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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ 1 ] / 1044

1044 tradutor Francês

5 parallel translation
- Uh, you don't know me, but I live across the street at 1044.
Vous me connaissez pas mais j'habite en face.
- Hamish Jewellers, office number 1044.
- Les joailliers Hamish, bureau 1044.
- Oh, naw. This is unit 1044, right?
C'est le local 1044, non?
In 1944, the Pacific Railroad built number 6131, which rearranged the drivers and cylinders, solving the problem of the Q-1, creating a duplex-drive four-four-six-four.
En 1044, la Pacific Railroad a construit la numéro 6131 qui, en réarrangeant les drivers et les cylindres a résolu le problème de la Q-1, créant ainsi un duplex-drive 4-4-6-4.

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