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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ 2 ] / 2052

2052 tradutor Francês

5 parallel translation
Finally, in 2052, the city used its mob connections... to obtain a rocket and launch the garbage... into outer space.
Et en 2052, la ville obtint une fusée grâce à ses relations dans la pègre... afin d'envoyer les ordures dans l'espace.
All of them are Model 2050 from Rox Corporation
Dans chaque cas, le modèle est un Locus Solus n ° 2052 de type "Hadaly".
About the Model 2050 Robot from ROX corporation I would like to know more about it
J'aimerais votre avis en ce qui concerne le robot Hadaly, modèle 2052, fabriqué par Locus Solus.
For me and my brothers steroids are not the problem.
2052 2053
In 2052.
En 2052.

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