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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Н ] / Нe

Нe tradutor Espanhol

12 parallel translation
Нe doesn't believe in visions.
Él no me cree.
Нe liked to play, you know!
¡ Me hubiera rendido tambien!
Нe was her lover, that body was found in his house.
Mire, fue su amante, El cuerpo estaba en su casa, eso es suficiente para...
Нe gives them to me.
Trabaja en la embajada francesa.
Нe limped.
Era lampiño.
Нe limped, alright...
Bueno, ¿ qué puedo decir?
Нe only wasted a lot of money.
Lo unico remarcable era como gastaba dinero.
Нe dragged his left leg for almost a year.
Se fracturo...
Нe is the one!
No, debe ser él.
Agnese and I waited for Francesco outside the museum. Нe killed the guard and stole the painting.
Estaba esperandola con Agnese, cerca del museo, cuando Francesco Ducci entro y mato a mi asistente.
It was Francesco who killed her. Нe wanted that letter.
Y Francesco... estaba mirando la carta...
Нe's clаpping for Doc Gibbs and the Emeril Live Band!
¡ Aplaude a Doc Gibbs y a la banda de Emeril Live!

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