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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ 7 ] / 75's

75's tradutor Francês

641 parallel translation
I came in with 61 quail tonight. I used exactly three boxes. That's only 75 shells.
J'ai ramené 61 cailles et je n'ai utilisé que 3 boîtes, soit 75 cartouches.
He would have been mighty, this Ravaillac, to assassinate a king who had been dead for 75 years!
Je vais tout de suite régler cette affaire. Que s'est-il passé en 1685?
Please notify Harvard University... Cambridge Massachusetts, immediately that I was taken... prisoner here near the 75th longitude by descendants of the Incas... who by tradition still faithfully offer human sacrifice to the sun.
S'il vous plaît, informez l'Université de Harvard, à Cambridge Massachusetts, que je suis prisonnier ici à 75 degrés de longitude, par des descendants des Incas, qui, par tradition, pratiquent toujours le sacrifice humain pour le Soleil.
It's been like this for 75 years.
Ça a 75 ans.
Here's the first one for $ 75.
Le premier, 75 $.
- $ 75, that's better.
- 75 $, j'aime mieux ça.
It's 75 feet wide and 35 feet deep.
Elles font 25 m de large, pour 10 m de profondeur.
Got us about $ 200 all told. Shucked out 75 for this here truck.
L'un dans l'autre, on s'est fait 200 $, le camion en a coûté 75.
Seventy-five thousand filling their lungs with nature's own sunshine.
75 000 personnes au grand soleil se remplissant les poumons.
And if he doesn't, I want 75 percent of the business... in exchange for the bonds.
Et s'il meurt, je veux 75 % de l'entreprise... en echange des obligations.
Of course, maybe I got 75 cents left over but that's all the big money there was.
Bien sûr, il doit me rester 75 cents, mais c'était ça, la grosse somme.
There's even a 75-cent breakfast if it appeals to you.
Il y a même un déjeuner à 75 cents.
If it's worth 150,000, I'll give him 75.
Si elle vaut 190000, je veux bien payer 75000.
And $ 75 for my wife's opinion.
Et 75 à ma femme.
And each banker gets a drawing account Of 75 a week till the debt's paid off, Then 1 / 3 of the profits.
Chacun aura un compte courant de $ 75 par semaine, et ensuite un tiers des bénéfices.
"On the 18th of April in'75, hardly a man is now alive who remembers..."
" Le 18 avril de l'an 75, rares sont les vivants qui s'en souviennent...
Well, the way it appears to me, Mr. Blandings over here, the water is down around 6 feet. And over there it's down around 227 feet.
Ce que j'en dis, M. Blandings... c'est que par ici, l'eau est a 2 metres... tandis que la... elle est a environ 75 metres.
I'll admit, it's a little steep, but I'll try and get Retch to knock $ 100 off the bill. - If I can't get that, I'll certainly try for 75.
Je vais essayer de négocier 100 $ de rabais.
- If not 75, I'll make a stab at 50. - You do that.
S'il refuse, je tenterai les 50.
That was called the brigade this thin brow line of 30 people and 75 of animals.
Cette troupe de 30 personnes et 75 animaux s'appelait une brigade.
- What's the beef? - Planting the 75.
On installe un 75.
All right, let's pick up that 75 and haul out of here.
On embarque le 75 et on déménage.
He's about five feet, nine inches tall and weighs about 155 pounds.
Il mesure environ 1m75 et doit peser 75 kilos.
Turn it up, Guv. There's 75,000 quid in there.
Il en reste pour 75 000 livres.
Position your recoilless 75's back here. Carbon Canyon.
Installez vos canons de 75 ici, en retrait, à Carbon Canyon.
Look, Charlie Nelson is not only an old friend and a valued client, but That Was No Lady was sold to Hollywood for $ 75,000.
C'est un ami et un bon client, et sa pièce s'est vendue 75000 $.
There's a reason he pays me $ 75,000 a year.
Il ne me paie pas 75 000 dollars par an pour rien.
- He's still a bargain at 75 grand.
- À 75 000 $ c'est une affaire.
Jack's 5'10 " and weighs 140 pounds.
Jack mesure 1 m 75 et pèse 70 kg.
So I get 75 bucks because it's a six-rounder.
Je touche 75 $ pour un match de six rounds.
- Seventy-five dollars, for this boy here? He's built like a bull.
75 dollars pour ce gars fort comme un bœuf?
$ 7 for the postimpressionists and $ 10.50 for The Egyptians - Fourth to Seventh Dynasties make it a total of $ 52.75, and there's $ 1.20 for the taxi.
Avec les autres, cela fait un total de 52,75 dollars, plus le taxi.
First call for French 75's I've had in a long time.
C'est ma première demande pour du Français 75 depuis longtemps.
Order the 75's to commence firing on our own positions.
Ordonnez aux 75 de commencer à tirer sur nos positions.
Now she's seventy-five and a lovely old lady.
Elle a maintenant 75 ans.
- 8,75 Oh, that's a lot!
Oh, c'est cher.
The murderer has made off with his taxi... number 1-402-FK-75
* Le meurtrier s'est emparé de son taxi, numéro 1402 FK 75.
- There's 175 million people here.
- Ils sont 1 75 millions.
Seventy-five albums of Bach's Third Brandenburg Concerto Opus Five, LP. Right.
75 albums du 3e concerto brandebourgeois de Bach, opus numéro 5, 33 tours.
Five casinos, 15 minutes each. That's 75 minutes.
5 casinos à 15 minutes, ca fait 75 minutes.
He said the washroom windows open 2.75 inches.
Celle des toilettes s'ouvre de 7 cm.
... and he's seventy-five years old.
PING-CHO : Et il a 75 ans.
I'm taking only the $ 75 that's coming to me.
Je ne prends que les 75 dollars qui me reviennent.
- No, it's the 75th's artillery, they've found them hiding over there
- Non, c'est la batterie de 75 qui se trouve derrière. Vrombissements
That's $ 18.75.
Ça fera 18,75.
Don't forget : There's another 75 due next week.
Il y a encore 75 $ la semaine prochaine.
It's only a $ 75-million contract. I'll tell you what I'll do.
Il ne s'agit que de 75 millions de dollars.
Pulse rate's 71... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7...
Pouls à 71... 72... 73... 74... 75... 76... 77...
£ 75 worth if it's a penny.
75 £, au bas mot.
In 75 minutes Miss Carska's ashes will fill and urn.
Dans 75 minutes, Mlle Carska sera en cendres dans une urne.
That aigon is over 75,000 miles wide. The probe's come down in this area here
"Une prestation époustouflante de justesse."

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