the son of a bitch, he could take down Zaman from the inside.
Mierda, si pudiese encontrar a ese hijo de puta, podría derrocar a Zaman desde dentro.
Zaman is going to parade that ignorant jackass to the world as a spy, and use it to consolidate his power and destroy our country.
Zaman lo exhibirá al mundo como espía, y lo usará para fortalecer su poder y destruir nuestro país.
Perhaps my death will spur the people of Pakistan to rise up against Zaman in righteous insurrection.
Quizá mi muerte sirva para que la gente de Pakistán se alce contra Zaman con una insurrección justa.
Umair Zaman on the line.
Umair Zaman está al teléfono.
You think Zaman knows that we're about to carry out strikes against his nuclear sites?
¿ Crees que Zaman sabe que estamos a punto de bombardear sus instalaciones nucleares?
General Zaman.
General Zaman.
This is the only chance we'll have before Zaman hides his nuclear warheads.
Solo tenemos esta oportunidad antes de que Zaman use sus cabezas nucleares.
And between you and me, I think Zaman might just be crazy enough
- Y entre tú y yo, creo que Zaman puede estar lo bastante loco
Get some planes in the air and get me recon on Zaman's troops.
Ponme unos aviones en el aire y reconozcamos a las tropas de Zaman.
Zaman is a crazy man.
Zaman está loco.
Zaman has SRBMs pointed directly at us right now.
Zaman nos apunta con sus misiles directamente ahora mismo.
I am organizing a counter-coup to remove Zaman from power and replace him with Haroon Raja, his half-brother.
Estoy organizando un golpe de estado para derrocar a Zaman para reemplazarlo por Haroon Raja, su hermanastro.
What if I stay in New Delhi until Zaman is removed from power?
¿ Y si me quedo en Nueva Delhi hasta que Zaman sea derrocado?
Then if Zaman blows up New Delhi, he'll have to take out the US Secretary of State and have to deal with the consequences.
Si Zaman atacase Nueva Delhi, tendrían que sacar al Secretario de Estado de EEUU y tener que asumir las consecuencias.
Zaman being your brother and all.
Zaman es su hermano y eso.
Zaman's militants.
Milicianos de Zaman.
I will personally slice open Zaman's stomach and watch his entrails bleed into the sewer.
Le abriré el estómago a Zaman personalmente y veré sus entrañas desangrarse en las cloacas.
If you strike now, Avi, you'll go down as the belligerent, not Zaman.
Si atacas ahora, Avi, quedarás como agresivo tú, no Zaman.
So, optimistically, let's say you take out 90 % of Zaman's nuclear sites.
Así que, siendo optimistas, digamos que destruís el 90 por ciento - de las instalaciones nucleares de Zaman.
Zaman's militants.
Militantes de Zaman.
Zaman, the destruction of Israel, your seven girls...
Zaman, la destrucción de Israel, sus siete niñas...
If I can find him, I can get him back to Pakistan to take down Zaman.
Si puedo encontrarlo, puedo traerlo de vuelta a Pakistán para acabar con Zaman.
This reaction from Umair Zaman, the leader of Pakistan issued moments ago on Pakistani national television.
Esta reacción de Umair Zaman, el líder de Pakistán emitió hace unos momentos en la televisión nacional de Pakistán.
Umair Zaman is coming to save you.
Umair Zaman viene a salvarte.
Zaman's gonna blow up the world unless I get this message to Walter, but just do what's in your heart.
Zaman explotará el mundo si no envío el mensaje, pero haz lo que gustes.
The last thing we need is an India-Pakistan war on top of the Zaman situation.
No sumemos una guerra India-Pakistán... a lo de Zaman.
He's definitely our man. If there's anyone that can take down Zaman, it's Raja.
Si alguien puede bajar a Zaman, ese es Raja.
Raja's ready to move against Zaman.
Raja accede ir contra Zaman.
Mr. President, Raja's ready to move against Zaman.
Raja está listo para ir contra Zaman.
al general Zaman.
We both know Zaman can't be seen rescuing these girls.
Ambos sabemos que Zaman no puede ser visto rescatando a estas niñas.
Because you and Pakistan are allies and Zaman is bat-shit crazy and you don't wanna be put into the position of defending him to the world when he fucking nukes Israel.
Porque Pakistán y vosotros sois aliados y Zaman es un puto loco y no queréis ser puestos en posición de defenderlo del mundo cuando le tire putos misiles a Israel.
Now Zaman is not only going to be the man who will save seven of Pakistan's children, but a war hero, pulling F-18s out of the sky with his bare hands.
Ahora Zaman no solo será quien salve a siete niñas pakistaníes, sino un héroe de guerra, quitando F-18 del cielo con sus propias manos.
If Zaman stays in power, he destroys Israel and then Israel destroys Pakistan.
Si Zaman se queda en el poder, destruirá Israel y tras Israel destruirá Pakistán.
Mr. President, I have just received official confirmation that Umair Zaman is no longer in charge of Pakistan.
Sr. Presidente, acabo de recibir confirmación oficial de que Umair Zaman ya no está al cargo de Pakistán.
- Zaman was there. The intel said so.
- Zaman estaba ahí.
He was your creation, just like Zaman.
Ustedes lo crearon, como a Zaman.
Mr. President, Zaman was in custody.
Señor Presidente, Zaman estaba en custodia.
That's actually And after you took out Zaman, what came next?
Tras matar a Zaman, ¿ qué siguió?
If we leave those girls behind and Zaman comes to their rescue, he'll parade them all over TV and now he's a big hero.
Si las dejamos, Zaman las presentará en TV y se convertirá en un gran héroe.

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