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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ A ] / Abbie

Abbie tradutor Francês

423 parallel translation
I bring Abbie over.
Je vais chercher Abbie.
Come on, Abbie.
Viens, Abbie.
Oh, stop laughing, will you, Abbie?
Cesse de rire, veux-tu, Abbie?
Here, Abbie.
Tiens, Abbie.
Oh don't mind that, Abi.
Ce n'est pas la peine, Abbie.
Now there you go again, Abi.
Tu ne vas pas recommencer avec ça, Abbie!
Oh just fine, Abi.
Très bien, Abbie.
I tell you, Abi.
Tu sais, Abbie?
Hey, what you doing there, Abi?
Que fais-tu là, Abbie?
What's the matter, Abi? What?
Que se passe-t-il, Abbie?
Abbie, all those things sounded swell at breakfast but I can't carry this show. I know that as well as you do.
Abbie, ce matin, tout ça avait l'air épatant... mais je ne suis pas de taille à mener ce spectacle.
As for children, I almost wish Lee and Abbie weren't coming to live with us.
Quant aux enfants... j'aimerais autant que Lee et Abbie ne nous rejoignent pas.
You're in time to witness an exhibition of some real fancy shooting.
Comment va, Abbie? Juste à temps pour voir une démonstration de grand tir!
I'm sure that Miss Abbie has a more biting tongue than my mother ever had.
Mais Mlle Abbie a la langue plus féroce que ma mère.
- He isn't interested in innocent people. - Abbie.
M. Hatton ne s'intéresse pas à la vie des innocents!
Abbie, stop it!
Abbie! Arrête!
Abbie, I know this isn't in your line, but as long as you insisted on the job, will you stop calling them cows in the stockyard?
Je sais que ce n'est pas votre rayon, mais puisque vous avez tenu à ce boulot, cesserez-vous de les appeler des vaches laitières?
I'm sorry. Abbie.
- Good morning, Abbie.
Bonjour, Abbie.
I have to.
Je dois, Abbie!
Abbie, let's get a new lead line on this church bazaar story.
Abbie? Trouvons un nouveau chapeau pour cette braderie!
I'd like you to remember that.
N'oubliez pas ça, Abbie.
Abbie, a good newspaperman has two jobs.
Un bon journaliste a 2 tâches :
You'd better be running along.
Rentrez vite, Abbie!
Did you ever read the contents of Joe's files?
Abbie? Avez-vous lu le dossier de Joe sur Surrett?
- It's imperative you get Abbie out today.
Je viens vous dire qu'il est absolument impératif de faire partir Abbie, le plus vite possible.
I see what you mean. Abbie must take the next train.
Abbie doit prendre le prochain train pour Wichita.
Abbie doesn't wanna go pioneering.
Abbie ne veut plus de la vie de pionnier!
Now, now, Abbie.
Allons, Abbie...
What, are you worried about, uh, Abbie Hoffman... and what he's gonna think if you go to a luau with me?
Toi, t'as peur d'Abbie Hoffman et de ce qu'il va... penser si tu m'accompagnes au luau?
Abbie Hoffman telling everybody to steal books.
Hoffman incite au vol de livres.
Hi, Nick, it's Abbie Weld.
Salut Nick, c'est Abbie Weld.
Listen, Abbie, go home and take a shower.
Abbie, rentre chez toi et prends une douche.
Sorry, this isn't Abbie. This is her sister.
Je regrette, ce n'est pas Abbie, c'est sa soeur.
Thanks, Abbie.
- Merci, Abbie.
- Don't, don't, don't stop him. Just let him go, Abbie.
Laisse-le partir, Abbie.
- Listen, Abbie. You settled for less, you got less. That's it.
Abbie, tu t'es contentée de peu.
Abbie, I thinkyou should sort things out with your own wacky family... before you think about creating a dysfunctional carbon copy of your own.
Avant qu'il ne soit trop tard. Arrange-toi avec ta famille de dingues, avant d'en reproduire les tares.
Abbie... you are the most beautiful woman I know.
Tu es la femme la plus superbe que je connaisse.
- Oh, Abbie... Abbie. Is that what you're calling me this month to your chocolate-covered peanut gallery?
Tu m'appelles "Abbie" devant ton assortiment de chocolats?
Just give me the keys, please, to Abbie's house.
Donne-moi les clés de chez Abbie.
Please, don't just lie there, Abbie. Do something! Help me get this place together!
Reste pas plantée là, aide-moi à ranger!
No, Abbie, we need to get this place sorted out.
Non, il faut qu'on range.
- We can talk this to death a little never. - Abbie!
Un peu jamais, oui.
Abbie, wait!
Abbie, please!
Je t'en prie!
- Good night.
Bonne nuit, Abbie.
Uh, who's Abbie Hoffman?
C'est qui, Abbie Hoffman?
- I'm not anybody's bitch, all right? - Abbie put you up to this, didn't she?
Abbie t'a demandé ça?
- Abbie, don't touch anything.
Ne touche à rien.
- Abbie, you are naughty.
Abbie, c'est mal.

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